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Visar inlägg från februari, 2009

Am going a true music lover... on m y freaky day! Home Sweet HOME

JA!!! vad är fredag utan mina fräckisar... sa dem som alltid följer dina dag §:-)) Ni som kanske tycker mitt inlägg är inte kul så ber jag en ursäkt. Humor för en dag kan inte skada någon eller? Today is Friday again... always been appreciated when this day come. My followers always gave me some smile in their faces to my freaky finds! So, a minute or two of a humoristic post can't harm your day, OR? Do tell me, pls? Anyways, here's my varietiy finds on my Freaky Friday: Who are musicians in myblog list ? If you're one of them, do you'll think you live in here ? A saxophone house isn't bad, huh? wish am a true musician Cool w/ this violin house, I guess, I dare or do I? Do you think this is Richie Sambora's house, hmmm...wish me! Well, what is this? A piano house? hmmm... can be my retreat home §:-) Just an imagination and you can get what you like. Well, I mean, if your pocket isn't shallow? for a humoristic sake, why not? This houses, are so cool for my ...

Organising or Re-organising Made Easy

Organisering eller omorganisering på jobbet och hem, eller? På jobbet när man hör omorganisering, blir alla skraja. Obehagligt känsla sa många å andra sidan om du frågar mig är det bra. Med tanken på att man jobbar på samma grupp eller avdelning i många år, så fastnar man där. Samma arbetsuppgifter året in och året ut. Man ska omorganisera för en förändring. Precis som hemma. Man möblerar om eller flytta saker som en schack för att se skillnaden och harmoni. Dagen's inlägg är " omorganisering gör saker bättre och lättare ". Det behövs inte bara dyrt eller flashiga möbler. Jag vet inte om Ni tycker som jag men här är min tips för mina inspirationella inredning: A nice & simple closet! so well organise A dream garage/carpentry corner for hubby... A simple and organised pantry Clinically clean laundry area is not bad, huh? A simple white kitchen that I can die for... As well as this romantic lounge, what can I ask for more... Of course, a shabby chic bedroom (my own) Or...


Mitt inlägg ikväll är en liten tips för oss ALLA, kanske en tankeställare... Stanna, begrunda det korta livet vi har! Kanske lite för många bilder men, bläddra ändå för att se mitt budskap!!! My post tonight is just some thoughts about loving our short lives! STOP, LOOK & LISTEN... Maybe I have lots of pictures to browse, but there's nothing to loose if you browse and extra minute, of your time. This might give us a new thoughts, a new meaning of our lives!!! THANK YOU LADIES & GUYS who read SL&L--- ENJOY YOUR WEEK AHEAD!

Dinner @ my place on my Shadow Shots Sunday #8 + Award

GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL WORLD!!! Howdy everybody? Hope you had a great Saturday and wishes you a wonderful Sunday. Before everything else, I would like to invite you for a dinner at my poorman's house, Ladies! Have your sit and enjoy your meal while your looking at my shadow shots for this day... Here are my share for our game every Sunday!!! Welcome, my Ladies! Hope you enjoy your stay & don't forget to sign my "guestbook", k? A snap this morning at my lil hall... Have a sit, everybody? The sunlight catches into my dinner table And gave me some nice shadows... Hmmm... even in my stove, sunlight came thru too? A lovely day! These are the dishes I prepared for you today. You can see a lil shadow in the left side down just the corner Myself having a Saturday morning walk A perfect shot, I guess... that's me, the nearest shadow! The bus station at the back of my house w/c is the easiest way to my place. Am not a rider but a wanderer walker §:-) Am enjoying taking...