Just det! Efter lång paus har jag fått nog §;-) Jag kom förbi ikväll och ska vara hälsa och uppdaterar min status...he he--- Absolutely stunning!!! det kan jag informera alla. Lite stressad innan julafton var jag. Inte min och familjens firande utan att det var jobbet som var mycket att göra. Bokslut---årslut, name it. IAF har fått tag på några bilder för sista"Skugg meme" LAST SHADOW SHOTS MEME 2009 Just wanna share Christmas Eve at D´Nics (not finished preparation) table, REFLECTION Wow! sunlight? Wondeful day on Boxing Day--- This was the view on my backyard, sunshine on a glittery snow My fibre wallpaper catches the blinds shadow & GH teased me with a hammer Michael Angelo posed for me to share to ya all... Even on my untouched part of my tablescaping sun showed up here... HOWDY GOOD FRIENDS? Yes, it was awhile that I wasn't active in bloglandia but my long days of silence doesn't meant forgetfulness nor negligience. It's just a matter of facts that someti...
There's truly is no place like home even Living In A Lil house that captures the richness of Creating the Simplicity that I call My Precious BOX. My LiFe, My WorLd...