Hello sunny day!Pls join me during my way to dance school. Hope you enjoy the joyride ! This was the scene that mets me on the way to dance school... Hurray! he clean the street!!! WoW!!! clean & swept streets means--- Spring come to Sweden! Moose in our roundabout welcomes You... Then, here I come... shadows? Do I need to wash my car? BILTVÄTT=CARWASH! Oh yeah! it's 40 mins past 7am & my dance lesson starts 8am I run in a hurry but spotted this art in this alley... BOOKS! I n the left side, is the entrance of my dance school... Welcome to Sweden's best dance school, TONY IRVING'S DANCE ACADEMY Largest dance room! All teachers are dancing together in "Dancing with the Stars" YAHOOOOO... my classmate Åsa was happy to see the sunshine! As well as my daughter & my nieces, practicing ballet HAPPY SUNNY SPRING DAY ON MY SSS W/END... AND DON'T EVAH 4GET TO HEAD OVER AT: Tracy to see all her players'--- ENJOY THE WEEK-END BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE OF THE WORL...
There's truly is no place like home even Living In A Lil house that captures the richness of Creating the Simplicity that I call My Precious BOX. My LiFe, My WorLd...