Swedish MD is 2 weeks after the International MD... I love celebrating MD twice, §;-) in a way. Anyway, we celebrated Swedish MD in our special and simple way... My day started with a healthy breakfast, at the porch lounge coz I don't like brekky in bed. Many raised their eyebrows, when I said that (for real). But, I found eating on bed, is not fresh. I would like to eat in a free mite ambiance. Ladies, don't get me wrong, ok? This is just my way. Our welcome drink and the cake sandwich, very popular §;-) I wish all Swedish mums, Happy MD to all and of course, Happy MD 2nd time around... Lil Missy made this wood doll for the LOTH (lady of the house) *LoL We had a great weather yesterday and this spot will be the one! I decided to set a frenchy style but in My Style... I forgot I'd purchased this wicker charger awhile when visited Lil Missy To have that frenchy and shabby look, I re-used my dear dinner plates and burlap tablecl...
There's truly is no place like home even Living In A Lil house that captures the richness of Creating the Simplicity that I call My Precious BOX. My LiFe, My WorLd...