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Visar inlägg från maj, 2012

SSS joins Swedish Mother Day, My Style on TTT...

Swedish MD is 2 weeks after the International MD... I love celebrating MD twice, §;-) in a way.  Anyway, we celebrated Swedish MD in our special  and simple way... My day started with a healthy breakfast, at the porch lounge coz I don't like brekky in bed. Many raised their eyebrows, when I said that (for real). But, I found eating on bed, is not fresh. I would like to eat in a free mite ambiance. Ladies, don't get me wrong, ok? This is just my way. Our welcome drink and the cake sandwich, very popular §;-) I wish all Swedish mums, Happy MD to all and of course, Happy MD 2nd time around... Lil Missy made this wood doll for the LOTH (lady of the house) *LoL We had a great weather yesterday and this spot will be the one! I decided to set a frenchy style but in My Style... I forgot I'd purchased this wicker charger awhile when visited Lil Missy To have that frenchy and shabby look, I re-used my dear dinner plates and burlap tablecl...

Eurovision on My SSS day (night)

A bsolutely busy, exterior (gardening) chores Another w/end has come, another SSS party I join! I t was a great sunny Saturday... I was almost outside the whole day and I was a bit lazy. Funny enough that I didn't even had time with anything in terms of household chores. I let my time go by sowing, cleaning the garden furnitures and having a bit of suntan §;-) Loving It... B y the way, it is Swedish Mother's Day today, so, I had a lazy day. I am one blessed mum with nice and good kids. As a mother, I would give it all for the sake of my kiddos. Anyways, No drama here. I will just enjoy my day and I was already pampered by MOTH and he still pampering me, being lazy and let me chill out the week-end. So, HANG with me on my sunny Mother's Day... Sunny Saturday and I started in the living room... Love is In the Air... As soon I stepped out from the cellar door, this was the scene that met me... Isn't it amazing? It's so greeny  around! This i...

Spring Is In The Air on TTT...

  Yeah! Spring at last... Sunshine change the mood. As I mentioned in my earlier post, when sun shine, the mood of everybody changes, right? From sour faces to a happy faces.  No heavy down jackets or snowboots. Easy life, that is!  World is beautiful §;-) But right now, I will be so happy to see the sun shining on us. It was forecasted that the Swedish weather this week will be up to 25degC. I can't wait till the week-end coz EU celebrates Mother's Day. It's interesting, in a way. SPRING COLORS @ D´BOX *Pls bear with me in my posts. I use to have a chronological order  My way of posting, My Art...  §;-) I started my embroidered linen tablecloth from India Old chargers that been hiding for awhile came out for a sunny day Alice cakestand, actually this is a 3tiered one. I use as a bling this time... I love my mini-skillets... have 8 pcs... Dupion Silk pillows (shown several times last summer) I am craving...