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Doves for Christians and Muslims Unity in the Philippines

Det är så lite nyheter i media om Filippinerna. Dess situation och dylikt är så skakig. Ja, det stämmer men vem kan hjälpa dem om dem inte förstå och enas själva? Jag är uppvuxen där krig mellan muslimer och kristna pågår så lång jag kan minnas. Detta stämmer oxå och jag hade erfarenheter hur kriget förändras någons liv.

När jag bläddrade några filippinska e-nyheter, läste jag att folket började förstå situationen. Jag är så glad att vi filippinare enas, om inte hundra procent, då räcker det med 50% och den halva jobbar vi fortfarande för att förbättra för framtidens skull.

För att samla berörda parter hade myndigheter i Saranggani, Mindanao, planerade att sy och gör den största flaggan i världen. Alla kom och hjälpte till. Ett "FOLKFEST" á la filippinska stil.

Hoppas frid i Mindanao och alla enas för en bättre framtid...
The flag which measures two hectares symbolizes unity among Muslims, Christians and tribal groups as Filipinos, with one flag and one country. (SARANGANI INFORMATION OFFICE/Cocoy Sexcion)ALABEL, Sarangani (February 26, 2009) – Capitol employees pose inside the two-hectare largest Philippine flag unfurled in front of the Capitol Thursday morning, February 26. Maker Grace Galindez Gupana said the flag was resized and reduced by 30 meters because of some
damage, making it second only to Israel as the largest flag in the world recorded by the Guinness World Records. (SARANGANI INFORMATION OFFICE/Cocoy Sexcion)

Provincial leaders led by Governor Migs Dominguez and Vice Governor Steve Chiongbian Solon, with Muslims, tribal leaders and guests release doves as a sign of peace and unity after the unfurling of the 2 hectare Philippine flag Thursday morning, February 26, in front of the Provincial Capitol. (KIAMBA NEWS CENTER/Allan C. de Lima)


I hope from now on whatever and whoever we are, a filipino race...WE ARE ONE!!! No one help us for a better country and countrtymen, men & women, old & young--- without ourselves. I am so glad when I read in a Filipino e-News that at last, the wishes and prayers of every filipino is heard. By doing the second largest flag in the world is a starting point for us to work together, striving the peace and not war. The war must be stop!
MABUHAY ANG PILIPINAS... long live the Philippines and I can still stand am proud as ONE


  1. Great post, Richie..and we both know how tough it is over here. This peace is much needed :P

  2. Så sant så. Hur ska man kunna få fred i landet när det slits i så mycket olikheter och krig.
    Jag önskar att ert folk går samman till ett. Tänk så mycket osämja religionen åsamkar.

    Förstår att mina bilder påminner om ditt hemland, då det ligger därborta. Underbara vyer, är du hemma ofta?


  3. What a beautiful blog post..You should be proud..You know there is so much hate in this world. I always think of the song in church..Let there be peace on earth...and let it begin with me..
    That is all it person to start..Much love..xoxRosebud.

  4. Hi Ms. Richie! Your post made me smile. . . Thank you for sharing a little about your life in my blog. Taga-Davao at Cotabato pala kayo lumaki. Malapit lang tayo. Nasa Zamboanga ako ngayon. First time ito, kasi laking Manila ako. Ok naman kami rito ngayon. Hindi lang masyadong pala-gimik sa gabi, unlike nung nasa Manila ako.

    I'm glad you are having the time of your life with your family in Sweden. I visited the place in 1995 and I found it really beautiful. Was it hard to learn the language? You seem to have learned quickly because your entries are in Swedish already. That's great! Keep up the good work.

    I also like the pictures you posted here--yung big flag. Ang ganda no? It makes you proud to be a Filipino. I have met Grace Gupana personally and she's a very godly woman. ;)

    O sige, Ms Richie! Do take care and enjoy your life to the full! God bless you in every way!




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