Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll


Tjohooo... vilket väder vi har idag. Det är regnigt hela dagen. Är det sommar nu eller höst? Opps! det ÄR väl sommar. När kommer solen och värmen då? Just det... IAF, vem bryr sig... vi gick ut och tog en timmes promenad och på jakt med skuggor men hittade icke. Så är det när solen gömmer under molnen. Nåväl--- Ni får nöja vad har jag hittat för skuggor idag--- lite av varje, om vi kan kalla dem för en skugga?

No sun at all today but this was the shadow who calls me in the hall
Am craving for a FAV ice cream this darn rainy day...
It's raining, so I went to the laundry area to wash instead---
And this was waiting for me at my Spa area
I wonder where this crown halo reflexion came from ??? Tsk--

Wooo wahhh... what a pissy weather we have today! It's amazingly wet day. Take note, the whole darn day §:-( Anyways, who cares the weather... Me and hubby went for an hour walked, though the rain to chase the unshotable shadows to no avail. Well, I have to contend what I have around my poorman's house shadows, then!

So, please enjoy my poor shots this week-end and hope I can get better next time.

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from the land of OZ who is our host this meme for a year now. So much smart and very talented members joining the fun, week after week.


  1. Nej du det är inte lätt att hitta skuggor när solen skiner med sin frånvaro... =)

    Men jag tror vi får lite sol framåt veckan...'hoppas'

    Kram Patricia

  2. Great shots! Love the statue of David! Had one for years, got lost in a move, still miss it! Great halo for the angel! Fun shadow post, Richie!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. you managed to capture some great shots inside! i like the halo but the glass reflections are very nice. hope the sunshine fairy visits you soon!

  4. Pat,
    Tack för titten igen. Verkligen igen sol men vi hade kul ändå.

  5. RE: Sylvia & Jodi

    I was desperated of the weather we had yesterday and today due to the hard rain.

    But, as I said... contented what my things around the house share today so I can join our meme §:-))

    Thanks for your visit, Ladies...

  6. Those are great shots. I especially like the halo shot. It is so hard to find a great shadow without the sun, but you've got some great ones there. Sorry it's raining ... it's terrible here in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA too. I hope you get sunshine soon!

  7. Re: Evette

    Hope sunshine come to us soon. Am dying for a warm summer day.

    THanks for dropping by and of course, I feel really desperated chasing shadows to no avail but, hey! I have some at home, though.

    Cheers to ALL:::

  8. Hi Richie! You found some really lovely shadows, despite your raining, gloomy day - they look great!

  9. On a rainy day you can make your beautiful shadows shots!! Congrats Richie!!!
    Have a great Sunday!

  10. Great shots! My favorite was the shadows on the pink wall.

    Your comment on my shadow shot cracked me up - the "guy with the gun" is actually my son texting on his cell phone, The screamer is me holding the camera and you were right on the one cheering - although I have no idea what he's cheering about, LOL!

  11. Love your halo Richie! Love your choice in ice cream as well!!

  12. Thanks for the Spanish lesson! Rain or shine you're never short on shadow shots. You have the prettiest home, Richie.

  13. Hey girl, how are you, our weather is not that great either...but your third pic, so elegant and shinny..thanks..have a fab day :) MonikaRose..hope you did not get too wet on your walk!!

  14. We've had misty, rainy days too and more on the way...will it ever warm up and stay???

    I really like the halo, what a lucky find...and boy would the ice cream clear up my dreary day...I had iced mocha coffee instead...yumm!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Hunting for shadows during the rains certainly looks like hard work. But i loved the ones you managed to coax out..:)

    hope you enjoyed the walk in the rains with your husband. have a happy week.

  16. I think you did really well with your shadow hunting considering the rainy weather. Very inventive! I've never tried B&J ice cream. Don't think we have it over here :(

    Hope the sun comes out for you this week :)

  17. Neat shots on a rainy day! Here's hoping for some sunshine for you!

  18. Tycker Du lyckats hotta snygga skuggor i alla fall trots vädret, men visst är det "skit" just nu, och likadant blir det idag, verkar det som, jag är glad över dom timmar det inte regnade igår!

    Hoppas Du får en bra dag trots vädret.



  19. Hoppas du snart mår bättre och blir frisk och inte riskerar cancer...usch, det är en hemsk sjukdom.

    Ha en bra dag!
    Kram Patricia

  20. Hihi Sweetie Darling,

    It's raining cats and dogs over here! So it's gonna be a lazy sunday with dvd's, junkfood, and a big walk when/if the weather clears up. Have a lovely sunday with your family!
    xoxo M

  21. Hihi big sis,
    That second post was about something else ;)
    A dear friend showed me her birthing video... scarred for life!!! Oh my i all ready was 99,9%Gay, but now 100%! Still shocked, to much information! :o
    xoxo M

  22. Hi,
    Thank you for visiting our blog The Bloom Girls. I love this whole blogging thing and how you get to meet people from all over the world!!!
    Ok, I've just got to know was that really a live creature hanging on the side of the trash can? Is so, please tell me the location because that is one place I never want to visit!
    Your images are had me on the angel with halo pic!
    Have a great rest of the weekend!
    Nashville, TN

  23. I think you still got some very good shots despite the lack of sun!

    I'm like you, if I see a light reflection, I have to try to figure out where it is coming from.

  24. I am jealous that you have Ben and Jerry's! I can't get that here. Baskin Robbins 31 is in our city but it's a 30 minute walk to get there.

    nice shadows from inside your house.

  25. I'm glad you found some creative shadows even when it rained. ;-)

    Have a great week.


  26. Hej! Kul att du kikade in hos mig och lämnade en kommentar! Fina foton! Ska läsa mer på din blogg nu! Ha en skön söndagskväll! Kram Helena

  27. Oh men solen var här hela dagen och vi hade så varmt, synd att ni inte fick njuta som vi!!
    Så god glass...hmmm vill ha;)


  28. You managed to find some great shots despite the rain! Loved the David in the hall and the halo from the clock!
    Have a great week!

  29. That was a very amusing shot with the halo from the clock!

  30. Hey Chie, thank you for great comments, I had a fab time with hubby on my bd. Do you have an email address, I have info on your jewelry set..MonikaRose

  31. Lovely shadows. I especially fancy that cookie dough shadow:D Hope you had a wonderful weekend...despite the rain)

  32. Very pretty photos - who needs sun for shadows?

  33. You found some very nice shadows despite the rainy day ... the one with the halo is great!
    Have a nice week :-)

  34. Love your pics!
    I wish you a sunny week!

  35. Va lustigt att ni har släkt i Rönninge:)

    Ha en fin dag
    Kram Gunilla I Singapore

  36. Hej !
    Tack för kommentaren på min blogg ! Jag blev glad när jag läste vad du skrev :)
    Din blogg vill jag gärna besöka igen och jag gillar det som står under My Life's Meaning ! Så sant.


  37. Nej men hej Richie! Det var ett tag sen. Nåt bra man kan göra trots vädret är ju att äta den Ben & Jerry glassen mmmums, måste skaffa sån.Kram Katta

  38. Hope you have had a great start to the week. It has been raining a lot here too which is very unusual for this time of year. Ax

  39. hejsan hej
    visst ska jag höra av mig när jag åker ner, de blev lite konstigt med valparna nu i planeringen=) men i sommar ska jag ner, jag fick ju förfrågan för 3 veckor sedan att jobba en vecka nere i haningen, men jag gatt tacka nej då jag hade valparna och dom just börjat äta hundmat istället för att dia=( annars hade det varit skoj att jobba på annan ort ett vecka oxå. Men ha nu en underbar midsommar helg, kram från mig

  40. These are wonderful shadows, all of them are great! I hope it's stopped raining there now :)


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