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Tablescaping #5 & Inspirations? Are they still there?

Ja ja... nu låter man som en åsna...

Varför ska man gnälla och krångla till med vädret? Just det! Det blir jobbigare och jobbigare. Vad och var man än gör så pratar alla om vädret. Själv är jag också less på det men vad kan jag göra då? Stället för att gnälla, ägnade mig åt ngt att byta mina gardiner idag inför våren.

Idag, mår jag bättre med min förkylning och magkrångel men huvét och halsen känns fortfarande tungt och ont. Men jag överlever. Jag kan inte tycka synd om mig själv hur länge som helst. Man måste få röra på sig lite för att motivera kroppen, så tänker jag.

Inspirationer, dvalar? känns det så. Jag har verkligen mycket i tankarna men jag är så lat att jag inte ens kan öppna min lilla laptop eller den stationära datorn. Jag låg bara och stirrade på taket och drömde bort långt borta. Känns underbart och där inspirationer bara öser. Nu låter jag konstig, igen §;-)

IAF... lite uppdatering med dagen hos mig

On the way to the chemist to pick up my anti-biotics.
This is my backyard with snow up to my knees, cool huh?
I then check of course if something came in this box...
Surely, the sky high bills
When I came home fix the dining table
Ready for dinner? Tablecloth is from Malta

With its table napkin set. Here with pearl napkin ring
Silver ware is Carlströms

My centerpiece are my Capo di Monte fairies
I have 6 of them purchased in Neaples, Italy

I use a clay flower pot full of deco sand & a candle
Dried roses & ribbon tied the pot to looks more appealing

Ha ha... this is our dinner lobster & sweet water crayfish
With red caviar sause in a simple Sia glas and Vilroy & Bosh plate
Crystal bowl w/ orchids & lime to wash the fingers after the seafood...
As well as the wine/water glasses
I baked a cheese cake of my own recipe cover w/ passion fruit for dessert
Cake cutter is also from Calströms
whilst the chinawares from local store


Hope everybody are well inspite of our jojo weather. It's still snowing and more snowstorm coming tomorrow till week-end. That's the weather forecast. I am a bit fed up of the weather but I can't do anything with the nature. I am just playing and hanging along with Mother Nature.

Anyways, I was not feeling so well, these past few days and after awhile, I can't just stay in bed and feel so restless. I feel much better today and I did some household chores to motivate me and my sore body. I guess I fullfill somethings to share with you who's playing with Susan at "Between Nap on the Porch".
Head over to her and all the players today...
Thank You for joining me!


  1. Goafton.
    Näe inte tjänar det nått till att gnälla på vädret inte.
    MEn snart kommer våren.

    Hoppas du blir av med din förkylning snart. Jag har en med som bråkar med mig.
    Kramen Synnöve.

  2. Hummer och havskräftor, smaskens. Så gott! Och du har dukat så fint, den duken får man vårkänslor när man ser. Här snöar det också, men snart är februari slut, då vänder det. Skönt att du mår bättre nu också.
    Ha en bra dag vännen.
    Stor kram

  3. I hope you feel better. Your table is beautiful. I love the fairies and the tablecloth and the food. Yum!...Christine

  4. I hope you are feeling better soon.
    I love your beautiful tablescape! I'll be over to join you for lobster... yummmm. Dee Dee

  5. The pearls on the napkin were a lovely touch and your fairies are so sweet!The lobster dinner made me a little bit jealous, especially when I saw the cheesecake for dessert...looks delicious. Your table setting made me think of warm Spring evenings.
    ♥, Susan

  6. How lovely. I love your table cloth and lobster! YUM

  7. Thanks for visiting! Beautiful table! Hope you feel better!

  8. Hi
    Oh my so much snow. Your table is lovely and your food looks devine. Your linens are gorgeous. Enjoy your day.

  9. Hello from one Asian woman to another! :)

    Thank you for visiting me and leaving the kind comment.

    Your tablescape is so pretty. I love the orchid finger bowl! :)

    Get well soon...

  10. Your beautiful table will certainly be a warm pleasant spot to come into from all that snow and ice. Enjoy the warmth of your home and get better soon!

  11. Beautiful table...oh, that lobster looks delicious!

  12. Your table is adorable. I love it.

  13. Your table setting is lovely. I hope you will get better very soon...God bless,

  14. Tråkigt att du inte mår bra, hoppas du blir bättre snart.Din cheescake ser ju grymt god ut,den borde pigga upp om inte annat. Kram Katta

  15. Wow, I love that table and the seafood, so drooling now! Thanks for visiting over on my blog and so glad to have visited yours!

    I hope you feel better soon, being sick is not fun!

  16. Lovely table settings and dessert. I adore the blue in the flowers on the table cloth...I think they are morning glories?? so pretty!!
    have a great day and thanks for visiting my blog!

  17. Everything you have done is so lovely! The lobsters look delicious. We have had so much snow here in Texas also! Thank you for your nice message. I'm glad to have found you!
    Cheers, Andrea

  18. Such a pretty table. Those little fairies are just the sweetest, and your tablecloth and napkins are so pretty. I hope you are feeling better soon. laurie

  19. jag är också så trött på tjatet om vädret. jag är glad att vi har en ordentlig vinter och inte bara grått och trist det tycker jag vi har nog av i Sverige.

  20. nice one...
    happy blogging...



  21. Wow! lovely table and the food looks soooo delicious. I want some of that cheesecake:)


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