Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll



Dagarna sussar bara förbi mig. Det gick så fort att nu är helg. Idag, Lördag och en är så himla fin dag. Mycket snö och solen skiner. Lite kyligt men vi klarar det, eller hur? Nu längtar jag bara på mer och mer om våren. Jag hörde fånglarna kvittra och en flock var i trädet tidig imorse. Hoppas att snön tinar bort, sakta men säker.

Hoppass alla där ute eller var än Ni befinner Er, mår prima och ha en riktig kul och trevlig helg, ALLIHOPA. VAR FÖRSIKTIGA. KRAMISSAR...


HAPPY WEEK-END GOOD PEPZ! At my backyard. I took this, early this morning,
Sunny Saturday but I decided not to show more snowy shots today... a kind of
FED UP WITH THE SNOW... so my shots are here below:
I just want to show the bride to be. Working with us when I need her
Dinner with a show w/talented young ones "Wallman's Entertener Grp"
R U a true blooded shadow chaser? U find what UR looking for here too! §;-)
Theme was 80's and that time was my LIFE... loving the songs they performed
Adorable voice that gave me what I need from him, *wink
My eyes rolling looking for shadows while performers performed their number
Message to Stockholms students! ENJOY your Sport Break
Yes! UR right, no shadow here but I want to dedicate some thoughts
To students, who are in their break this week...

Now, we're talking...Disco starts!!! w/ 80's music? ME like..
B4 I left the girls, I ordered Margarita to all, so they enjoy to the fullest
Then... I hurried OUT... GH waiting
PEACE TO ALL MANKIND...blessed be me...

OMG... it's week-end again! Days goes by so quickly, when we have so much to do and of course when we have some fun, right?

How's everybody? I wasn't playing last week-end. I just didn't cope- up the game. One reason was that we had fun with some friends and the most important thing was that: 21ST ANNIVERSARY, not the grande wedding, though. The first wedding we had ever just after the registration. Wedding in church will be on the 3rd of April.

Gee, it seems am still in that stage that I am newly in love and I want to have that gown I cherish and dance and the cake and??? I AM THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE (at least that time) he he... soon 25th yrs together while 21 yrs as married couple. LIFE IS QUICKER THAN STORM, too, huh?

Anyways... my contribution this week-end is the night out with the girls. My househelp met her groom to be and fall in love and decided to marry. Their wedding will be next Friday 12th and the big bash will be the day after (next Saturday).

So, here's my Friday evening. I didn't post snow photos for now...BUT
B4 U surf further, visit our meme mother"TRACY" at:
Press the logo or her name to link directly to her website...



  1. Oj, här var det kalas. Ser ut som ni hade en festlig möhippa. Här är också soligt och kallt, både jag och maken har fått ont i halsen.
    Önskar dig en mysig lördag

  2. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  3. It looks like you had a lot of fun on your night out!
    You captured a lot of shadows.

    Happy 21st anniversary ~

  4. I would say that you girls know how to party - and honor the bride to be. Amazing sights of an entertaining evening. To be married 21 years is great (we will be 24 on May 10), the love and commitment never grows old!

  5. Girl, you crack me up!!! I remember the disco 80's well, boy we were nuts weren't we!!! All those flashing lights and fun music makes for a fabulous party atmosphere...hope you didn't dance your socks off!

    Stay warm till that icky white stuff is gone, it sure looks cold over there...see ya next weekend!!!


  6. How fun!! Love those 80s!! And what a terrific and fun bunch of shadow shots!! What a great night out! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  7. Min tävling är nu avslutad.
    Ha en fortsatt bra helg.

  8. I think you all had a very good time! And, those margaritas look mighty fine! I like the pink shadows!

  9. What a fun night! The 80s were great!
    Nice shadow from the glass especially!

  10. Really fun set...and creative shadow-chasing. ;-)

  11. Now that looked like a great night.
    What fun and catching shadows too.
    Have a great weekend..
    Happy SSS.

  12. Love that shadow cast by the glass of margarita (which looks pretty yummy).

  13. What a great night out! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  14. Happy Anniversary! I'm tired of winter too! spring is almost here...

  15. love that first shadow shot..

  16. That Margaritta shadow shot makes me thirsty. Happy SSS!!

  17. I love your series of party shadows! An 80s theme sure sounds fun! And happy 21st anniversary!

    ...I'm suddenly craving a margarita now ;)

    Have a great week!

  18. What fun shots, I especially like the bride picture. She was a wonderful expression on her face!

  19. I noticed you were not in last weekend. Happy 21th! You had a lot of fun on your evening out! :)
    Nice party pictures...

    I'm going to have a 'meme break' after this weekend - back in April.
    See you then!


  20. Wow, I enjoyed all your pics. Looks like everyone had fun on the night out. You have great shadow shots too esp that maragarita. hmmm...sarap ng margarita. I haven't had any for long time na..lolz.

  21. That first shot is beautiful - and it certainly looks like you had fun!

  22. Looks like a fun-filled time Richie! The 80's....was there anything better? ha!! Have a lovely anniversary :)

    This is tooo funny - my word verification is "sting" straight from the 80's - hillarious!

  23. i love the 80's music as well...i am right there dancing with you girl. sounds like you had a great time. have a great week.

  24. Thanks for stopping by! Looks like you gals had a good time!

  25. Happy Anniversary!

    Looks like party was a huge success.

  26. what a fun night out! I love those bright colorful shadows too.
    good for you to ignore the snow, I'm doing the same thing.
    : )

  27. Looks like everyone had a great time, fun colors lights and shadows!

  28. Ohh vad trevligt !! Öbnskar dej en underbar vecka Chie!! Kraaam =)

  29. Hiya good to hear from you again :)
    You always have some fab shots everywhere and hey, 80's are my time so I know we are very close in age..I am forever stuck in the 80's songs..though the kids dont think it's cool..but what the heck! what do they know about the 80s right. Happy week ahead..hugs/M

  30. So many fun shadows! Looks like you had fun.


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