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Marty's TTT & BNOP joins on Simple Me TS

Good Morning TTT my Sweet Ladies?

Another freezing Tuesday, you meet @ D´Nics but the ambiance is absolutely whimsical. Winter is so early for us Swedish & of course to all other European countries. But, in a way I managed to put together my things so I can join with Lady M...

Here comes my shot to join Lady Marty's Party
Rushed to check the parcel...
Beautiful essels an early Christmas present from our dear Marty
Stapled old books & bible from 1917, to elevate my centerpiece...
As you can see, things are falling to their places...
White dinner & sallad plates were purchased cheap 70% at Cervera
Coaster is purchased in Sorrento, Italy whilst summer glass wanna stay
Beige napkin is Barong cloth from the Phils, wedding gift from 1989
As you can see, birdcage is a theme for the day, this is for our son KJ
Of course, lil Lizah wanna pink one!
While LOTH (lady of the house) choose orange w/ a gem
For MOTH (man of the house) w/ a golden pearl
This my idea, that we have our own colour to differentiate our cage, our place sitting and of course for a sake of different.
Lizah's share...
Mine of course.. Golden (digger) waaahhh...
To MOTH...
Sidings is a Martini glass for those who want some spirit or ice cream w/ a Christmas choco for topping. Same here, we have different colours too.
Throw pillow can be use as back rester or to sit on. My men have this
While we ladies, have this...
An upper view...

Soon, KJ is coming so we can start our dinner...At 5.30pm...starts to darken now...

Some bits and pieces that I have on our table for a simple dinner last Sunday when the kiddos are around. Nothing special but the moment with my loveone are the most precious moment, a mother can have.

Have a bountifull TTT, Ladies and hope you have a great mid-week to come.Enjoy the best..
Pls don't forget to visit @Lady M by pressing her logo:
I am linking this to Susan at BNOTP
On her meme Tablescaping Thursday...


  1. Hi Chie,

    That is way too cute! I love how you worked the birdhouses into your tablescape.

    You new winter background on your blog is great too.

    Have a wonderful week!


  2. So pretty and whimsical is a good description. Loved the bird cages and how you stacked the books as a base for your center piece. Beautiful TableTop Tuesday!

  3. Your tablescape is exquisite! Very charming, simple, yet elegant and chic. I'm in love with the little birdcages!

  4. Oh how pretty! The tiny birdcages at each setting are so special. I've never seen any like that. It is always fun to get packages in the mail.

  5. You are so lucky to be in Sweden! It's one of my dreams to travel there and especially at Christmas when it's so magical. Your tables and vignettes are lovely. Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad I found your blog.

  6. Such a pretty table setting. I love the bird cage used as a centerpiece. Thank you so much for your very sweet comments at my blog.

  7. I love your tablescape and especially love the birdcage. Thanks for your kind comments today on my blog. I'm your latest follower. I would love if you would follow me back. Thanks.

  8. Ok I tried to be your latest follower...but couldn't find it. Let me know where it is on your screen.

  9. What a beautiful table! I love the birdcage in the center and the little ones are such a great touch! Thank you for visiting me!

  10. I am so glad your package arrived ok. I love your tablescape, it is just stunning. Such a pretty room and such pretty colors. The birdcages are fabulous. Hope you have a super day. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  11. Hey there, Chie! I LOVE all the birds!!! Such a pretty winter table! I'll bet winter is beautiful in Sweden. I'll never know because I don't like to fly! :-( Have a great weekend!!!

  12. That's so pretty, and now I'm going to be singing "White Christmas" in my head because that's what it made me think of.

    I love the martini glasses and the bird cages. You made me grin with LOTH and MOTH.


    So pretty!

  13. Oh, I love all the white! The birdhouses and little birds are perfect. This is just charming.

  14. Richie, you have set a lovely white table this elegant.

  15. beautiful setting, love your colors (drapes are amazing)

    I am also Swedish (all great granparents from Sweden) so good to find your blog

    God Bless,
    Julie in the USA


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