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Been quite for awhile...

It's been 2 weeks, I was away from my LT & the bloggieland. It was a kinda weird but being away & out of town & BUSY, not funny.

Of course, I missed TTT, TS & my SSS... hmmm... what the "...." is that? asked many? Well, folks, these are the love of my life in bloggieland. The meme's, but to my family & friends who don't blog, they don't know & don't have an idea what am talking about.

Anyways, my Christmas Eve, was one of the most quite Christmas I ever had. A 3some at home on Christmas Eve, fun? Well, feel relief but I missed my son & his lil family.

Many sent sms & emails asking the abbreviations: TTT (TableTopTuesday), TS (Tablescaping) SSS (Shadow Shots Sunday)

Here's the glimpse of our evening...
One of the reason I was quite is this...
Simple dinner table...
And the Christmas Buffét for 3... Swedish way!

Well, I had all the Christmas food. Ham & beetroot, Salmon, Christmas sausage, Jansson's temptation (not my fav), pickled herrings, etc etc & all the Christmas dessert. Ahhh... I felt, I explode §;-)

Anyhow, Table Top Tuesday is coming (tomorrow) exactly! I don't really know what am thinking? While packing all my Christmas blings, it came across in mind that I'd decorate the so called buffé in our lounge. Is it a good idea? How, what to deco? MODIFICATION! is the word I love this days. Recycle... do you think, I'm funny?

COME WHAT MAY...HERE IT IS...White silk table runner, the silver crown & ivy was gathered
Our guardian angels lays & hold our world ready for the New year
Silver/glass finial (guess this is the name) stand in its place
Bells hanged on my door but they wants to join to welcome the NY
Doves are all around... striving for PEACE & UNITY
I gathered some Xmas balls, pearls, garlands...
I added some Xmas lights for coziness, sake
The "Giver" stand still offering her blessings to Us all...

YES, these are the simple treasures I gathered around & about at D´Nics & they are my faves. Can you see the colour scheme? Green, white /pearls & silver? Yes, they're my love colours. Green for bountiful, white for purity, pearls for truth & silver for eternity.

Hope you enjoy the simple & compact living of a simple career & full pledge mum, Chubby & Chieque...

By pressing Lady M's logo, you jump directly to her gorgeous blog, ANYTHING GOES!
And BNOP for her 123rd Tablescaping Thursday...TY Susan for hotsing


  1. I love the silver and white. and your Christmas buffet looks so delicious. I've just finished reading The Girl w/ The Dragon Tatoo, by Stieg Larsson which takes place in Sweden, and now I'm really enjoying these peeks into your world. thanks for sharing your lovely photos!

  2. Lovely photos! beautiful settings....have a Happy New Year!

  3. Det är roligt att du är tillbaka, och med två vackra dukningar. Ska jag vara ärlig vet inte jag heller vad dina förkortningar betyder....
    Men jag vet att du gör bedårande dukningar, så vackert det blir till nyår hos dig.
    Varm kram till dig vännen

  4. Oh, how lovely your table was for Christmas -- but that buffet looked amazing! What a wonderful spread for just the three of you! You also did a great job decorating your buffet with the New Year's decor -- so pretty and delightful!

  5. Wow! That's a lot of food for 3 people. I am glad your celebration is bountiful and so pretty. I hope the coming New Year continues to bestow blessings on you all....Christine

  6. How nice to hear from someone so far away! All of your decorations look so pretty and the dinner menu was fascinating to me. Here we think it is cold when it gets below 60 degrees...we are very spoiled I think.(-: Thank you so much for visiting my blog and finding the time to leave such a nice comment. Happy New Year!

  7. Silver and white have been my favorite decorating colors this season. Love what you did with them. Happy New Year! Linda

  8. So very pretty! Your buffet looked great. May I ask what is Janssons Temptation? Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a Happy New Year! Kit

  9. Your buffet turned out perfect! I love it. :) Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! :)


  10. Perfect redo for the New Year. I love all of the white and the silver and the bells are great. I have been singing that song in my head, don't know if you know it, "Ring out wild bells....the year is dying let it go, ring out the old and in the new." Your bells really spoke to me.

  11. Hi Chie,

    Welcome home! I hope you had a great time on your trip. It must have been weird to be away from your blog and computer for that long.

    Everything you posted is so pretty! I hadn't heard about the shawdow picture party before, and I'll go and take a look.

    Thank you for stopping by to say hello. It is snowing and cold here too, but probably much colder where you are.

    Take care,


  12. What a feast you had for Christmas. Beautiful.
    Mary Ann

  13. Hi lovely lady, Your Tablescapes are just Beautiful for the Holiday's !!! I hope you have a Great New Year's with Family and Friends. Thanks so much for your lovely comments this past year !!!

  14. The red crystal is gorgeous and such lovely bells!

    I would love to have you come celebrate the new year with Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  15. Dear Chie! Wish you the best 2011 and a happy new year! lol Katta P.S. älskar julkrubbefigurerna i glasklockan i din header d.s.)

  16. Such pretty Christmas photos Chie! You'll see the new year before we will here in the US but it's nearly as cold here as Sweden! And we had so much snow. Happy 2011! Jane

  17. This is all so pretty -- love your little Christmas girl in the snow. Happy New Year.


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

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