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Spooktacular BitchA WitchA W/end @ D´Box & SSS joins

Just want to celebrate!

Hello my gorgeous Ladies, in my beautiful World!!! Halloween is soon here. Whilst, Sweden celebrate the All Soul's Day & not Halloween and that will be celebrates next week-end.

However, I don't want to missed the cool thing, partying & the decor fun, therefore I am enjoying with some bits & pieces we have had in my sorroundings. So, LET'S PARTY!!!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN...Welcome to D´Nics @ D´Box
Time to drive the Evils away from my world...
Pls and sit & join to have D´Box own Bloody Hell drink *wink
Mini-bird's bath is my centerpiece
Goodies/sweet bowl join the fun scaring evils
Goodwill glasses & Kosta Boda Blackline crystal joins tooGimme a pumpkin Smile, pls?Love the mini crowns as my napkin rings

Mini version of Legoland, Berlin

This post is a bit Chie-Mix §:-) coz I will start working full time and my time is not enough for all the activities and hobby as far as I am concern, so, sorry if this is a long one.

Just hope you're all enjoying my dabba-dabble & knicks-knacks mood.

so don't forget to visit her & her gorgeous & talented players.
As well as Susan@ BNOP


  1. Happy halloween Chie, och så tjusig du är i din fina klänning. Och vilken dukning, så häftigt!
    Den här helgen hade jag bara en pumpa och lite extra ljus, kom tre små spöken och ville ha godis igår också. På allhelgona äter vi kalkon, en egen tradition här hos oss.

  2. Hi!
    Great shots! Love the last picture, awesome. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  3. All look amazing!!! Happy Halloween!! gloria

  4. Looks like you're all ready for the scariest night of all!


    Shadows creeping through the land,
    Shadows dark on every hand—
    If they should begin to glow,
    You had better run, you know!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadows here and here

  5. Oh Chie, you have the cutest Halloween decor, love it all. Of course I am totally in love with all of your cloches. You have them displayed so beautifully. I love that you show so many different ones and vignettes. Thanks so much for joining. Hugs, Marty

  6. you always do your parties up right!! thanks for sharing. love the shadow shots!! happy halloween!!

  7. Happy Halloween! Lovely cloches! Hope you are having a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  8. I love your Halloween decorations! I think that Lego giraffe is one of the neatest things I've seen in a long time. Amazing!!

  9. I had bit pictured you in black nor as a witch. However I can see your Halloween decorating skill. It is fabulous! The mix of orange and black is so wonderfully done, a harvest feast of colors for our eves. Cool!

  10. What a cute post. love all your photos..
    and, yes, God Bless Us All.
    xo bj

  11. Love your Halloween get up sis! Thanks for visiting!

  12. Good luck on your new job, Chie. You are such a cute witch. Love all your cloches!...Christine

  13. Love your costume and your table. The colors are so festive as are the decorations. Happy Halloween!

  14. Oj va du har pyntat och fixat ... jättefint! .. =)

    Vi firar inte Halloween här hemma, trots att jag bott i USA så har jag inte fått in den vanan .. =)

    Må så got!
    Kram Patricia

  15. What a posting - great pics and I can imagine a good feeling to party, party..
    Busy greetings from grey but warm (+6) Helsinki!

  16. Great tablescape and costume. It looks like you're
    ready for a spooky time. Your cloches are beautiful. Hope your weekend was. and will be, great.

  17. Happy Halloween Chie! I love your Halloween decor and your beautiful cloches. So glad you came by to say hello. I hope to see you again sometime soon.


  18. You are so darned cute. Love this post and I love your costume. Thanks for your sweet comment.

  19. Nice to meet you. Thank you for visiting. Looks like you have been quite busy with so many details for your party.

    I love all your cloches. Marty is a special lady and I am addicted to her cloche parties.

    Blogging is a great way to express yourself and meet new people. I am glad to meet you.

  20. Thanks for the vist! I love your funny post! Great photos and love your Halloween Cloches.Joann

  21. You did a great job with your cloches! I love all the different sizes. I forgot I had little ones, too.

  22. Cute table and you are cute as can be in your witch outfit. Love all of your cloche pictures too!

  23. Love all your "witchy" decor. You really know how to make a party swing! You look fabulous by the way!
    Hope your celebration is a fun time for all.

  24. Hi Chie! Oh, you're as cute as a button all dressed up in your elegant witch outfit. Your Halloween table is so cute!
    Love seeing your cloches!
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me and come back again sometimes.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. You have some great cloches! Thanks for visiting my blog. Come back any time.
    :) CAS

  26. Thanks for your visit -- looks like you had a delightfully scary Halloween!

  27. Your Halloween table is delightful. Your cloches are so pretty. I love the simple candle with the cross hanging down. You look so cute in your witch outfit. laurie

  28. First of all you're a beautiful I would invite to my house, others scare the hell out of me!!lol...I love all your display of Halloween my lovely friend! Love the purple and your table is great, so much fun! Thank you for comming by to see my cloches at Marty's. Have a great morning and lots of hugs, FABBY

  29. You really went all out with your tablescape! Looks like you had a lot of fun, and that's a great shot of you!



  30. Your cloches are lovely! I also love your Halloween decorations! You look like your ready for a scary night of fun! I love your vignettes! Great job!

  31. Halloween sure looked wonderful at your house! (Much better than mine truth be told *winks*)And I love all of your pretty cloches! Aren't theu irresistable?! Vanna/your newest follower

  32. You sure make a beautiful witch, Chie! Love your festive table.

  33. What beautiful cloche designs you have!

    I apologize for being late replying to your sweet comment!

    Cute Halloween table and nice costume!



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