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Coffee Break--- I missed it!

 Starting of a new week...

As many of us are working mums, I hope all gorgeous blogger mums had a great chillaxing week-end. I had a quite one. Hubby went to work the whole Saturday and I was just doing "NOTHING" and honestly I am enjoying and loving it. Sunday GH played hockey and I was at home a lil busy puffing up sofas, cushions and changing beddings to the extra bedroom.  No one stressed me  out and I didn't think of what to do as I am just a lazy bump...

Me & GH are into detoxing, it means some food are not good in this combination. Like coffee, milk and all those healthy food that I love... I am drooling for coffee this week-end,  that's the reason I am setting our table for coffee break. Just screaming off my urges §;-) for the sweet aroma of coffee.  Hope you like the outcome of my craving mood...

ANYWAYS, I prepared a pot puri settings:
So, this is for DOTH (daughter of the house)

Then, for SOTH (son of the house)

This is for MOTH (man of the house)

 A great find at Indiska... I love their stuffs

 Another great find at Indiska can be my sorbet glass in the future

 Well, this is my centerpiece, simple done...

Flower stand bday gift from a dear mate and I make as my cakestand
 I love the form and the motives fits to the cake tier
 This is me... I love dancing and still going to dance classes

While daughter love baletté. She starts dancing when she was 3 yrs old
Candle stands are graciously...I am loving the lace-y style 
Set done! At the left, you see LOTH (lady of the house) cup, a baby pink in colour
Just want to share the Gustavian chair (my DIY remodell)

Vanilla essence candle makes the room smell fantastic


New members of D´BOX, a New Year's gift from a dear cousin. TY for the compliments. 

Oh well, this was the great time when it is raining... No exterior chores! So, I had time playing inside, instead. I Love It.

Linking this to Lady Marty's meme TTT every Tuesday
And to BNOP on Thursdays...

You know that I am a full-time career woman and if I don't do my posts when I have time, I won't be able to join the parties... So, hope you keep coming back and I am thanking you all for that eventhough my contributions are simple.

God Bless to all...


  1. OMG!! I love all your dishes! I want to go to Indiska too, what a fabulous store you have there!
    Your table is stunning and that teapot you just found is TO DIE FOR!! YOUR COUSIN'S GIFT IS LOVELY AS WELL. GOODNESS MY FRIEND, SUCH INCREDIBLE POST! Have a great week and don't miss your coffee break again! Love,

  2. Hello Chie...

    What a beautiful table, my friend! I love that you personalized each place setting for the dear one's in your home! That's a great idea! Of course, the pretty pink teacup that you set for your daughter...stole my heart away! Thank you for sharing your lovely table with us today! I sooo enjoyed it!

    Warmest wishes,

  3. Your table creationes are stunning!

  4. Oh what a pretty coffee post! I always love your pretty china collection:) The teacups and teapots are simply exquisite... so delicate and pretty! The crown candle holder is a lovely addition to your beautiful table. Thanks for sharing this lovely post and for your sweet note. Have a great week!~Poppy

  5. Så många vackra saker du har i behagliga färger. Hoppas allt är bra och våren låter vänta på sig tyvärr. Du får ha en fin vecka.


  6. Hi dear all look absolutely beautiful!

  7. Very pretty - Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.

  8. That is a very pretty table. That gold bow in the cups is sharp.

  9. Hi, Chie! I like the new look of your blog!!! Pretty cool!!! I'm so sorry you're having to do without some of the foods you love. I know that can be tough. I guess detoxing is for the best, though. I just don't have the strength!!! I'm a weakling!!! You have set a beautiful table for a coffee break, though! I love it that you used different cups & saucers for each place setting. Very sweet!!! Good luck on your detoxing!!!!!!!

  10. Your table is lovely....Love the coffee set. It makes for a striking table.
    Your header is awesome.

  11. Thanks for stopping by earlier and leaving me a super sweet note! I'm excited to be your newest follower!

    XO, Aimee

  12. Hey my sweet friend! How are ya?.., don't work so hard, please! I wanted to say that I love your new header, you look so pretty!! Thanks for your lovely comments, as always. Muchos besos.

  13. I'd like some tea in one of those pretty cups!

  14. What a beautiful china collection you have. I enjoyed this post so much. Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog. I'm glad you liked the little tea tray. I bought it from Hope you have good luck purchasing it.
    Wishing you a wonderful week,

  15. Love your table setting it is so light and pretty. Pink and white one of my favorites color combinations.

  16. Your table is really pretty! I love your gold chargers!

  17. So many pretty dishes and I love your gold chargers and your candlesticks and oh, I just love everything! :)

    Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful night!
    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  18. Beautiful table. Love all the gold and white. Gorgeous coffee pot.

  19. Gorgeous! I thought I had a favorite thing picked as you "PINK TEACUP and SAUCER"...but then I got to the end of your post and "Oh My GOODNESS", LOVE,LOVE,LOVE that new years gift from your cousin! That is FANTASTIC!!!
    I have a plant stand similar to yours and it came with a birdcage on top. I LIKE your idea of using it with tiers for cake!
    Have a wonderful fun weekend,

  20. Love your gorgeous dishes. the table is so pretty.. I am ready for an afternoon kaffee too.. just need to get my lazy rump in gear and bake a decent bunch of goodies to go with it.. Great job.. lovely visit indeed.. xo marlis

  21. Lovely table! Love the dishes and the whimsical elements!..Christine

  22. What a beautiful table. The dishes are gorgeous. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I have become your newest follower :)

  23. Oh, this is so pretty! I love the way you have a special place for everyone. Good luck on your cleanse!

  24. Your pastel cup sets are just beautiful. I had never heard of Indiska...looks like a wonderful spot to find new lovelies. Pray that your weather ushers in Spring before too long. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay


    What a lovely sweet feminine table you have created. Love it!


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