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Flowers And Birds @ D´Box

This day is the first day, I fell the Spring Time...

Yes, week 18, feels so spring-y over the city of Stockholm. It was a beautiful day and of course it was more beautiful as we only work half day, as Sweden and around Scandinavian countries celebrates, Walpurgis Night and the birthday of the King of Sweden and he is now 65 years old. May 1, is also a holiday in Sweden, so, I feel so relax, in a way.

It was forecasted that our weather will be sunny and a lil warm, about 15-17 degrees. It isn't bad for us living in Northern Europe. It's fantastic, however, this temp is a winter temp in other side of the world. Isn't it funny?

My centerpiece... avec glasses with a faux roses bouquet ...
A vintage clock I got from MOTH on our 23rd yr wedding anniversary §;-)
Sorting out the blings---
Sallad plate, a gift from a dear friend from OZ land

3 Springtime cups was a Christmas gifts from dear DOTH
Adding the dessert plate and a lil bling for cozy sake---
You know, I love mismatching...
2nd sallad plate, the same as above from OZ land
This is my placemats, they are adorable

Water decanter with its matching glasses, very spring-y feelings...

I use to used for Baileys--- they are so pretty in form and it's quality
Black & White pepper mill, a 23rd yr old too...

More vintage collection, Swedish "Lily"
New found sugar and milk shakers & behind is a matching butter bowl
Dry martini as our welcome drink... Wine glass is inexpensive find but prettilicious
When everything are on it's place...
Adding more vintage basket...loving it...
Almost vintage, huh? 21 yrs old Rioja...
Another 97:ers, yummy...Cheers!
More views...

Hope you enjoy our first luncheonette ,@ D´Box.

Don't forget to head over to Lady M, meme...

And will link to BNOP on Thursday.



  1. What a pretty spring table! The floral placemats make a great base, and I love the unusual green stemmed glasses and the leaf-shaped plates. I'm glad the warmer weather has finally made its way north! We are bracing for a hot summer here in Texas.

  2. Lovely tablescape! Pretty colorful and springy!

  3. What a beautiful spring tablescape. The vintage clock is awesome :)

  4. I'm in love with EVERYTHING CHIE!!!!!! The `plates and the leaf ones are gorgeous, so happy and full of SPRIIIINNNNG! The clock is fab too. I love the green stems and flatware...what did I say..EVERYTHING!! Have a terrific week.

  5. Lovely! Väldigt vårfint :)
    Greetings from Australia♥

  6. Ja nu är det vår *ler*. Vilka härliga vårbilder du visar och jag blev väldigt förtjust i dina underlägg. Du får ha en riktigt skön dag.

    Kram från ett soligt men blåsigt Skåne.


  7. Hi, Chie! So 15-17 degrees there is considered warm, huh? That is wild!!! I just can't even imagine that!!!!!!! Do you have a summer there? If so, what is the highest temperature you might expect to reach during summer? This is just fascinating!!!!! I really need to get over my fear of flying so that I can visit other parts of the world. There is SO much out there I don't know that I would like to experience firsthand!!! In my city, which is in the state of Missouri which is in the middle of the United States, we are expected to reach a high temperature of about 90 degrees on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. That is VERY warm for this time of year. I prefer when the temps are closer to the 70s...very comfortable. Really pretty table, Chie. I LOVE those green stems you set out for the Bailey's!!! Those are gorgeous! The legs on them are really something special! I love the placemat design, too. The colors are really hot! I would REALLY love to come have lunch with you if you're serving dry martinis upon arrival!!! I am a BIG TIME martini lover!!!!!!

  8. I am glad you are finally getting the nice weather, Chie. Your tablescape is very pretty, so springy. I really like your teacup set, beautiful!

  9. What a colorful, fun table you shared with us! Happy Spring time!!

  10. Så fint blommiga bordstabletter, och jättevackra
    tallrikar med fåglar. Du har gjort en härlig
    dukning så här i försommartid. Hoppas nu bara
    vädret forsätter och vara bra.

  11. I would love to have lunch with you on that wonderful deck! Your table is absolutely amazing. Each element is so pretty. I love your clock too. have a beautiful weekend. xo marlis

  12. Such a pretty spring table. I love the cups with the little spoon. Precious! Thank you for visiting Take Six. Have a great weekend. :)

  13. You are right - our placemats are very similar. Yours are fantastic with the addition of the gorgeous bird. I love those stunning green goblets. Beautiful job!!

  14. Your table is full of color and very beautiful. Love the ceramics!

  15. So many pretty things! I adore anything with birds as I've owned a parrot for 36 years. I love all those plates! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your nice comment.

  16. You lovely melange of tabletop elements results in a design that sings of the colors of a glorious spring garden. Well dine! Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  17. Always a beautiful time when I visit you..I am sorry for being so slow, lately..but you are always in my thoughts..
    The weather has been rainy this week, but not that cold. So I will not complain..Looks beautiful there. Nothing like spring..a very happy time, everything comes alive..A great time for Easter..
    Take care my dear friend and GB you too...Carolyn

  18. Hi lovely lady.
    What a beautiful spring tablescape!!! I love all the colors you have put together for your dinner party. I see you are having Spring now but so cool.
    Right now it is 89 dgs to Hot for me and it is only May.. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my Tablescape. I hope you have a wonderful week with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  19. Such a pretty spring table setting!I love all your pretty china and how lovingly the colors of spring are highlighted in the china and linens! Love the wire basket flatware holder and the butter dish, sugar and creamer set is so beautiful and Frenchy:)Thanks for letting us take a peek! Hugs,Poppy

  20. What a pretty Spring table! I love those cups/saucers/spoons, and the green stemware. Everything goes so nicely with the colorful placemats.

  21. What a delightful table! I especially enjoy all the little birdies.


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