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Mother's Day--- this is 4 U...

Hope you had a great day, Mums?

I was pampered yesterday, although EU was not celebrating Mother's Day. EU celebrate MD on the 27th. So, I teased MOTH that  I need a second present §;-) Kidding aside, how's your day, then?  

I prepared my table as simple as can be. My mamá was very simple woman and in our lives,  before, the most important thing on the table was food for the day for her children.  I choose white and clear glass/crystal that symbolizes, white for purity and  crystal for vulnerability You might not see there's nothing so important on my settings. Nothing owned by my dear old mamá. How I wish, I could just travel just a wink of an eye and be with her and play with her vintage treasures. Unfornately, our distance are miles and miles away.

See and enjoy the simplicity
I started with dbl tablecloth, bigger from Malta and the round runner, Swedish
Smaller dish for entré and the bigger for main course...
Vintage oli & vinegar holder... love it...
The stand is adorable...
Ittalla whisky glass, now for drinking, juice or wine and cafe latté
New silver dessert folk and a cut crystal cake plate...
Things are in place and chopticks is a clue for an Asian dinner...
Mums are angels...
Offer her world to her children, for better or for worst...
She tumble down, but still offer her world to us...
Mum is lil like me but I look up on her as a Sphere
Respect is as hight as the TV tower of Berlin...
Can you see the simplicty?
Mix-matching is my expertise and I love it...
Look at the beauty, like all mums are...
Mum always wear a crown...Queen of the House

Crystals dropping...
Seafood mix as entré and special made for you "Mum"

Own recipe Miso soup...
Pls enjoy this yummy sushi...
More sushi for you, Mum...

Hope you enjoy at my place, specially for YOU...

Linking this post to TTT & TS

Hope you come back...
Young mum & lil me at 11 months old...


  1. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful table!!!

  2. What a sweet, sweet picture of you and your Mother!!!! had a LOT of hair for an 11-month old! So pretty! The way you served the appetizer is really cute! Very creative! I love the bobeches on that candelabra, too! Very sweet post, Chie! Enjoy your day!

  3. Oh, what a darling picture of you and your mother. What a little precious you were and you still are. Your table is very lovely and Your serving pieces are just lovely! I'm sure your mother would have loved to have sat there with you.
    Thank you so much for your sweet visits to my blog.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Love your table so soft a absolutely beautiful all the little touches.


  5. Your mom must be really special for you to dedicate a gorgeous table like this to her. It is simple, yet so elegant. And the sushi, Omg, it made me so hungry. Did you make them, Chie?....Christine

  6. What a beautiful table setting. I love all the special things you did for your mother.The food looks delicious! Thanks so much for stopping by with your wonderful comments. Have a great week.


  7. I love the white china - I also do mixing and matching and it makes entertaining so much easier! Thanks for the sweet comments you left on my blog earlier - I never think of someone not seeing a pool within a screened area - growing up in Florida everyone has one! Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs -

  8. Your Mother's Day table is so simply elegant. I wish your Mum could have been there with you because she would have had such a treat. The picture of the two of you is so sweet. I 'm sure you treasure it always. Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you find a bench or chair that you want to decorate.---------- Shannon

  9. your table is beautiful! I love the simple elegance and the purity of it all. fabulous!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  10. I was thinking that your table looked so "Swedish", until I got to the food! Yum! You are right, mothers are angels. Such a lovely table - I enjoyed this post so very much.

  11. Beautiful and perfect for Mother's Day! Such a cute picture of you and your Mum!

  12. Very nice! I love the picture of you and your mom! The food looks yummie too!
    Blessings My friend,

  13. Oh Chie, this is such a precious post and your tablescape is perfect. You have so honored your mom and created such a beautiful and loving table for her. Wish you could be with her too, I know she would probably love that. Wonderful menu. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  14. Hi lovely lady.
    I love your darling picture of you and your mother. Your tablescape is very lovely and Your serving pieces are just lovely also! I'm sure your mother would have loved to have been with you !! Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my Nautical Tablescape I always love your visits to my blog. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  15. I always like reading your blog, and admire your tabledesigns! I recignice the iittali glasses, as I used to have those... Guess they all are smashed...
    Love the cute photo of you and your mum!

  16. Oh, it's no wonder your pretty, it's not free!! Your mother is beautiful, I love the photo! I love your tables and I drool over your gorgeous things, like the candelabra you have in your table and the great serving pieces. My sweet and lovely Chie..God bless you for your prayers for our Sil and yes I do trust Giancarlo is going to be in the perfect hands! Luv ya,

  17. What a beautiful & elegant table to honor your Mom! The food looks delicious too.

  18. I forot to add that I am now following you!

  19. Chie, the table looks fabulous!I love your centerpiece. wow that is so lovely. The sushi looks fabulous.. so jealous. You honored your mom spectacularly.. Fabulous.. sorry wasn't here earlier,, had some internet issues. have a wonderful weekend, xo marlis


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