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Visar inlägg från juni, 2013

D´BoX in a Productive Day...

SUMMER TIME!!! As forecasted, our weather  isn't that steady and it starts on Monday and Tuesday. However, we need some lil rain to flush or spool the dust and pollen away and of course, it helps our backyard more greeny?  I am thankful that the sun shines over the city of Stockholm, Sweden. It is an easy life when our weather is like this. No coats or boots. Our great contentment are a pair of sandals, shorts and t-shirts. We arrived from a week city tour in Prague, Czech Republic and it was a funny trip with GH, although 3 days was raining. That doesn't stopped us to stroll the old city and the like. I will be back with some photos around, next post. HERE WAS OUR DAY PAMPERING D´BoX... Welcome All,  to my simple BoX  (watch your steps) Just a lil porch where we sit specially in the morning when sun is shining We skip the entrance/foyér and the lounge (I am revamping it) show U later... Now, stepping out in the open back porch... ...

Luxury TS...

It's my Honour... I was a bit embarrassed when a great acquaintance came and asked me if I can do some table settings in their soon to open interior design store. So, I came to the rescue for a new summer settings. Just let me know, if I passed my initiation. I'd set 3 tables and one table was sold (to her sis-inlaw)after I done...   The 2nd table The 3rd table It was helping them. They have all the treasure that I need in hand. Hope you enjoy although, not too much captions. I will tomorrow. Join Susan in her party. I will soon she post her feature this week. GB...

Best Memes joins on my Swedish Midsummer Day...

Midsummer, Yahoooooooo... Y es! Today is official, Summer, at least in Sweden. D´Nics and friends came over for lunch, while my cousins are own their own this year.  Check it OUT! This is Our Day...    Anchovis creamy sauce for my cheese pie. If you like anchovis, this is yummy...    Smoked salmon platter with presentation, my art...     This are wine bottles and I subtituted  with water when we have our lunch/dinner outdoors   I always prepared the sheer curtains when we have outdoor gatherings  My own pickled herrings recipe. Without herrings, summer is NOT a summer in Sweden  Grilled chorizo mix, GH love it!      Both GH & Lil Missy are starving, I guess  Meringue is for the dessert... Yumm!    Voilá! Simple & EZ. Without strawberries, it isn't a Swedish summer, either, LoL   He is ready to p...