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After the Break...

Start a New Life...

After many weeks I was hibernating, I hope I can do all the things I love the most.

Thank you for all the messages I got from my sincere readers and followers. Yes, I was just busy nothing serious. 

Here are some of the reasons:
  •  Job is a mess when my department will outsource to Poland. I've been struggling with the responsible of the group due to some ethnicity reason (but quiet as of now). I fought my right.
  • I got a new member of the family. Now 4 months old. Her name is Noomi our granddaughter and she is wonderful. 

  • My Swedish language schooling to take an exams for self-appraisal.
  • The last but not the least: CRAVED all my attention. Taking a driver's license at my age? It was amazingly hard job but I of course: DID IT!!!

Oh yah! That's all the reason and you know, being a mother and a wife... Puuhh... make my head spin.

Anyways, today it is another story... and I will start some few things for you to remember me.

Shadow Shot Sunday:
This meme was the first meme I ever have... the first few members when Tracy started...
Hope the participants still remember the babbly Moi...
Taken at the foyée...chilly but sunny Sunday...
An early morning at the back of our house...
Some bits & pieces... Dec. 2014
Our kitchen counter...

City country style at D´Box the first Advent...
2nd Day of Advent
During the 2nd day of Advent...
3rd Day of Advent
Beautiful reindeer are new this year... Love them both!
 Elisabeth Dahl flatware...
My mini cloches are still on the go...
The outcome of our table...
I am here again...
Am here once again joining...
Marty, nothing much to Inspire you. Apart, that we all in the best of health.
Above all, our granddaughter is ADORABLE and I got my Swedish Driver's License.
God is Good to the Simpliest people in your bloggie World.
Thank You... Susan for giving me time to join with your party.


  1. Gorgeous blue and white decor and love the huge wall clock.

  2. Your home looks so so pretty with all the decorations.
    Happy Blues

  3. Hello CC,

    I've missed you, and I'm happy to hear that you've been busy and not sick. Your blues at home are so pretty. What a terrific decorator you are! Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Hello Kababayan! I'm glad nothing too serious is going on and that your just simply very busy. Your little Noomi is so adorable! Congrats! Also I love all the pretty vignettes and displays you've already set up in your lovely home!

  5. Grattis till körkortet, du ser ut som en
    ung tjej på fotot. Och så söt hon är lilla Noomi,
    det är stor lycka med våra barnbarn. Hoppas nu
    det löser sig med jobbet, låter besvärligt.
    Och om vi inte hörs så önskar jag dig och din
    härliga familj en riktigt GOD JUL

  6. Congrats on getting your drivres liscense! Your Holiday decor is so pretty! Noomi is adorable. Have a wonderful week.
    Joy @ Books and Life

  7. OH, I did miss you, my dear! Welcome back! I hope everything gets better.
    Whose baby is that? Cute as can be.
    I love how you always welcome us into your home-as if you threw the doors open and ushered us in. So beautifully decorated too!

  8. That is a stunning Christmas table with all the blue, The candleholder is such a pretty shade of blue also.

  9. SO many beautiful blues! I love all these glorious shares. Hope things improve at your workplace. Congrats on the drivers license! Woo Hoo! Have a great week.

  10. How nice to hear fromy ou and congratulations on your sweet little granddaughter - she's beautiful! Life just gets busy sometimes for us. Your home looks so gorgeous all dressed up for Christmas. Again, thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. How wonderful to see you adorable granddaughter! I am sure your Christmas will be so much fun with her. Love the colors you have chosen for your table - beautiful!

  12. First, Chie, congratulations on getting your driver's license!!! What a wonderful thing! You are ready to rock 'n roll now!!! Congratulations, too, on the birth of your granddaughter! That's a terrific present for your entire family! She looks very healthy and ready to be loved on!!!

    So sorry to hear about the craziness at your job, and I hope it all works out favorably for you. That can be so taxing on the nerves!!!

    Thank you for sharing the Christmas tidbits from around your home! I love the little lights on the logs!!! That is a really festive and unexpected touch! Same goes for that fabulous clock. SO uniquely pretty!

    Best wishes to you, your loving husband, and all of your extended family for a very happy and safe Christmas holiday!!!


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

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