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Visar inlägg från april, 2017

A Bit Too Long Absence from Blogging

Hello my Blogger World!!! It's been soooo... many months I wasn't able to post anything in my blog diary. Isn't it a shame? OMG! I was really sorry for not being active. I wonder why I don't had the time? For that time being, I had so much to do, like the drama of our bathroom. That took eternity to finished  and that Christmas, was my big day. I took my diploma/certified in Hotel & Management. Jean-Michel Guerin (our teacher) OK, that was one of the highlight of my Life. Being a mother, a student and a worker, was not an easy tasks. I been like crawling of all my responsibilities but at the end I tackled all of them. As one of the best student, I got a trip to climb the Great Wall of China. It was an awesome experience. Hubby reached the peak & I was just a 10 mins away. Forbidden City Ming's grave, his wife and their treasures (Ming Dynasty era) Almost there... Then, came the New Year. It was my turn to do the welco...