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Home rehab on my Shadow Shots Sunday#21

Denna helg är jag tillbaka igen med detta tema, "Skugge Dagen". Hey Harriet hade datorn haveri i helgen så var det lite sisådär då?

Glad att den är över så alla vi som är intresserade alltid kommer tillbaka, som alla andra som har sina tema.


Hopefully "hey harriet" the meme grandmother of SSS managed to wake her PC UP...

Happy to see that she'd back and hope she kicked all the virus away from her PC. I do have a bit problem w/ my laptop lately too. I guess, I have to have a spring clean up on my laptop that need to be clean.

Anyways, inspite of pain and my stubborness, am joining "hey harriet's" meme again this week-end! Well, my home rehab is going fine but hard to resist not to do some chores that don't need hard effort. Ahhh... soooo helpless!
On the way down I saw this shadow...hmmm???
And this in the kitchen---
Ahh!!! just my new produce honey ---
Feeling helpless in my situation. Am trying to gave a helping hand--- of what?
Setting up the gazebo/pavilion on the open porch!
Dóh!!! I will reveal how I did the decor of this later
As I promised "Mel"

Wanna see the universal Shadow Shots Sunday? Don't forget to drop by at "hey harriet" in the land downunder...


  1. Marvelous shots, great shadows! Do hope you're feeling better soon! Happy SSS!

  2. I read the word rehab and Amy Winehouse pops in my head...must be the insanity.

    *all together now*
    "They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'"

    LUV your gazebo!

    Wishing you and your family a FANTASTIC weekend! I am off pain, no gain.

  3. Hey Richie! Is that rope on the stairs? very cool! Love your new gazebo - what a wonderful picture we have in our mind of you relaxing under that heavely shaded spot!

  4. Is Dwarf tossing also exercising ;)
    Now I am realy off!!! running my big ass of so i can fit into my speedo!

  5. Hope you are sipping some tea and reading a good book under that gazebo.

  6. Thank you for leaving a footprint on my blog. So nice of you and I'm returning the favor.
    Great shadow shots...I'm going to have to try and do some too.

  7. Vilka fina skuggor.
    Det verkar vara ett kul tema det där.

    Hoppas det är bra med dig nu. Här har jag nästan återhämtat mig.
    Men man är lite matt i lacken ska jag säga.
    Ha de gott min vän. Så hörs vi.
    Kramen Synne.

  8. You certainly do have the bright sunshine over there, we finally had a day without rain and the glorious sun is shining in all it's majesty...take it easy and let the man do all the work, you need a break!!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday under the pavilion!

  9. A great collection of shadows Richie! Nice to see you back :)

    PS - My computer didn't have a virus. It was fried during an electrical storm last year and was repaired back then, but I was told it wouldn't hold out for much longer. It kept plodding along until finally collapsing last week. So I now have a new one. Yippee!

    Have a super Sunday :)

  10. hi! that shot in the kitchen is beautiful!

  11. Great series. I love the rainbows in your first shadows and am green with envy for your kitchen. That tile looks so beautiful and Iove the rich wood. Gorgeous. (Great shadows too.) Hope you are enjoying your gazebo.

  12. I like all your shadow shots. Your porch looks very nice! Hope you feel better soon!

  13. Lovely shadows! I think your gazebo looks great! Have fun with your home rehab, hope it's going better!

  14. Du är helt suverän på att hitta skuggor, ursnygga bilder.

    Hur mår Du nu? Hoppas det är bättre med värken i alla fall!



  15. the wood in your kitchen is so beautiful! great shadows in each shot

  16. You have lovely shadows around your house.
    Hope you are feeling better.
    Have a great week!

  17. Good to see you back! Your home looks beautiful...a nice place for rehab.

  18. Your shadows are so beautiful Richie!!
    I´m so happy to see you better my friend♥♥
    Have a nice week!! Hugs..

  19. I'm glad to see you looking so well!! So many lovely shadows and the gazebo looks great!

  20. Mmmm, that honey looks good Richie!

  21. Oj vad vackert parasoll ni har. Sånt vill jag ha med.
    Hoppas du mår bättre nu! Många kramisar//Lotta

  22. Vilken ljuvlig paviljong.


  23. It was fun trying to guess what the shaddow was on your kitchen counter. I was guessing a baby bottle or something like that. Love your shaddow pics!

  24. Nice shadow shots! Thanks for visiting mine :-)

  25. great shadows. Love the shadow shot by itself; leaving us guessing what it could be and then showing what created the shadow in the next shot. Great one

  26. What great pictures..I like those gazebos, they are beautiful. Isn't it wonderful to feel warm weather again? I haven't been good with my blog much to do.
    How are you feeling? Always in my thoughts, even if you don't hear from me..xoxoLove, Rosebud.

  27. Hihi,
    Just checking in how you're doing! ;)

  28. Wonderful shadow shots! The first is my favourite, that's a great picture.

  29. To all my dear Online Friends,

    I am so thankful that I found you all in Net Heaven *wink

    Your nice and cutie words really give more strength to struggle the downs of life.

    You give me so much inspiration in life. The positiveness and thoughtfulness are hard to find.

    Wishing you all a wonderful UP*s in life and GOD Bless Us All.

    Once again, thanks for dropping by ALWAYS!


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