Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll


Det är bara att prioritera! Gubbe min mumlade. Igår var vi på en piknik vid en sjö nära Axelsberg och det var ganska kul. Vi träffade många gamla kompisar som vi hade inte träffat i evigheter. Och så underbart väder. Därför har ingen tid att sitta inne och slöa, detsamma idag! Det är verkligen fin och en underbar helg. Vädret kan göra en STOR roll i livet.

Jag hade plockat lite ditten och dattan på min dag...

My bare furnitures & the swedish flag welcome me, when I opened the door out to the open porch
Ready for picnic w/ a 30 deg sunshine...
This was the scene on my bath tub at Spa, while am way to take a quick shower...
Sparkling candle holders gave me 2d---
Private stuff but can't hide. I like the reflections...

This was my day... PRIORITY! is my keyword. The weather is fantastic both yesterday & today. Amazing warmth & unusual, though! We joined the fun w/ family & friends went to picnic the whole day. It was awesome meeting old friends that we didn't meet for ages. Kids are grown ups and new ones growing...
and we, are going older---he he... We we're out the whole week-end to enjoy the sun. It might be rainy tomorrow or the next day, so, make the best of it now.

Hope everybody enjoy your w/end! Now, head over to Tracy!!!

I was happy and I do appreciate what my family & friends do to this fun thing. As I can't choose the lucky lady. As promised, I don't join to the votation or choose & pick the winner. I do adore all my ladies here in bloglandia, so I leaved this to the jury.

LOTTA på Välkomment till min gård
Kollegorna kollade dina kommentarer och så hur många ggr du hade varit inne i min blogg dem närmaste veckorna som hade varit. Juryn skrattade med dina goda och peppande kommentarer och du är alltid så lojal. (Juryn, kollade 2 veckor innan tävlingen började).
CONGRATS! Tracy at "Hey Harriet"
My cousin's pick you as the lucky one, by reading your comment on June 19th. As simple as that, as you hit the right spot as what am asking for. This watch is a design by our famous singer Pernilla Wahlgren.
CONGRATS Mel at "The Inspired Room"
Your are the choice of my bestfriends. They found your comments was good like Tracy. Although, they are not aware if you really follow me or not, but they like you and the inspirations you gave to me & to ladies at the bloglandia.

Pls. send your addressess so, I can post your wins, Ladies! Thank you to all...
E-mail ad:


  1. VA...VA? kan det vara SANT att jag vunnit den helt otroliga vackra väska? är helt chockad nu:)
    Jag är för det första helt väsk och skogalen kvinna och sen att väskan var såå tjusig med papegojor..oj har inga ord.
    Inte visste jag att du hade en hemlig utlottning haha
    Oj nu är jag glad Richie ska du veta:)
    TACK GOA du!

  2. Vet du?
    Detta är ju för pinsamt ser jag!
    Jag har tittat och skrivit på nästan alla dina inlägg men missat raden om din utlottning så vilken surprise jag har fått.
    Trodde den söta väskan var en bild bara hihi
    Blind jag är;)

    Youuu nu ska jag springa ut till maken och säga vad jag har vunnit:)

    Kram Lotta

  3. Hihi Big Sis,
    it sounds like you had a FAb weekend! I am enjoying the weather also it's so hot, had to do a lot of work for my painting classes but enjoyed the sun and a lovely bbq. I am off again... stepping of those last few extra pounds ;)
    Big hug M

  4. Grattis till vinnarna och speciellt då till Lotta förstås som jag ju vet är en toppenkompis bland bloggarna!

    Kram till Lotta och Kram till Dej!


  5. Hi!
    Lovely shadows! A picnic with friends and family is wonderful! Haven't been on a picnic in ages. Have a great day!!


  6. Love all your shadows! Isn't it fun to find them in so many places you never even thought about having shadows!

  7. Great SSS shots. The "private" one had me laughing enough that my wife asked what the heck was I looking at!

  8. Härligt med Picnik... =)
    Vi åkte ut till svärfars sommarstuga i dag...inget bada men middag och kaffe ute i trädgården.. =)

    Ha en fortsatt skön söndagkväll!
    Kram Patricia

  9. vad kul med lite utlottningar och att Harriet vann - en man känner till spännande!

    Kikat runt lite och känner att nu hade det varit skönt att krypa ner i den mysiga säng du har i headern, MB
    helt slut alla ungar somnade precis...

  10. Hey Chie, great shadows, i like the first one, porch and I like all the others too. Great to hear you had fantastic weather for your picnic days with friends. Congrats to all the winners of your 200th bloganiversary. I sent you email, thanks for that, zee package is waiting to be picked up. Fantastic stuff girl, have a fab week ahead..cya for now..MOnikaROse

  11. Great shadow shots! Beautiful family photo too! hugz!

  12. Looks like a wonderful day and picnic at the park! I guess the geese wanted to join in on all the fun:)

  13. My favorite shadows are the chairs and flags - unique patterns on the deck!

  14. Great shadows you found there! Good for you for enjoying the sunshine while you could. Very clever. It may be raining again your way as I type this.

    I won? Wow! Thanks so much! I'll email you my address. What a lovely way to begin my week! :) xo

  15. Sounds like the perfect weather. We enjoyed a picnic at the park last weekend - it was so relaxing!

    Have a lovely Monday!!! Ax

  16. Lovely post and lots of great shadows in unexpected places.

  17. Thank you for visiting my blog!!! your site is stunning! :D

  18. Hey Chie, I would like to offer you to visit this blog, Epheriell Designs []and her shop is
    She has a big promotion going on, go to her blog for info. You can subscritbe to be in the entry, but because I am refering you I get a chance to be in the draw too, I am following her. Check it out and let me know..

  19. lovely shadows again Richie - I especially love the first one with the flag. Love the sun!

  20. Congrats to Miss Tracy of Hey Harriet...she's a gem!!! I assume the children are all there..lazing under the sun..and hey who said we are getting old, its just an age...we are forever young at heart.hugs/M

  21. hejsan
    Nu är min hemlis lite mer synlig;) jasså du har planer på resa nästa år, de kan ju inte vara så tråkigt, hoppas du får ledigt 8 veckor då=) kram på dig

  22. I love the ready for picnic and picnic pictures! All the shadows are cool :)


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

If you want to send an email, pls send to and not on what is given by default. Thanks

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