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Det är en härlig dag hela lördagen och som vanlig min dag är full av entusiasm och lite "gå på" dagen. Uhurmmm---vad? §:-) jag har så svårt att förklara på svenska när jag tänker på mitt språk-engelskan och till sist till svenskan. Till slut blir pottpouri (blandad kompott) språk istället . Hur som helst, jag var verkligen en "busy" kärring (gubben min kallade mig idag). Troligen, jag hade gjort honom irriterad när bilen inte startade. Bilen som inte ens vår. Arrgghh!!! Hur som haver, båda gick upp ganska tidig och tog morgonpromenix i hela kvarteren. Ni vet väl säker, dem som alltid läser min blogg att varje helg är jag på språng och letar efter skuggsbilder. Sen, plockade vi körsbär hos min kusin och vattna blommorna nu när dem är på semester. Åkte till Plantagen och kollade om jag hittar några blommor som tål sol men hittade inte, där började bilen krånglar till. Åkte direkt till en affär där såg jag en trädgårgårdsbord och 2 stolar men, den var SLUT! KAPUTT! då blev jag så besviken. Jag var tyst och svor i mina tankar. Jag vill inte att gubben min hör min svoranden. Han blir mer irriterad igen och jag hade fått nog!!!

IAF, när vi kom hem, var jag glad igen och började bli huslig oxå! Hade gjort min hallonsylt och saft. Snart körsbärssylt är klar med. Imorgon dagen, svart/röda vinbär + krusbär ska jag oxå göra ngt av.

OMG! My hall welcomes me when I came down
Liz bike seats cover says? §:-))
Sunshines came thru the blind in my lounge...
New wash glasses/bottles on the sink, ready 4 my yummy stuffs
Other side of the sink...
I saw this glimpse of shadows on the cellar wall
On the way out
And at the front wall, this met me...
House shadows parade on my street... Painted wall mets us 2 blocks away from home...
We saw the tree shadow down the road...
An herbs garden perhaps? Dead---NADA!
Cherries for my marmelade &
Roses for my Rose himalaya foot salt
Last but not least- when hubby asked "what's 4 dinner?"
I said grill chicken with veges & dip of my own recipe

Yeah, that's all Folks, I can't share better than these...
So, just enjoy again my touring step by step! while I chased my shots.

Yes! this is the day again. Chasing the perfect or not perfect shadows. As usual, me and hubby went up early for a long morning walk around the vicinity. I took some photos to be my share in today's SSS #62 of "TRACY" but b4 the show, I would like to sum up my Saturday. I entered this meme today, as I heard on the weather forecast that Sunday, will be rainy the whole day and only 13 degrees. Yeah right! European summer, ain't that nice? So decided to take some shots today Saturday rather than chasing shadows on a rainy day. Ironically aside--- anyways, after the breakfast, we drove to my cousin's house to water her plants and I picked some cherries as their in their summer vacation. Went to the botanical shop to buy some pot flowers that handle sun but to no avail. Drove directly to an interior shop coz I saw a nice garden table with 2 chairs 2-3 days ago, I was there, it was FINITO, KAPUTT!!! What a funny day for me, huh?

My berries make my day! I started to fix my raspberry lemonade and the marmelade and the red cherries is on the way. I feel like an typical old swedish farmer's wife, wearing an apron and bandana. He he... isn't that cute? Ahhh... I just wish to all, who like fresh and natural stuffs, that "wish you're all here so I can share what I have".

"hey harriet" invites you to check the world's shadow collage, so don't miss it! Head over to her by pressing her name below:
---Always look UP and stay YOUNG & HAPPY---


  1. What a wonderful trip I had with you on your blog. Beautiful pictures and shadows..Everything sounds great. Guess we both have crazy weather. Love the Blessed Mother on the side of your blog.
    All our daughters/granddaughters carry the middle name Marie, for Mary..grandsons have Joseph.
    Have a happy day..much love/Rosebud/Carolyn

  2. Great shadow shot tour! Really fun, great shots! Hope you have a great weekend -- what's left of it!

  3. Beautiful shadows! You can feel the sunshine pouring into your windows. Love the one with all the bottles.
    Karla & Karrie

  4. So much depends on
    a white wicker basket filled
    with sweet red cherries…

  5. On the narrow street
    shadows spread their darkling wings—
    hens protecting chicks.

  6. Nice shadows but dang....that poor herb garden needs help.

  7. Skuggorna finns där över allt.
    Just på den bilden hade vi ej barnkalas men jag har 3 grannen har 3 barn och kvartert bortan för 3 och all var hos oss den dagen.... MB

  8. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful day with us - and what lovely shots to go with it too.

  9. Nice shadow shots this week :-)

  10. G'day, great shots there Chie, love the kitchen ones, hope your walk was plesant..have a great day..cya MOnikaROse

  11. Your SSS is always so much fun, you have such a sunny personality and shows in your beautiful home...splashes of sunshine around every corner...and yummy goodies too...lucky hubby!

    Have a wonderful Sunday in spite of the rains, maybe they won't last!


  12. I blog here.
    A lot of beautiful photos for the theme. Thanks for the comments. I am from Dumaguete and I am glad my "sungka" post made you reminisce the good old days. I have a lot of Filipino blogger friends who write about our local food and scenery. Do come by anytime.

  13. Thanks, I enjoyed my shadow spotting trip with you today! What fun! A great bunch of photos! I ate a few of those berries while you had your back turned. They were super yummy :D

  14. Lovely sequence of shots. I am most impressed by your kitchen . . . so tidy . . .

  15. Wow! more great shadow shots!
    I think the last one is my favourite one though - looks like a yummy dinner! ;)

  16. I love your tours chie!

  17. Fina skuggor!
    Visst hade vi roligt i Sthlm, men vi var bara där en par timmar. Gick mest omkring!
    Lycka till med dina projekt!


  18. What a wonderful morning walk! Thanks for sharing.

  19. Aahh... I wish I were there to have some of that rasberry lemonade and marmalade. The dip is making my mouth water and I have a crush on your house!

  20. Great collection of did well to find so many..I wish the sun would come out as often here!
    Love the sporty pics below too :)

  21. Lovely shadows and those purple flowers are so pretty! {Happy upcoming birthday and thank you for saying Hello.}

  22. You had a busy day! The cherries look yummy:) Lots of lovely shadows!

  23. What a fun you are having , girl!

  24. What a lovely trip! I love the cherries and marmalade YUM! You can bring some over to me :) Hope you have a beautiful day. Hugs Ax

  25. You - the typical old Swedish farmer's wife - NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!!!! Much laughing at this comment!
    Millie ^_^

  26. Det var inte din dag med andra ord. Men vad var det för fel med bilen?
    Hoppas det löste sig.

    Ha det gott vännen.
    Kram Synne.

  27. Nice collection as usual Richie..I think you always have a huge and all very good ones too. Are you missing your hometown? Hope you'll pop over during transit one day. love/m

  28. Oh the sun on the glasses is my favourite!.... just beautiful. A-M xx

  29. Vilka underbar skuggbilder, Du är så bra att leta skuggor,och Du är så bra att ta hand om bär och annat så det blir till god saft, önskar jag hade en trädgård som jah kunde plocka lite bär och frukt i, hur går det med Din semester, Du måste ju få fler än nio dagar,och Du skall inte behöva vara nåbar på mobilen då!!!!

    Ha det så gott!




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