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Weather Jumble on my SSS #30

Just det! Vädret är vekligen sjukt. En dag eller två så är det stekt hett och nästa dag är det regnigt, åska och blixtrar som gäller. Igår fredag var den läskigaste. Jag och gubben min skulle ta en promenad och ska till staden men gick tillbaka. Vi var dynblöta--- och så dundrade blixt och åska. Sprang som bara den av rädslan.

Idag, på eftermiddag var vi på en av vår kompis som fyller år. Vi hade kul och åt så god italiensk mat ut i trädgården. Plötsligt, vrakade regn ner. En en gång blev vi blöta igen. Efter en kvart så var det soligt igen. Jo, jo... moder Naturen kan inte bestämma heller.

When I got down in the morning & open the front porch
Sunshine, Hallelujah!!!I saw this reflection from my frame of dolphins & the car
when I opened the cellar door...
I live nearby Ericsson company and I found this shadow interesting.
Taken this morning during my morning walk

Just showing that the surrounding HAVE nice reflection
This was awaited me in my backyard after my day walk...
D´Nics (HUBBY & DAUGHTER) are making fun...

Isn't it amazing that our weather can't decide too? It was a fantastic week this week. Warm, sunshine and of course we're loving it. Funniest moment was yesterday, Friday. Me & hubby decided to wander around the city, as I stated my recent post. We left home with umbrellas, as we felt that it will rain. OMG! when we left home, just about 5 mins., rain oozed, thunder and lightning struck above us. I was scared to death & decided to go back home, soaked like wet chicken.

Today, we were at the 40th birthday party of my hubby's mate. We had a palatable italian buffet and we sat in the garden. Suddenly, rain oozed again. We ran under the trees and other under the porch. Once again, WET, as usual. After awhile circa 15 mins. amazingly, weather turned into sunny, warm and humid. Enjoyment continues...
Åhléns City, taken today 10 to 11am 5th of July on my way to Catholic church. See the sky? It's a dark clouds, seems the rain will fall again.
But, after 5 mins walk from Åhléns, am standing infront of my fav shop NK. Look up the sky! Isn't it blue and feels every dark clouds blewn away? Ahhh... now am complicated as well as our week-end weather. I have to rush, mass will begin in a min... C Yah all there!

This are my today shots while chasing and enjoying my SSS...
Now, head over to "hey harriet" downunder for the universal collage.


  1. Really great shadow shots! I can tell you're having fun! The sun after a long winter or rainy season does make one playful! Love it!

  2. Hey sis, what a downpour, I feel for ya but it turned out for the better, we had bit of sun poking thru and little rain, was OK but not for gliding this weekend, hope next weekend will be beautiful and sunny and bit of cloud to see your SSS especially of hubby and daughter that is fabulous one, that is one of fav..have continuing good and sunny weather..cya Mon from DownUnder..

  3. Although as cold as it's been here this past week, it's hard to think of summer when you're wearing sweats and the house is all shut up, but enjoy your sunshine, ours will be back tomorrow.

  4. Nice ones! The last one is really cute and fun! I'll have my fingers crossed for you for plenty of sunshine for the week ahead ahead :)

  5. Hopefuly it will be nice and sunny next week.
    Have a great Sunday.

  6. Wonderful pictures/shadows. We have sun this morning. Won't kid you, I almost forgot what it was like. Have a great day.

  7. Long shadows in grass—
    be they gnomes or be they trolls?
    Come, let us find out!

  8. We're having the same kind of rain/sunshine type of days. Cute shadow shot of your husband and daughter.

  9. Great selection of shots ... have a great and hopefully not too rainy week!

  10. Great shots! I especially like the first one and the NK one-I like the sign on that shop. Hope your sunshine continues!

  11. Kul att du gillar lax, det var jättegott. Hör att ni också haft regn och åska. Här har det regnat hela söndagen nu. Ha det gott och kram

  12. I haven't been to Stockholm Richie-but when or if I do, I know which shop I will be heading for! Is it very expensive like Harrods? I will save up!

  13. Richie - what glorious sunshine in your pictures!! Love the pictre of your daughter & husband's dancing shadows!!

  14. great fav is the one of your daughter and husband.

  15. Such a beautiful porch photo, just magic! And your dolphin reflection looks like you have your very own underwater world inside your house. Very interesting shadow monsters in your backyard too :)

  16. Hey Richie, as usual, an interesting collection of pictures everywhere and I love the last one of them making fun :P Happy week ahead.

  17. Great photos Chie. I hope the sun stays for you! A-M xx

  18. Det var ju riktiga Monster som väntad på dig i trädgården men du bloggar fortfrande så de var nog inte så hemska.
    Nej det var ingen Klematis hos mig den var var en släkting till blåklockan, antingen Maria Klocka eller storklockan.

  19. you always have the most wonderful shadow shots.

    have a great week.



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