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Family Party on my SSS #37

Hej på Er mina goda bloggvänner?

Veckan och helgen gick för fort men givande. Jobbet, skolan, familjens aktiviteter och födelsedag-kräft kalas verkligen lyckades. Mina ansträngningar gav en skön känsla när alla mår bra och nöjda och även vädret tillät oss att vara ute ändå lite kyligt. Hoppas Ni hade en underbar vecka och helg och njöt det fina vädret som jag alltid tjatade §;-)

Nu har vi en annan vecka att tackla på och hoppas alla hade en skön dag!


When I opened the spare room early Sat morning
Rushing downstairs to start my early day...
Now, U know how BIG-small I am §;-)

When I check the entrance porch my religious statue invited me this
Then, at the back porch- some shadow glimpse gave me winks
Even my friends smoker's ashtray gave their share
B4 everything fix, the crayfish lanter say "HI"...
My tray is waiting to serve , can U see there's shadow there?
My tablescaping didn't let me down either..
My crayfish bread invites you to grab some!
Fresh crayfish from Vättern/Sweden, invites eveybody who wants 1-2
There U go!!! wanna try one? YUMMY
Cousins & friend enjoyed what I served
Rum from the Philippines, didn't missed the gathering
Philippine stuffs are dangerous! These guys knows best *wink

Week and the week-end came to an end so quickly, wasn't it? Work, kid's school, family activities and bday party planning was very remarkable. I'm happy that all exertion I had, gave me the best outcome. Everybody was happy and very contented in everything. That's the most important in this life. Our weather wasn't bad either. It was sunny, windy and lil chilly but, we doesn't care. We just enjoyed every minute of the days that weather can offered most, as we all know that fall is coming soon right infront of our door.

So, enjoy the last days of Summer of ´09 PEPS... I hope that, whatever you'd done the past whole week and the week-end, you had an enjoyable time and blissful days. Now, another week is waiting for us to tackle with everyday.

Yeah, the "crayfish" party where we use to invite our good family and friends was very successful. We bought lots of kgs of crayfish, and as you can see everybody enjoyed and very contented what we serve.

Sorry that am always late but, my excuses always my "PRIORITY" the keyword this SSS
Now, folks head over to Mum Meme of SSS


  1. What a wonderful play of light and shadow. Looks like a great party.

  2. I love your tray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cute shaddows - and your pretty house!

  3. Ser att ni hade ett kul kräftkalas, så ska det vara. Och vilket fint bröd du bakat till kräftorna. Jättefint på din veranda också, med den skira vita tyget som hänger så snyggt. Ha nu en bra vecka.
    Goa kramen till dig

  4. you've caught some very nice shadows in there...

  5. Vilken härlig fest ni ser ut att ha haft... Kräftor är sååå gott.. =)

    Och den där Romen ser farlig ut ... ha ha

    Kram Patricia

  6. your party seemed fun and I am sure you are great in making fish dishes... I was reading and suddenly I thought that most of you blog entrys are all with a postive are enjoying life no matter what! I like that ;)
    Have a nice week!

  7. We can always count on lovely shadows coming from you - and fun stories - looks like your company had quite a lot of fun!
    Enjoy your week ahead!

  8. Hello Sis, beautiful SSS shots this week, great party you had, love your back porch set up and I cannot wait till summer comes to Ozzie land i am tired of being cold all the time, do not like too cold or too hot weather. Enjoy your day :) thanks for dropping by cya MonikaROse

  9. What a hoot, you guys sure know how to have a great time, be careful with those boyz, they look like trouble...ha!!! ...have a wonderful week friend!

  10. Shadows in my house
    invite me to see anew
    the familiar rooms.

    My Shadow Shots

  11. Lovely shadows and clearly a fun party! :)

  12. You have a lovely home filled with sunlight and shadows.

    P.S. - you asked what mine was. It is a little section of an old, rusty lantern.

  13. I've never heard the term 'tablescaping' before - I like it! Just as I like all of your shots! Looks like a really fun day :)

  14. Chi...thank you for your sweet words ;) You are a great littl blogfriend

  15. You must had a great time with family and friends around. Lovely house too, thank you for sharing it it.
    Thank you also for dropping by and leaving your sweet comments.
    Have a great day

  16. Ohh vad avundsjuk på er härliga kräftfest jag blev nu!!! snyft
    Oh kan du inte visa en närbild på din religiösa docka då den verkar vara sååå fin:) gillar såna mkt


  17. Hejsan hej
    Oj så jag blev sugen på kräftor=) Jag fick ägg av min jobbar kompis höns i dag=) Och OJ så god socker kaka det blev av de äggen, jag måste till och med blogga om den i kväll :P. Ha en fin kväll.

  18. Vilken härlig helg du verkar ha haft! Snart är det helg igen!

    Kram, Lotta

  19. I love the photos of your party! And the fact that it is a crayfish party is great-I never would have thought of such a thing! Love the crayfish bread too.

  20. The crayfish bread is excellent work! What a great use of food styling. I'm impressed.


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