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TS joins Red & White Vilroy & Bosch during TTT's

Another Sunday comes...
Days flies so fast, right? It was just yesterday we celebrated the Haloween w/end. Suddendly, it's mid-week of December. 3 more weeks & it's Christmas. Thanks God, D´Nics don't have a huge family, so I skip the Christmas stress. GH don't really mingle with his cousins, although they live around vicinity. He have a brother who live away from the city of Stockholm. Sad to say, we only met them once or twice a year. Hopefully to meet them b4 Christmas.

We celebrate Christmas Eve with our respective families and in New Year's Eve, me & my lovely cousins gather together. Every year, a cousin invites all cousins & welcome the New Year, in this way ----Less stressful.

Pls. join me D´Box 2nd Advent celebration...
Advent candlestick lights my dready days...
Centerpiece is a crystal cakestand full w/ Christmas blings
I love modifying, so here's our dinner plates...
Candle glasses fits to my colour theme for 2day...
Ready for breakfast, bowl/teasill rester, Italy & tea from Fortum & Mason
Vintage glasses fits w/ Vilroy & Bosch teacup w/ warmerSalt & Pepper bowls is from SIA
I prefer Chrismast box for buns & ginger cookies
A view from a far... chairs are Gustavian w/ reconstructed seats
HAPPY 2ND Advent to ONE & All...
Visit Lady TTT...

Hope you are all in the best of everything and enjoy & celebrate the holiday. Always take an extra care. Keep hearts in place to be well. God Bless Us All...

I guess, the SSS players can find what they are looking for. A crisp or subtle, they have the eyes for them. Happy chasing, guys! Cheers...


  1. Hi Chie,

    Hope your week is less busy now that the end of the month has passed.

    The reds and soft greens are so lovely. I think I'd be ooohing and awwwing out loud with every step!

    And it's wonderful that you can get together with your cousins this time of year.

  2. Oh Chie, such a beautiful tablescape. I love all the pretty colors and you are so creative with your settings. Hugs, Marty

  3. Oh Chie, your table is gorgeous! I love everything in it, like your glasses, the Advent candel holder by the window is adorable, I'd love something like that! The table china you've used is different and fun, you're so talented my friend. I love the center piece and your Gustavian chairs are terrific! Thanks for sharing and for coming by and leaving me such lovely and generous comments. Luv ya! FABBY

  4. Your red dishes are wonderful. I love the shape. Your tablescape is gorgeous!

  5. Your glassware is beautiful!! The colors are all so vivid!

  6. Wonderful shots of celebration and bright red is special.

  7. You must have a lot of space to store all your beautiful dishware, decorations...
    Rainy greetings from Helsinki!

  8. Hello there CC !
    You have the most beautiful decorations and setting the table the way you do is stunning : )
    You would put anyone in the Xmas mood after looking at this post : )
    Gorgeous !
    Joy : )

  9. PS .. my little statue is a garden gargoyle of the cute kind ! LOL

  10. What a festive table! Of course we love the shadows...but the bright red & green jump right out at you! We agree with you, days have gone so fast...Halloween was over November FLEW by! Oh, how nice it would be if we had a slow motion button to enjoy the time :) Have a great week Chie!!
    Karla & Karrie

  11. Hi Chie,
    What a cute, colorful table! I LOVE those plates!! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

  12. Du är en mästare på och duka Chie, din familj blir bortskämda med allt vackert du gör.
    Och har du vägarna förbi Värmland och det är snö, då ska vi ta en slädtur.
    Ha det gott vännen

  13. Oh Chie, everything looks so delightful in your home, which is opposite mine, lol. Can I move with you for a while?...Christine

  14. oh you set a lovely table. it's so crisp and beautifully done. I especially like the green glasses. you're very creative. happy SSS to you!

  15. Love all your red touches. Very pretty and festive.

  16. What a lovely blog. You are also very inspirational! Love all your table items, beautiful colors and looks so inviting. The evening shots are georgous. So glad you get to celebrate the new year with your cousins! That really sounds like a lot of fun!

  17. Your advent tablescape is so cheery and pretty. Love your colors and the cookie box and tea tin.Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

  18. Hi lovely lady.
    This is a beautiful tablescape. I love all the pretty colors you have put together for this setting.
    Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my new tablescape.
    XXOO Diane

  19. What a beautiful table! I'm visiting from Between Naps on the Porch. I love all of the color and the different shaped dinner plates. Thanks for sharing. It really is a beautiful table.

  20. So pretty! Thanks for stopping by! I have just become a friend and follower and hope you will to!

    This week I'm hosting the Christmas Tree party, so it will be exclusively Christmas Trees. Link up starts this afternoon!

  21. Jag håller med dej Chie tiden går på tok för fort man vill ju ta det lite lugnare faktiskt :) Vilken otroligt vacker teburk du har. Ha en fin tredje advent, kram Katta


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