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Blött FEST/Wet Party

My bday cake & home made Filipino rice cakes
Tack till alla goa ladies i cyber rymden som kunde komma och firade min dag...

Jo, det var lite blött fest men ändå lyckad. Tack vare gubbe min att han tog upp 2 party tältar. Dem rymde många gäster. Glada och belåtna gäster trots all regn.

Jag vill tacka mina 3 goa vänninor från Småland och Skåne som kom och hälsade hos oss i 4 dagar sen firade med mig. Utan dem, var jag helt döden.

Thanks to all my friends in cyber space who came to celebrate another year of my life. A year older again... YUP, it was a wet party but successful. Thanks to my dear hubby who put up our 2 party tents that has a space for everybody. THEY'RE happy although the wetty weather.

Million thanks to my 3 good friends from south of Sweden who came over to celebrate my day & of course helped me all i need or else am dead, by now. §:-) Thanks Manding Thelma, Iya Shirlina och Inse Rosa. Dits!!! my never ending systah!nlove U for being there for me & my family... You're an excellent grill MASTER §:-))

At the golden hits w/ my VIP's Wrangler ladies in my life...tnx for a wonderful night.

In my cozy corner D´Wrangler's 4ever
My bday gifs... my wishes comes true
Jenny my dear colleague & her hubby together w/ my cousin's hubby Lars... tnx a millAnna my old wonderful colleague, ty 4 d big porch pots... Luv émMe & the man behind me whatever it may be...TY Lars... ur a wonderMy cutie daughter Liz sings for me w/ my cousin's
More pix will be link to my picasa... soon! Stay where you are Ladies!

My WORDS of wisdom this week...
Lesson of life taught me to let go off the people who cannot treat you right, don't bother to waste time pleasing them and hold on to those who love you back because they are the ones who are much worth of your time..of your love.

"Leos love to be noticed, admired, and adored. Innately lazy and good-natured, it is often quite difficult for Leo subjects to make an effort to assert themselves. Leos are renowned for being eternal children. Leos are loyal, likable, and often quite lovely people, but they can also be self-indulgent, stubborn, and prone to sulking if they don't get their own way.They are warm, demonstrative, and theatrical and love pageantry, blitz and glamour. They love adornment of their physical self. When Leos commit themselves to something they go with it for life. Leos are honest in love life. Leos when loved and respected have hearts of gold."
*roger & out*


  1. thanks oray for being there...and we are just right here right now..take care u all mga wranglers, big brother and the cutify.


  2. Oh it looks like you had a wonderful party! My birthdays are never that glamorous. Maybe they should be... you have inspired me to do something wonderful for my 42nd in February next year. I love all your presents... they look beautiful. A-M xx

  3. Re:Inse

    Never ending TY is the only word I can say rigth now & hope our feelings to each other will be a never ending too. SYSTAHS 4EVER.


    //oray sa kanunay

  4. Re: A-M

    Am happy you could come to my party, inspite of our distance.

    An happy too that i inspired you to do something on bday.

    Well, hw i wish I can to OZ & help you w/ all u need §:-))


  5. Your party looks so fun and your presents so beautiful! Best wishes for the year ahead.

  6. heej, vilken fest du har haft!! Födelsadgaskalas..?? gratulationer..
    och du har en ny blogg..ser fin ut..jag är på semester i strömstad..ha det gott !!

  7. Oh va jag älskar asiatisk mat. Vi gör det ofta här hemma. Jag gör ofta egna vårullar och wokar på vår gaspis. var i sverige bor du? själv bor jag på västkusten. Ha en bra dag//Lotta

  8. Hej och tack för besöket på min blogg, här var det trevligt att hälsa på, återkommer gärna.

    Var i Sverige bor Du?

    Asiatisk mat är bland det bästa jag vet att äta, man mår så bra av den typ av mat.

    Länkar Dej om det är okej!

    Kram //annette

  9. Re: Marie

    Kul att du kunde komma. Skön när man är på semester, eller hur?

    Ny blogg är den fast den andra är oxå aktiv...

    Ha det skön,

  10. RE: Lotta, Oliveaux & Anette

    Tackar så hjärtligt att Ni kunde komma...

    Hoppas Ni får en trevlig dag.

  11. Hej igen! ja det var verkligen synd att du bodde så långt ifrån mig för vi hade nog haft mycket gemensamt ang matlagning. ha en bra dag//Lotta


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