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CC joins TTT though TARDY

Sorry, Ladies!!!

I am tardy, but "better late than never", right? One reason is that, I am so bad with blogsite. I can't log in and everything was down, after I link the "Followwe's button". Anyhow, I am here and I try to share some quick snapshots for Lady Marty's meme. One of my fave meme in "Bloglandia".

Yes,! As Lady M, stated in her post today, in behalf of Chubby & Chieque, Lady M will have a giveaway on her Cloché Party on the 19th. But that's not all. I will have a cute extra giveaway too.

So, check this OUT...
You can win a toothpick stand! A one of a kind!!!
(click for a larger view, if you are interested)

In my kitchen! A cloché & huricanes, D´Box cereal bins §:-)
On the top of my lounge sideboard
Just showing my lil reading nook! Does this count? *LOL
On the top is a mini cake stand full w/ luxurious choco
Candelabra, standing still in her throne, sorrounded with Capo di Montis

Guess, this are the simple things, I can share today. As I said, Scandinavian style with Asian touche... hmmm... am I complicated?

Anyways, head over to dear Marty's TTT...
Million thanks, Lady Marty for having this fun.

HAPPY TTT EVERYONE & Don't forget to join Lady M's Cloché Party
July 19th. I may be tardy again, but am coming. Time difference is the reason.

Take care...


  1. Oh Chie, I am so happy to see the follower up and the post about the giveaway. The extra gift is unreal. Leave this post up. I put a pic on my sidebar directing everyone to this post to leave a comment, become a follower and enter for the beautiful little cloches. Thank you again for such a generous gift. You can go to my post and the pic that I have of the little cloches, you can just right click and then copy and then you can also past that picture to your post if you want. Thanks again, I will check back in later.

    Hugs, Marty

  2. Lovely TTT. It's so fun to be part of Marty's party. Thanks for the giveaway :-)

    Jocelyn @

  3. Hi lovely lady. I just came from Marty Blog. Thanks for the bautiful Give-A-Way also~~~ Im your newest follower on your Blog. I hope you have a Great Week sweet lady.
    XXOO Diane

  4. I found your blog at Marty's. I am now a follower. Great giveaway! Deb

  5. What a lovely blog. I so enjoyed visiting you. I will definately be joing Marty for her Summer Cloche party. So much fun. I have become a follower of yours also. Thanks so much for the lovely giveaway. Hope I win. Hugs, Karie

  6. I absolutely love cloches and am so excited about your giveaway. I am your newest follower so please enter me in your giveaway for the cloches. Thanks!

  7. Oh Chie, that elegant little toothpick stand looks like a treasured antique! Such beautiful things you have!
    I love Marty's parties as much as you do. Wish I had more time to visit every single participant!

    Thank you for giving us a chance at your very generous give-away.

  8. I'm your newest follower and would love to be entered in the contest to win a set of these gorgeous cloches. I first saw them at Marty's and love how she's decorated with them.

  9. Nice stuff you have, Chie! Love the Capodimonte roses.....Christine

  10. Found you thru Marty - don't you love TTT. Love the chance to win.


  11. Love the cute giveaways.

  12. Thanks for the invite to come visit you in Stockholm. I throughly enjoyed the trip! Glad to get to know you and so nice of you to add to Marty's give away. Dianne

  13. I am a newbie to your blog I came over from A Stroll thru Life and am enjoying your blog with my coffee!! I am so terrible with my own blog because I am always looking at all the other blogs and dont get much done! Anyways glad to have found you back to gazing at your ideas!

  14. What a lovely giveaway! Thank you so much for doing this with Marty! I am your newest follower! Please, drop by my blog when you have a few minutes!

  15. Love the candlelabra. Your cloches are wonderful!

  16. Hi There, I just came over from Marty's blog. The cloches are so nice...crossing my fingers for a win :)

  17. Love your Giveaway! Capodemonti roses are splendid and I loved seeing them here. Thanks for sharing.


  18. Hi lovely lady. I love all your sweet Giveaways..... do you have a winner yet ???
    XXOO Diane

  19. Thanks so much for your sweet giveaway! So pretty. I'm following you now.

  20. Hi!
    I am your newest follower and I came by way of Marty at A Stroll Thru Life. Thank you for the opportunity to win a cloche, I don't own one yet but I'm looking for one! I hope you have a wonderful night and I look forward to checking out all the wonderful inspiration on your blog!

  21. Hello Chie...

    My friend, your home is sooo beautiful! I love, love, LOVE how you put the pink roses in that lovely vase! Sooo pretty! They are the prettiest shade of pink! I couldn't help but admire your beautiful crystal candlholders as well! Of course, I just swoon when I see that fabulous candelabra of yours as well! Ohhh...and your pink chairs are GORGEOUS! Thank you so much for sharing your pretties with us today! It was such a treat, my friend!

    I love the little silver toothpick holder. How very sweet of you to host this gift giveaway with Marty! Thank you, dear lady!

    Warmest summery wishes,

  22. What a beautiful place you have! Those apothecary jars are wonderful and love love the color of your pretty upholstered chairs!!

    You are so sweet to have such a lovely giveaway- thank you!

    bee blessed

  23. I love your style, so pretty. What a wonderful giveaway!

  24. What a nice blog!!! I am visiting from "A Stroll Thru Life". You have a lovely place to visit!

  25. I'd love a chance to win your wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity! :-)

  26. Hi Chie!

    I am visiting from Marty's Cloche Party. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway opportunity.

    Blogger can be temperamental at times. Have a great week! La

  27. I Love your blog...everything is so pretty! Thanks for the opportunity to win!!

  28. Hello...jumped on over from Marty's blog....lovely pics and thanks for the opportunity to enter for the giveaway.
    Cheers, Peggy

  29. HI there I just passed by from Marty's blog to pay you a visit. Thanks so much for offering the giveaway.


  30. I'm a new follower.

    I adore your pink chairs.

    I'd love to be included in your beautiful cloche giveaway.

    Dee :-)

  31. I found your blog through "A Stroll through Life" and it is lovely! I am now a follower of your blog and I would love a chance at your generous giveaway. Thank you so much! Frances

  32. I appreciate the wonderful giveaway. The cloches are really cute.

  33. Really cute cloches and great for a giveaway! I am now a new follower.

  34. Read about your blog at Marty's! What a nice giveaway!

  35. I've also signed up as a follower!

  36. Chie, so nice meeting you, I am your new follower, too. Thank you for the give away cloches in advance!! I love it all, you've displayed such beauties, I so love the Capodimonte one. Lots of hugs, FABBY from:

  37. I am new follower!...Marty sent me!

  38. Very nice blog. I am new to the blogging world and just became your follower too.

  39. Hi Chie, it is so nice to meet you. Your blog and home are darling. I love all of your cloche's you've put together. I'm your latest follower. How generous of you to give these beautiful things away. For the life of me I could not find the post you said you were having a give away, I certianly hope this counts. lol
    I"m not lucky when it comes to winning things, I hope this is the turn around and I get very lucky to win your beautiful gift. Thank you for swinging in to say hello.. I hope you come again very soon.
    hugs ~lynne~

  40. I got my first cloche this week and had so much fun playing with it for Marty's Party! I would love to win another one! Thanks for hosting the give away!

  41. Love your cloche giveaway. I would love to be a winner.

  42. I am now a follower.

  43. I've strolled over from Marty's AStroll thru sweet of you to offer this giveaway! Please count me in....

  44. I'm a follower so count me in on your generous giveaway! If I win, this will be my 1st cloche...

  45. Just found your blog through Marty. Such lovely ideas. Happy day to you!

  46. Hi Chie, I'm visiting from Marty's party and those cloches are so adorable... thanks for the chance to win. And that cute toothpick holder is just perfect for any tablesetting. I loved your beautiful white candleabra.... it looks so romantic and pretty. Thanks again!~Poppy

  47. we all come running when there is a great give a way and I read about it on
    A Stroll Through Life blog.


  48. I'm happily following you now. Have a great weekend!~Poppy

  49. Thank you for this very lovely give away--I have become a new follower from Marty...

  50. Thanks a bunch Chie! You made my day! I'm looking forward to using the lovely toothpick holder... Have a nice day!Blessings~Poppy


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

If you want to send an email, pls send to and not on what is given by default. Thanks

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