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Archive finds SSS #4 & an Award to share...

Am always enjoying the fun Shadow Shot Sunday. This is my 4th entries of the year and as I always said, "chasing shadows in a cold & dark country isn't appealing". Been chasing the whole Saturday but to no avail. It's good that my archives are full of things to share with.

Here are some of my Tutti Frutti Shadow Shots Sunday Entries...
My cousin Glyn's unforgettable moment in her life
I love the cross on the grave behind us
My aunt visits in Stockholm as she lives in California
Me goes fishing, am I?
Liz wonders her thoughts about the Baltic Sea
The best girls mates/cowgirl's were lost in Helsingborg!
Waiting for somebody's horses?
This catches my eyes when I turned the lights on- in my curio cabinet full of crystal glasses...
Glasses are from Orrefors Crystal Products "Black Line"

Now head over to our host "hey harriet" the girl from the l"and down under"

Pls. press the link for a HAPPIER & FUN week-end to ALL...,0,1036393.blurb

I was so glad that a nice young lady who follows my bloglandia without any interuption knocked my door and said "you've got something to pick up in my room". Huh! voilá! This is what I got from her. A wonderful award that it says " You have a cute/sweet blog". Do I? Thanks "lily of the valley" for giving me the honour of having this award. Million thanks!

The rule for this award is:
1. Choose your 7 awardees
2. Link their names in your blog
3. You have to let them know
4. Upload this award logo on their blogs
5. Link the name of the bloger who give you the award

Here's my awardees:
Hey Harriet
Le Vie Est Belle

Ladies, enjoy your Sunday & hope to see you in a new happy week!!!


  1. Wonderful shots of a beautiful day...this winter is fickle with allowing us our shadow shots, we must talk to management about it...Ha!


  2. Oh Chie, thankyou so much for thinking of me. I will thank you on my blog and send my friends over to visit you! Have a great weekend. A-M xx

  3. The sky is gray and we have no shadows here either, that's why I had to use one from our very recent trip to Hawaii.

    I think the shadow of the cross is my favorite of yours. tfs

  4. I love the crystal shadows. Shadows can create some amazing art!

  5. The colors for the bridemaids dresses is pretty. Looks like lovely grounds for a wedding!

  6. It's handy having shadow archives for those periods when the weather is being very cooperative. This is a great collection of shadow shots. The fishing one is cute. I don't see any fishing rods ;)

    A big congrats on your award! Thanks so much for passing it along to me. You are so very kind :)

  7. Hey there Richie, firstly a big thank you for the award for good ol' me ;p And the wedding shadow is beautiful, so is the rest!! You know I have never experienced I can only imagine the coldness..brrr...Hopefully spring will be here soon. I am sure you miss sunny Asia, we are quite finished with the monsoon..and soon, I can head to the islands on the east coast ;p Big hugs for the weekend..and btw..there's so much LURVE here..I can even feel it haha :D

  8. It must have been a beautiful wedding. Just as well I wasn't invited - I always cry my eyes out! I also love the reflective shadows of the glassware on the ceiling.

  9. Gorgeous shadows-I'm glad you had them archived.

  10. That's great how you look for shadows wherever you go :)

    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog!!!

  11. Hej Chie.
    Så fin utmärkelse du fått.
    Grattis till den.

    Hoppas det är bra med er allihopa.
    Sitter och funderar på sängen igen nu...
    Mår fortfarande inte bra...
    Kramen på dig.

  12. Tack för dina fina ord min vän!Underbara bilder du visar! Härlig grön färg du har på din klänningen på bröllopet!
    Ha en skön söndag
    Kram Lily

  13. Oh vad glad du gjorde mig nu:)))
    Awarden var så fin och jag tar med mig den med glädje!!!!

    Tack goa du:)

    Så fina ni var på korten. Vilka vackra kläder.

  14. Those are beautiful shots ! I love to see photos from all over the world !

  15. Hallå
    och tusen tack för den fina awarden,jag blir så glad=) du är så go och snäll. kram och ha en fin söndag.

  16. Always enjoy your pictures..They are beautiful..What a happy blog..Shadows were beautiful, really lovely..Happy SSS.
    Congrats on the award..your deserve it..I always enjoy your great blog..

  17. Those glasses really make great shadows! Love the colours in that picture! Mind you also like the other shots you shared but the one with the glasses I like in particular.

  18. You do have a sweet blog! Congrats!! Wow...lots of great shadow shots...memories of warmer days:)

  19. Lots of fun shadow shots today. Congrats on the award!

  20. Så härliga bilder Du visar idag, längtan till sommaren blir bara större och större!

    Varmt Tack för den jättefina Awarden.

    Kramen //annette

  21. Du har en kram att hämta hos mej!

    Kramelikram //annette

  22. Heaps of super shadows there! I love the wine glasses!

  23. I had to go to the archives myself, this is a fun set. I especially love the color of your dresses in the wedding photo.

  24. Hej Chie!

    Ett tag sedan som jag kikade in hos dig,hoppas du mår bra!

    Så jättefina bilder du visar,
    ni är väldigt fina på bilderna!

    Grattis till den söta awarden,
    den är du värd!Må så gott,ha en skön Måndag!

    Kram Maria

  25. Lovely shadow shots! The Bride and party look beautiful! Keep those shadow shots coming. I enjoy your photos.


  26. love that cross shot too! My - your kitchen is so wonderfully organized......we are jealous!!
    Wishing you a happy week!

  27. Thanks my ladies for giving me those lovely words. It really keep me going.

    Gosh! I thought I'm going insane w/ chasing my shadows. TY God, that I have the archives, kept in a safety place.

    SO,here, I am giving something to share this Sunday.

    HOpe your coming back, as always. Hopefully, I found my best shot this w/end or else my archives will save me again.

    Hugs to all Ladies!


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