Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll


Tusen tack till alla som grattar/grattade!

Vem är inte glad när mina arbetskollegor kom och hälsade hos mig för lunch? Alla har ju sina familj och en lördagträff med dem är inte den bästa tid. Så, dem bestämde sig att komma en fredag istället. Jag är ju ledig oxå! Underbar tid med dem och så hade vi en mysig tid tillsammans.
TACK L (gubben min) för du blev min BUTTLER för 1 dag §:-)

Det är nämligen, min födelsedag idag och vi vet ju att denna dag är alltid regnigt, ALLTID! Förra året så var vi så blöta även om vi hade 2 party tältar. Regn bara vrakade in i tältarna. Men, så är det med vädret. Vi kan inte rå för det? Bara njuta och ha det roligt, eller hur? Men igår, på dagen var ju kanon och fint väder. På kvällen kom mina kompisar och kusiner och jag bjöd som var kvar på lunchen §:-)--- he he--- jag orkade inte stå igen framför spisen. Den finns ju hur mycket mat och efterrätter som helst och så klart att dricka.

Just look around and you find my shadows everywhere...

Hubby mowed the lawn b4 my colleagues arrival
Giant shrimps & sallad from my own garden
These are my gooseberries!
Bear fruits that no one wanted to have
They rather play with them but I made them into jam...
I served some maltese cookies & my rhuburb pie w/ Philippines coco-vanilla ice cream
A lovely composition of the 3 lovely countries in my heart
MY BDAY CAKES of my own
Choco & raspberries w/ clematis rose Cake
Behind is the cherries & pelargonia cake
My colleagues were happy to be at my place
Lunch, the sweets & the berries...
Celebration didn't finish till the wee in the morning
B4 I close the cubby house, I saw this shadow down to the stairs
Sun still shines in the play house (garden retreat)
Lastly, this welcome me. Glass for 2.
Can you see the shadows on the wall?
This was my 40th bday gift from my bro inlaw
Glass carving & symbolizes the Asian things
- birds on the top of a bamboo tree


Sms, emails, calls, e-cards, the bday cards and all the greetings I got from you all really make my day. This day is the best day of all the bdays I had. Well, weather isn't cooperating this year either but I was blessed for Friday's weather were all my guests came.

I thank you all to meeting you as my bloggie friends and to those aren't blogging friends that give me the support and the strength to move on in every endeavours I encountered. You're all means a lot to me, Ladies & gentlemen. And I promised that this is true and this words come from the bottom of my heart.


"To you my tl... I never thought that this heart of mine fall for you. I never thought that our love will last this long although the distance is the hindrance. Thanks a lot for being their for me, that you stand there with your open arms even in my grumpiness, sickness or happiness. The touch, the kisses, the hugs and the word MKD will never forgotten and these will be cherish 4ever" Your the love of my life.
Hey, wait! don't forget to drop by at:
so, you won't miss our SS collage...


  1. Well, I guess I'm late for the party...:(
    I'm sorry I missed that wonderful salad, looks so yummy! I wish the rest of your year is as fun and full of friends like that day!

  2. In that case...we are coming over!!!
    Happy B-day once again!!

  3. Oh, missed your birthday! looks like you really had a happy time! Happy birthday, and hope you have a lovely year!!

  4. Happy birthday! Love the shadow shots and the cakes look delicious :)

  5. Terrific shadow shots and delicious looking food! And Happy Birthday!!

    Enjoy the day!


  6. Grattis på Din födelsedag vännen, vad trevligt att Ni på Ditt jobb träffas privat och gratulerar varandra på födelsedagar.
    Mkt god mat, bantar just nu så jag blundade snabbt när jag såg tårtorna.
    Här skiner solen idag, underbart vacker och skön kväll!

    Ha det nu fortsatt så bra!



  7. hey crazy blog friend of mine, seems you had a great partyu with lovely cakes and friends :) One day your beach house will be there and in the meantime you achieved the most importend thing, your lovely family
    Lots of greetings from a very sunny amsterdam town ;)

  8. A very happy birthday!
    This is a beautiful set of pictures. Many wonderful shadows.

  9. Fun shadows for a fun birthday! Happy Birthday!!
    Karla & Karrie

  10. What a fun time and so happy for you. Everything looks wonderful and the shadow shots are great.
    Beautiful home/fruit/food..
    Again..Happy, happy Birthday!

  11. Hejsan födelsedagsbarnet!

    Och många grattis på din stora da, Hurra, Hurra, Hurra, Hurra.

    Det såg ut som du fick en trevlig dag med mycket läcker mat.

    Solvarma kramar on mas från Irene

  12. Mmmmm...I'll have a piece of each...I love gooseberry pies and jams, you lucky girl, have a wonderful birthday and enjoy all those wonderful shadows!

  13. Fun photos you shared. Oh the food looks so good! Especially that chocolate cake! A very happy belated birthday. May your 40th year be filled with much happiness and good health :) xo

  14. Happy Birthday! EVERYTHING looks FABULOUS!!!

  15. Tack för titten i min blogg.
    Stort grattis i efterskott på födelsedagen.
    Ser ut som du fick en fin dag med mycket god mat.

  16. gooseberry shadows
    not as succulent as fruit
    but more intriguing

    My Shadow Shots

  17. lovely shadows across your lawn...lovely gooseberries too...

  18. beautiful home
    beautiful gathering
    lovely objects
    and cake!!

    Happy Birthday

  19. Grattis på födelsedagen! Härliga bilder hemma ifrån dig! Smarriga tårtor och annat gott :D
    Kram Lily

  20. Nice shadows. Looks like you had a great birthday celibration.

  21. Thanks for visiting my blog!! Looks like you live in a wonderful place!

  22. Lovely, lovely shadows!

    Happy, happy birthday!

    Hugs from NYC,

  23. What a wonderful feast for your birthday and how awesome your garden must be! Thanks for stopping by - I'll check back with you often.

  24. This is my first visit. What a gorgeous home you have. Beautiful! Love your choice of food too. So elegant.
    Hope you had a wonderful birthday.

  25. Thanks for letting us come to your party - it was great. Many good wishes to you on your Birthday.
    Fabulous garden and cake :)

  26. Everything looks so beautiful and delicious! What a joyous birthday you must have had, surrounded by good things and people who love you.

    Happy Birthday!

  27. Great pictures, Happy SSS, and Happiest of Birthdays and All the Best in the Years to come!

  28. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'm glad to know you had such a good one! Your party looked wonderful...that cake looks to die for!!

    Lovely shadow shots:)

  29. I want the salad! Great shadow shots!

  30. what an awesome collection of shadows this week! :)

  31. what a great collection, honestly, I was very interested in the food, as usual :D

  32. Those photos sure are lovely. That cake looks amazing. Belated happy birthday to you. :)

  33. Happy belated birthday. Everything looked lovely!! I LOVED your Meaning of Life quote. Oh so true. I recently had to remind myself of this.

    THANK YOU for stopping by my blog. It was very nice to meet you! BTW, cool shadows!

  34. Very Happy Birthday dear Richie,
    What a wonderful day with your friends. All yummy goodies from your gorgeous garden.

  35. happy, happy birthday!!
    It looks like you had a lovely (delicious too!!) celebration!!
    happy wishes for your year ahead! :)

  36. Åh det såg verkligen nice ut! Wonderful! Grattis i efterskott!

  37. Hej! och tack för kommentaren! :-)
    Jo, det ska nog ordna sig.. Det blir bara lite spännande när man ska ta och ändra sitt liv lite! ;-)

    Kram Lina

  38. Grattis i efterskott!!!! Vad roligt att de kom hem till dej så. Din trädgård ser så underbar ut så jag förstår att de gillade att gå i den och smaka på bären. Den lek/relaxstugan ser urmysig ut. Kram Katta


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