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Home Alone on my Subtle Shadow Shot # 32


HEJ DÅ SOMMAREN och Vålkommen höst. En typisk höstdag idag. Brrr... verkligen kallt dag. Höjde alla element, golvvärmare och 50-tals värme ljus här hemma, men det känns att det är väldigt kallt ändå. Imorse, gick jag ut och då solen sken fin. Tog mina 2 furu stolar som jag hade målat vit så nu hade shabbat dem. Sen, plocka lite löv och pysslade enkel i veranda för att välkomna det kalla hösten.

Hoppas alla har det skönt hemma eller var än man befinner sig. Ta på varma plagg så att Ni inte fryser.

I am alone home this whole week-end. GH went fishing with his
good mates and he left from home yesterday. While lil Miss went
to party as her classmate just celebrated her 17th Bday... when I
woke up this morning I can feel that the air breezes so cold. Ahh...
a typical autumn morning.

This was my morning start *wink
Not mentioning my laptop, the rest is healthy
And got a subtle shadows, eh?

Having my vase from Spain, perfect for time like this
Sun peeped straight on my couch, giving me a fall feeling...
On the other side, I saw this and rushed to catch a perfect 1...
Michael Angelo want to us know, He can pose...
Lil Miss gloves pouch & hat invites a subtle one...
Rattan chair & sea shell lamps wants to share theirs too
Pine chair turn to shabby, I done this morning...
Not too shabby yet as am just starting when I saw what am looking for

Yeah, right! good folks... another week-end had come and all of us participating this cool meme (can be addicted) always do a very well job. My share as usual, some shots around my simple home that I called my own. Lots of shadows around, just open your eyes and sense of art, then you can find them everywhere.

Don't forget to drop by at:
to see the great participants and their contribution

KEEP WARM GOOD FRIENDS who's in a cold country
& STAY CALM those GOOD FRIENDS in a warm country.


  1. Oh, so many delightful shadow shots! I love them all! It's easy to see that you have as much fun as I do hunting for shadows and finding them everywhere! Definitely the most fun!

    Have a great weekend!


  2. Lovely subtle shadows. I especially enjoyed the glass and candle sticks.

  3. Wonderful shadow series ... hard to choose a favorite because they're all wonderful. Thanks for visiting Sacred Ruminations.
    Hugs and blessings,

  4. All the shadows are wonderful. Each one is so unique.
    Getting mighty cool here..not happy about that, but such is life.
    Have a happy weekend..Happy SSS.

  5. Nice shadows, some subtle and some bold.

  6. lovely selection of shadows, I really like your Spanish vase

  7. I love all your shadows this week-especially your morning table and that beautiful vase. It looks as if it is lit up from inside. Have a lovely Sunday!
    Sarah x

  8. nice shadow shots as always...thanks for sharing your home with us...

  9. what a lovely tour round the houde with lots of wonderful shadow shots to delight the eye..

  10. More delightful shadows from your home. Thanks for the lovely tour and enjoy the rest of your weekend having the house to yourself :)

    It's very hot on this side of the pond, so I'll send you some of our warmth!

  11. Hi There
    Thanks for visiting me and your lovely comments. It's great to find some new friends in blog land.

    I love these shadow shots you have taken and the spanish lamp is lovely. Have a great weekend!! Julie

  12. Du har gjort ett vackert höstarrangemang, och vita korgstolen var så fin och ha ute. Jag har en jag ska bära ut också, måste laga den lite först. Jättefina blev dina stolar när du målat vitt.
    Ha en mysig höstdag
    Goa kramen

  13. Hi Chie, hope you are having a lovely Sunday. So many beautiful shots, Axx

  14. Vilken fin dekor.

    Ja, vädret igår var riktigt konstigt. När vi kom på stan var det riktigt skönt men senare på eftermiddagen började det ju att regna och iskallt var det också. Usch.

    Har du hört något mer ang. lägenheten?

  15. A cup of coffee,
    two pieces of ripe fruit—
    now I am content.

    My Shadow Shot

  16. I love the colors on many of your shots, great job!

  17. You have such beautiful little corners in your home! Thanks for sharing those lovely photographs + happy weekend.

  18. Beautiful shadow shots. I particularly liked the pillow and the rattan chair. Just lovely!

  19. Beautiful shadow shots! And so many of them! It takes me all week to find just one decent shadow. You are very talented. :)

  20. You have a wonderful collection of shadow shots and a terrific eye for photography.
    Thanks for sharing and stopping by,
    Pam :)

  21. You always capture the most fantastic shadow shots around the house. I trust that you had a good time, even though you were home alone.


  22. I hope you had nice relaxing weekend.
    I love your wicker chair.

  23. Nice collection of shadows, all of them in elegant situations.

  24. Lovely subtle shadows and some not so subtle!
    I love the shadow of the wicker chair!
    With that first shot are you saying blogging isn't healthy. :)

  25. I love your shadow shots. Since you were alone, I guess you had a lot of time to take them. I especially like the rattan chair with the seashells. It makes you want to grab a good book and read there all day. --

  26. Lots of lovely shadows here - a feast! The glass on the couch is my favourite I think!

  27. Brilliant images. The light is SO perfect!

  28. Hi Richie! Profiting from today’s holiday – the 99th anniversary of the Republic in Portugal - I’m happy to have some more time to surf the net and enjoy your blog!
    We had the first autumn rain today; foggy and rainy... Not a great holiday... ;)
    Better to see your wonderful shots!!
    Blogtrotter is showing you Antalya. Enjoy and have a great week!

  29. Nice collection of shadows and can always depend on your for some good one :P

  30. Kul att du lämnade ett par ord hos mig :0)
    Vad fina dina vita stolar blev!!!

    kram åsa

  31. Ja nu kommer kylan och hösten är här...mysigt tycker jag och tänder en massa ljus och en brasa i öppna spisen... =)

    Kram Patricia

  32. Hello Richie..I´m Berta from gracias por visitar NY BLOG, and tanks you for yuor nice comments...Your BLOG is also very nice....Berta

  33. Looks like you had a lovely morning and weekend! I just love fall. Isn't the cool air just great?

  34. Fina stolar! Visst är det höst nu, men lite mysigt är det ju också eller hur?

    Kram, Lotta

  35. Sounds like you had the perfect few days without Dear Hubby Chie! I love the last image of the chair casting its shadows - that,s good enough to enlarge & frame I reckon.
    Millie ^_^

  36. Beautiful shots, I love the subtly and good eye of your photos!

    Thank you for your nice comments on my lighthouse. Glad you noticed the little reflection pool, I scouted that area for a long time during the day, and then stood there for many hours waiting for the sunset, because there was only one spot from which you can see the reflection, and I knew if I was there someone else would be there and I would not get the shot :-) That's dedication :-)


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