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Follow Me in ASIA Tablescaping #4

HURRAY!!! I survive on TS DAY...

Imagine? I thought I couldn't cope up and hang on to my fellow players of Susan's TS meme. Am glad for my sake to play along.

Wednesday! A lil tired though it's my off day today. Preparing for my doctor's visit, a follow up after a very complicated surgeon awhile ago. Keep your fingers cross ladies for my safe.

Gosh! our weather is not funny with more snowstorm and so windy. I thought it will be better today as I saw the sunlight when I got up early this morning.

Anyways, I want to share a simple settings in my way. Nothing much hush-husch... Just having fun playing my asian stuffs.

Ohhh! my preparation here. A chinese carpet direct from China
Whilst my coffee table "Shiva" was purchase at MIO
Embroidered lace tablecloth hang at the edge of the coffee table
These are my fav colours and feels me spring-y mood.
Silver dessert fork and the tenn leaf decor layin under is iscence holder
Just playing my setting whether it fits and so did it...
Dried fruit and vegies in my crystal bowl with stand as my centerpiece for funsake
This candle holder is a gift from a colleague. I put a crystal glass on it & beads to look dramtic
A perfect candle holder indeed...
The square wooden plates are stunning with it's palm leaves carving
So simple yet so elegant

Am drooling and can't wait to open the yummy cookies...
With a simple coffee cup that fits perfectly to my plates...
To enjoy the coffee session on a snowy & windy day...
I serve some special choco cookies fresh from Singapore the ever "FAMOUS AMOS".

Thanks so much Susan for this meme that your players are enjoying the game every week. I am enjoying so much and it makes me so motivated.

Thank You for more blessings shower unto our tables...


  1. Godmorgon Stockholm. Hoppas det gick bra hos doktorn, och hoppas det slutat snöa hos er också. Snöar det mer nu går jag i ide, kommer ut till våren. Nu längtar jag efter ljummet regn och fågelkvitter. Jag gillar din dukning, kaffe och choklad det är gott. Och mörk choklad ska ju vara upp-piggande, det behöver vi.
    Ha en fin dag vännen
    Goa kramen

  2. Hej vännen.
    Så vackert det bordet var.
    Dina tallrikar med palmbladet på var ju helt underbara. har du köpt dom i Thailand?
    Så vackert.

    Här är det snöstorm. Man orkar snart inte skotta mera. Armarna är ganksa sladdriga nu. Men minst en gång till måste jag ut. För annars snöar det igen.

    Ha nu en helt underbar torsdag min vän.
    Kramen Synnöve.

  3. I love that spoon! You've got a nice collection of everything there :)

  4. Beautiful tablescape! I enjoyed looking at your creation.
    Holly @ 504 Main

  5. That is so beautiful. I love the wood plates. Beautifully done. Thank you for wishing me well. I will be so glad when I start feeling better. This just doesn't seem to go away. I thought I was better yesterday, but then today I feel bad again (sigh).

  6. What a pretty table you've set! Thanks for sharing this.

  7. Beautiful tablescape and a great blog. I loved the plates and the cups,very unique! I can't wait to visit again and see what other wonderful ideals you have come up with. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you visit again soon.

  8. This is very pretty, and unique! I have a tablecloth with that same embroidered fabric!

    Thanks for your sweet comments on my tablescape!


  9. Love your's perfect! Those plates are wonderful and the lace tablecloth was such a beautiful touch! The cookies look so yummy. :-) Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!


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