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18th BDAY of our young Lady on my TT#12

It was just yesterday!!!

OMG! Mid-week again? YaY!!! isn't it amazing that days come so quick & week-end is just some hours ahead? And YES... our daughter Carla Marie Elizabeth "Lizah" is celebrating her 18th bday today. Wow! this is what I can say, days & years flies so quick, so much quick, indeed. It feels I just had her in my famn, but guess, I have to accept and let her go,open her wings and let her fly safely wherever she may be. But, hey, listen, girl... whoever, whenever & whatever, I am here to stay and keep an eye until the last breath I take. Enjoy your girls night out with your best chums.

However, the debute bash will be held in summer
Yes... Asian on the menu? square plate is from Typhoon
Chopsticks is a gift from my niece who married a Jap
Wasabi saucer & an old wasabi spoon
My italian crystal goblet is ready for saké
Small crystal bottles lays in oblong plate for soy sauces
Not a typical Asian sushi, ain't it?
My family prefer to have salmon, tuna, shrimps & avocado
Miso soup sipper?
Simple TT for a real tablescaping
After the sushi dinner, Lizah love lemon cake we always purchase at NK Bakery
Her fave cake since she was 3 yrs old
Safely lays in my cake stand ready for the young ladies
Yummy, Mum!
Orrefors crystal cake slicer was a 21 yr old wedding present my mother in-law
Of course, her cake will be serve in these Paloma Picasso cake plates
W/ the crystal handle cake spoons makes the serving more luxurious
Paloma Piccaso "Shanghai" by Vilroy & Boch
Still giggling after the sushi, home made spring rolls & cake?
One of her best chum Mabintouh, a model of American Apparel & etc
OK... go & enjoy tonight, girls? More classmates are waiting for disco?
Ha ha ha... what sizes do you have, young ladies...


Head over to Susan who is guesting the TT every Thursday & her players


  1. Pretty table, pretty girls, pretty food and cake - wow!! Happy birthday to the one I guess is your daugther...

  2. Happy Birthday to Lizah! It looks as if she and her friends had a lovely evening!

  3. happy birthday to your daughter, it also was my sisters birthday and we will have a remembering party in her honor on Sunday.
    As for the color blue I hope you will be able to make a blue corner in your future house ;)
    x desiree

  4. Happy birthday Lizah..21st is an important age, an age of independance and change, which is good. You are one lucky mama to all.

  5. Happy Birthday to Lizah! She had a nice party. Its lovely to see that the girls are dressed up in the colors of the table: black & white. With this black and white background look the colors of the nice sushi even more shiny. Its funny, I made also an Asia tablescape today. Greetings from Germany, Johanna

  6. Stort Grattis i efterskott till din vackra dotter. Tänk att åren går så fort. Ser gott ut med sushi, och tårtan är underbar. Säkert lika god som fin. Och det var en jättehäftig header du gjort.
    Ha det gott vännen.
    Stor kram

  7. Ohh Grattis Lizah i efterskott!! Såg ut som en riktigt lyckad födelsedag med allt Ha det bra du med Chie,hehe!!Önskar er en UNDERBAR torsdag!kramar i massor!!=)

  8. I love the simplicity of the table with all the luscious foods. The little cake plates are gorgeous. Happy birthday to your daughter!

  9. Your daughter is lovely! Happy birthday, Lizah! Your sushi is making me hungry. Beautiful table accessories! Yum!...Christine

  10. i'm getting hungry just looking at that delicious sushi! What a great birthday party!

  11. Very pretty table, and the sushi and cake look wonderful too. Happy Birthday to your darling daughter! All three young ladies are beautiful, and I'm soooo jealous of the model's height!

  12. Such beautiful pictures of dishes, food and young ladies. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.


  13. Ooooh how fun! A lovely meal with awesome friends. Send me the invite and I'll come right on over. :)

  14. Looks like fun! The food looks scrumptious! Joan @Americana By Candlelight

  15. The table is just lovely. Happy Birthday to Lizah. How exciting to turn 18, so grown up. She is such a pretty girl and her friends are adorable. I love the cake cloche and the desert plates and the menu sounds yummy. Thank you so much for stopping by and thank you for such gracious comments. Since you have cloches, I so hope you will join me for our next "Cloche Party". We have them every couple of months and it is so much fun to see how everyone decorates in them. Hugs, Marty

  16. The sushi and cake look great! Happy Birthday, my daughter will be 21 the end of May!!

  17. Lovely tablescape. I've been wanting to do an asian inspired table but most people I know don't care for asian food. What is wrong with them??? LOL


  18. Happy birthday to your sweet daughter.

    Yum, meal looks delicious.

  19. Hej
    My englisch is not som god.
    But I shall try.
    Yes the time past away so fast.
    I now how it feel.
    You write so beatiful about your feeling.
    My congratulation to your daughter.
    Have a nice day.
    Hug Zara, (Kram Zara)

  20. What a beautiful daughter and beautiful food/dishes..Just lovely.
    Happy Birthday Lizah...May you have a blessed year.

  21. looks delish, happy bday, they could all be models~

  22. Hej
    Tack så jättemycket för din snälla kommentar.
    Ha en fin helg.
    Kram Zara

  23. What a wonderful birthday celebration! How fun you've made this.

  24. Beautiful dinner you created for your daughter's birthday. I loved everything about your post -- the colors, the stories, the photos of the birthday girl and her friends! They do grow up fast, then there's a lull (for a little rest), and then you get to start all over again, renewed, with your children's children!

  25. Pretty dishes!! And happy birthday to your daughter she is very pretty! Like mom? ^_^ Happy Sunday!

    SSS-Curved shadow

  26. Hi there!
    Just checked your beautiful postings. Happy belated birthday - what a gang going out! :)
    How are you? Life is good - spring already over there?
    We're in Casablanca but still staying in a hotel...
    Hopefully we can move in a week or two...

    Have a great week ahead!


  27. Happy Birthday Lizah :) Many great wishes and happy days for the future ahead...beautiful setting and i love the Picasso cake plates...enjoy your celebration :) love and all the best Monika and Family :)

  28. What a very happy birthday for your beautiful girl Chie! The table looked wonderful & the food so yummy.
    Millie ^_^


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