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My SSS #16 join in with My TT #15 coz, it's Raining

That's right! Tracy!
Time to play! BUT...
Weather forecast said, that today will be a showery day, bit showery. Hey! it's pouring outside. Luckily, I just finish my garden chores.

Went up early for chase some shadow shots. The only thing I got is this:
NO shadows here in first 3 pix... this is what I done for today's chores...
Taken at 7.15am. Thought I could catch nice shadows... Just want to share
I started this project, GH finished it all...more decor will be in place soon
I just planted these pansies an hour ago then rain come
See the pavers? GH done that area. For curiosity sake, he reckoned!

Well, folks... this is my boring Saturday. Nothing much to do. Oppss... disinfection day, today! mind you. What a lovely day then §;-)

2 memes joining together, not becoz am a slacker, just the weather don't allow me to.

I guess, Mother Nature is on her menopausable mood too? What ya think? She don't
even know whether it's Summer or Autumn??? Hellooo???
Sorry, just wanted to make fun as I feel booooooooooooooreeee...

SS now join TT
What can I say? The day of the week everybody awaits.

I am just so happy to join the game in Susan's TT every Thursday (I do Wednesday). As I have a lil time this evening. Thursday is a bit late for me due to time diff from Sweden & The US.

Anyhow, nothing much happen in my TT. Nothing special but I can't keep this settings on my own. I been in a rush to grab all the stuffs in hand when I saw the sun shining. My family is busy doing some outdoor chores. Everybody's involve my game & both GH & my young lady are eager to join too. They're joining my 2 fav memes. CHECK IT OUT!

Seems, my table is so bare. Can't it be? Tablecloth is sort of mocha & silk
Server is from local store & the pressed glass plate purchased at VASS Interior Store
Adding some spices of my table, old cook books & battery salt/pepper mill
I don't know what am thinking what to do to my centerpiece?
I made my table green house as candle holder? Can't it be?
Things now falling in place. I decided to use this glasses whether wine nor soda
U know why? There's a cover on it. Smart idea! is that, no flies or bees in your drink
But, it feels a lil chilly though sunny so, come on in!
Do you think I like greeny/white? §;-) HMM...
Cake plates from Ikea for everyday use while dessert forks from Carlströms
Care for coffe to warm up you freezing body? Be my guest, Ladies?
Pineapple cake to those who is on diet... My homemade Choco-Bailey's Cake, YUMMY!
Fresh flowers is always my fav cake deco
Then when the sun set came, why not give a lil glimpse at the backyard?
Isn't it whimsical to see Tinkerbell in the midst of the candle glow?
Chilly so, fleece blankets are a must...


  1. You always find great shadows!

  2. How nice! And the cakes look tempting!

  3. Beautiful settings as usual..and it could easily pass off as a SSS too. Happy weekend..and hope spring is up

  4. Hello, I love your tablescape and really enjoy your pictures. Your cake looks so yummy. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Jag tar gärna en kaffe hos dig, och så goda bakverk du har. Jättefint dukat på verandan, så fina glas du har. Toppen med locket som skydd mot getingar och flugor. Du är bra på och hitta på fina dukningar.
    Ha det gott vännen.

  6. Very nice! That cake looks yummy!

  7. Nice setting... but now I am hungry! Dropping by from BNOTP.


  8. Your terrarium candle holder looks so pretty. Everything looks pretty....Christine

  9. How pretty! I love those glass covers. Wish I could find them. Not only do they keep the bugs out but they are nice to look at.


  10. Richie, you always have the most unique tables, love them.

  11. It is all just BEAUTIFUL! I love the special touches! And pinapple cake, yum! Can I have the recipe??

  12. Hello, I can't believe how pretty everything looks, I had to come back for a second visit and I'm so glad I did, somehow I missed "tinkerbell", not sure what happened. It's so darling. Thank you for visiting and leaving your sweet comment on my centerpiece that I created for a "Mother's Day Table" at my house. Please come visit again, I have a new post today you may enjoy, you can view it here if you wish:
    It's a bench filled with beautiful flowers, candles, teacups and more.
    I will be back for many more visits and I am now following your blog!

  13. So fresh, pretty and inviting!!! I would love a bite of that Bailey's cake!

  14. Oh, my...this is so so pretty. I love everything you are showing. I am especially loving that Bailey cake. Got a recipe you will share? It sounds and looks delicious.
    Please come back to see me anytime.
    xo bj

  15. Lovely, ornate Shadow Shots! (& of course the food looks delish!)

    Your project looks great too.

  16. Yay I am so inspired by your tablescape. Happy Sunday!

    Sunday Shot Sunday

  17. I could never do your magic settings!
    Just beautiful, as always!
    We're still home hunting - looks better than last week. But takes time, a lot of time...
    Have a great weekend and
    Happy Mother's Day! :)

    SSS greetings from Casa!


  18. To be invited for a nice meal on the patio - to sit and converse into the evening is wonderful, a nice post and I may have to invite myself there for dinner sometime - hoping that the volcano has died down by then...

  19. boy, you sure are dedicated to catching shadows! Looks great, you have a wonderful yard!

  20. I love the frilly delicate shadows those table top items make - so pretty! I love all your shadow shots actually! Happy Sunday to you!

  21. Your tablescapes are beautiful and I love your dessert stand. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us!

  22. Chie, your tablescapes are just gorgeous! I'd be so very happy to sit down with you & enjoy some of your delicious cake & coffee & lots of girl chat.
    Millie ^_^

  23. Hey, I want to come to dinner at your place. The buffet looks wonderful. By the way, I love the quote at the top of your page. Hope all is well in Sweden.

  24. Regardless of the weather you always find great shadows to share!

    Now pass me a piece of that Choco-Bailey before I break through the screen and help myself to the whole lot? I'm drooling a little bit over my keyboard looking at that ;D

  25. Takk for besøk på bloggen min.
    Her var det mye flotte skygger og bilder:-)

  26. Oh, what lovely tablesettings! I really like that little greenhouse you have its so cute. Thank you for suggesting me writing on english on my blog, It is my meening to do so I spell bad but I wont to learn better. But som morgnings Ive been in a hurry thats why its only came out in swedish those days. Have a nice day,LOL Katta

  27. Lovely shadow shots and your table looks so inviting:-)

  28. You always do it in style Miss Chie, we can always plan on sweet treats and sweet family shots from you...YUMMM...

    It's been quite chilly here too, we even had a frost last night, so I was out bright and early this morning removing all of the sheets from my looked like laundry day out there.

    Have a great weekend little pesky friend and take lots of pictures!!!


  29. Hej! musta ka na?
    Nakaka- inspired talaga mga pictures mo....specially the choco cake with baileys...hmmm yummy...can I have some...hehehe

    nice to be in her again...

    ha det gott!

    Kram / Khim

  30. Halloj!
    ja det var länge sen, jag har varit så dålig på att blogga och inte haft riktigt lust och inte haft tid heller, men nu har jag fått inte lite i alla fall... =)

    Kul att du tittade in hos mig =)
    Det är bra med mig fast jag haft lite mycket att göra sista tiden... =)

    Må så gott!!
    kram Patricia

  31. Hej!

    Tack för kommentaren hos mig. VAd fint du bor. Det blev sååå vackert med ljusen i växthuset. Jag har också stått och kikat på det där fina från Indiska.

    Hoppas att du får en skön start på veckan!

    kram Anna-Lena


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