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White Inspiration on my TS #37

Is it Thursday, again?
It is a bit too quick with hours, days, weeks & months, isn't it? Well, for me it is. It's like I'd been somewhere warm & cozy.

I really feel it so. But, in reality, here I am, starting to struggle the freezing weather we have in Sweden. We have 15 decimeter snow & storm. Don't get me wrong, my ladies? Am not complaining of the weather, it's just days passed so quickly, that I didn't manage to do some of my plan projects. NOW; CHRISTMAS, soooonnnn???

Anyhow, I have had my plans in place! Wanna peak?
This is how it look like under the dinner table...
Twigs were white sprayed & hanged up in the ceiling
Don't you love the whimsical of white & silver touch?
Mind You, friends, lace tableclothe is a must...
Beads napkin rings & white cotton runner with faux crystals
Other side of the table, girly teen's napkin rings
And, I always prepare for my guest with kiddies...
Bottles, either as wine decanter, water or mulled wine

Well, this is for now... will BRB when everything's in place.

Keep on looking as I have some surprises, that maybe can be of your like and win for my lottery for the upcoming Christmas.

Enjoy the best of your time, GB...
Hey! don't forget to head over to Susan at:
"Between Naps On the Porch"

All can be purchase at H&M Home


  1. What a lovely winter tablescape! I love the white and silver with a touch of sparkle!

  2. All the white sparkle on your table looks so pretty to me, but it also reminds me of how cold and dark it is where you are living! Stay warm! Linda

  3. Oh wow, your tablescape is just stunning. Gorgeous. Love all of your beautiful white, so pretty.

    You asked if I would help you find an easel. I will look today to see if I can find another one and if I can I would be happy to send it to you. I guess you want one similar to mine. They have many styles. Anyway, I will be happy to look for you. Hugs, Marty

  4. Your tablescape is amazing. I love what you have done. the sparkles and the napkin rings and all. So many great ideas. Thanks so much for dropping in and for sharing your lovelies.

  5. Oh, I love your table so much. Nothing much prettier than whites with silvery sparkles. Just love it. Now, I want to do a table scape using just whites and plenty of silver sparkles.
    Check out
    because she will be having a WHITE party meme in early December. This post would be PERFECT to link there.:)

    Now, build you up a big, nice fire and stay warm..

    xo bj

  6. Oh, this is such a lovely winterscape. It is so feels so peaceful. The white and silver is just perfect together.

  7. Hi Chie,

    You are too funny! You are right, the white crucifix that I got for Christmas last year would look great on your beautiful tablescape. I love your chandelier!

    Stay warm!

    Kathy in Central Oregon

  8. wow that is wonderful! winter is on the way here in North Dakota too...brrr. I am not looking forward to it!

  9. I went to Ross today and I found 2 easels that I think have a pretty design. Neither one of them is a very pretty color, however they are so easy to paint. I would be happy to send them to you as my gift. Just email me your address. My email is

    I hope you will like them and enjoy them. Hugs, Marty

  10. I got your email, and then something happened and it disappreared. I thought I clicked on reply, but anyway it is gone. I hope you see that I did find you two easels and I would love to send them to you as my gift. They both have a really pretty design, but the finish is just not like mine. You can paint them anyway that you would like. Again, if you would email me your address to

    I am so sorry I lost your email address. Hugs, Marty

  11. Lovely - it looks like a winter wonderland!

  12. Very pretty, love the white twigs, refreshing. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Wow, a winter wonderland table, beautiful!

  14. White and silver! Pretty combo for Christmas decor. You can visit me anytime, Richie. You can stay with us if you ever come and visit US....Christine

  15. The hanging branches are fabulous!!! I wish I had the patience to paint them like that! You did a great job! Have a great weekend, and try to stay warm!

  16. These are beautiful ideas. Love all the napkin rings. They are just gorgeous. Very nice TS ideas here. Thanks for stopping by.

  17. Jag håller med, den här hösten har varit grymt stressig. Känns som man knappt är hemma, och då är det dags och sova! Ser fram emot en lugnare december. Så vitt och silvrigt, det var vackra detaljer för dukning hos dig.
    Ha det gott min vän

  18. I am looking forward to seeing how you integrate all of these lovely elements. The way that you have used the twigs is true art. You have a wonderful eye for design. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous white on white presentation and for stopping by my post. Stay warm in frigid Sweden! Come visit my post any time. Cherry Kay

  19. What great ideas, and I always love anything white, but white and silver for Christmas or Anniversary or any special occasion is very elegant.

    Love what you did under the table!!
    Did I read that right??? Maybe that is for under the serving table??
    Anyway, it is gorgeous.

    Loved that you cater to your guests with children, always a very nice thing to do!!

    Also thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments on my son's manly birthday table.
    Blessings, Nellie

  20. Love the white and silver. Thank you for coming over to my blog and visiting. Come back any time. And yes, you have to try the pumpkin or sweet potato roll. Actually, you can't tell the difference in the taste, so I use which ever I have handy. Teresa

  21. Just getting to this since I left to go out of town soon after Tablescape Thursday.

    I can't wait to see it all set up!! I love the white and silver. You make me want to decorate with more of it around here.


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