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Drown of Business Plans on my TS Day...

Absolutely, I am...

How I wish I am a stay-home-mum, so I could do the things I love that I didn't cope when am busy. Having a responsibility in the financial world, isn't easy either. Well, I just keep my mouth, work & have fun, then keep on going. So, if I am like a turtle, "on & off"? You know the reason.

I had a dinner few nights ago with my cousin and her hubby at home. This time was just the closest family i.e. "my family, her & here hubby". We comforted him because his mother just passed away. Anyways, we had a great time mesmerizing our old life & the life we have here. Comparing is the best word, I can find.

I choose Spring colour to make my guest happy...
Dinner / pasta plate is Vilroy&Bosch while bowl is local
Just a simply vintagy things on the table, from fondue to flatwares
The welcome snack bar
Ladies welcome drink, Hot cranberry w/ citrus (non-alcoholic)
Me & my cousin don't drink a drop of alcohol §;-) cheap one's
Mojito for the gents, thanks?
Lovelies of my life

Yes, we had a great evening. I prepared a very simple dinner consist of "pasta la Richié with hallomi cheese mix with fresh veges, "marinated tenderloin for the fondue chips or rice as main course & my Valentine Lemon & Raspberry Cake, loving the consistence that reminded us of a fresh Spring Day.

You maybe notice too that I had a very Spring mood decorating. Does it looks I am longing for it now? Although, winter is beautiful but nothing beat the warm of the sun, right? Just look around, butterflies, pink, fuschia, red, white, green...ahhhh...lala LOVELY...


Oh yeah! always visit Susan at BNOP who is hosting this funtime meme...
CÝah there...


  1. Gomorron
    Så fint du dukat, dina gäster fick en fin kväll. Vilket härligt bord du dukat med välkomst-snacks. Och fondue är både gott och roligt.
    Jättefin tårta, du är duktig i köket. Här har det börjat snöa nu, dom har varnat för busväder. Är på väg åt ditt håll.
    Sror kram

  2. ahhh, your table is just beautiful. I love your pretty spring colors. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. Oh vad fint du dukat som vanligt o så mycket gott!!Förstår att det var lyckat!!Stor kram Chie=)

  4. I especially like your snack table!! I want to try one of those! Pink! I love pink and often mix it with rose reds...which is my favorite combination! Lovely!

  5. Your table is beautiful!! I love it!

  6. So pretty and everything looks delightful for your gathering. Love that heart shaped cake!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your dinner and table look fabulous -- I know your guests were very honored by your efforts. The cake is just beautiful.

    We have snow down South in Alabama, too!

  8. Ahh, if spring would only get here...beautiful table, Chie. That heart-shaped cake looks delicious, did you save a piece for me?
    Have a great weekend!

  9. What a pretty table, and how sweet of you to set a special one for your cousin and her husband! I love the colors you've used, and that fondue sounded delicious!

  10. Youare such a good host, Richie. The table is beautiful abd I am sure your cousin was delighted. I would love for you to visit use here and you can stay as our guest at home. Were you able to order the flatware? If not, let me know cause I can order them for you. Saty warm!...Christine

  11. Your table is just darling, so warm and welcoming. Such beautiful girls. Your spring colors are so inviting... hugs ~lynne~

  12. I am also wishing for Spring, and your pretty table does make me think of Spring. Those floral napkins are so lovely, and I like the way you put them into the glasses. The snack table looks so pretty, and I love that red pitcher with hearts on it. laurie

  13. It is indeed tempting to embrace the colors of spring right now....hoping to make the winter blahs disappear more quickly. I can only imagine the depth of winter in Sweden. Here, it was -7 deggrees this morning, and it's supposed to be in the 70's by this weekend. Always changing! Your tablescape is beautiful...romantic....and your heart shape cake is gorgeous! Looks so good. I know that you had a wonderful evening. Thank you for sharing your charming design and for stopping by my post. Cherry Kay

  14. Your table is super ool! I love the heart shaped cake. Looks like a wonderful place for friends. thanks so much for dropping in and leaving your kind comment.

  15. Hey, Chie! You are able to get some of the most beautiful things where you live! Those bowls are beautiful!!! I am sorry to hear about your cousin's husband's Mom. How very sad. It is very sweet that you took the time to create a pretty table and comfort him in his time of need. I hope you and your husband have a very Happy Valentine's Day! Take care!!!

  16. I love the spring pinks on this table, Richie. It would definitely make me smile to sit there.

    And your cake at the end look fabulous!

  17. I am so pleased that many of our tablescaper friends are thinking spring and your table is a stunning reminder that Spring is not too far ahead. I love how soft your table looks, so romatic and inviting. Thanks for sharing.


  18. Hi Richie, Thank you so much for stoping on my blog you have a beautiful blog too, your table is beutiful and romantic.
    Happy Valentine Day

  19. Very pretty! And we need some Spring here in NY! SO cold and snowy!

  20. Hi Chie,

    What a wonderful hostess you are; everything turned out so cheerful and pretty. Fondue sounds great! I'm sorry to hear about your family's loss, but I can tell that you are a blessing to be around.

    Take care and God bless,

  21. It sounds and looks like such a lovely evening!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment!

  22. Spring will be here before you know it filled with the colors on your table which looks like a perfect place to sit and remember.

  23. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments! Love all of the pink of your lovely table...and that cake looks luscious. Hope you had a wonderful time!



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