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SSS joins TS on D´Box


Yes, I could join the fun for this week's TS hosted by BNOP... and of course Tracy... 2 of my fave memes. For me, from far beyond this is always fun.

Nothing special in the D´Precious Box (what I call my house, coz it is petité) table, however, I would like to share with you the simple way of swedish/filipino living.

I had an off day today and I was so happy I could play some things that are hidden under the porch or in the boxes during winter...

All photos are clickable for a larger view...
VÄLKOMMEN/WELCOMEI had this wricker for ages but ain't had time to re-paint
I started w/ my garden coffe table...covered w/ crocheted tbcloth
Cut crystal chargers, sometimes I used for pizza
I decided to use my wild piony dinner plates
A lunch for 2 in the garden was properly preparedI added my beautiful candelabra, simple but outstanding!

Vintage teaset from MIL, votives is roses, perfect match w/ my dinner plates
Picnic time w/ kiddos, me & my GF had lunch/tea
Glimpse of my garden, simple but rich of greenery
Vintage greek crystal water/lemonade glasses w/ silver lid & bottom
Safety for kiddies... insects away!

Dupion silk pillows as canopy holder & my strawbroom, for design sake
Close UP... luv the votives...
Another garden set, whoever want to have suntan
Or ---prefer to be under the Genormous umbrella?

New pick fresh pionies
Blooming for a wonderful summer
Some lobells...
Bike at the background is my garden deco
Another deco


Don't forget to head over Susan at BNOP & to see her players...


  1. Everything looks so pretty and inviting. I am crazy over those glasses. I have NEVER seen anything like them...gorgeous!

  2. Welcome back! Your gardens cape is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your creative process. Cherry Kay

  3. This is fabulous.. Oh goodness. I think a good time was had by all. Love those chargers.. and the glasses well, they are the greatest. So very pretty and elegant! Many blessings, marlis

  4. Godmorgon kära Chie.
    Så vackra bilder du bjuder på igen. Som alltid :))

    Hoppas du njuter av sommaren nu. Här gör jag det trots jobb och regn. Det är sommar, så det är helt ok.
    Ha en skön helg nu och ta vara på dig och var rädd om er.
    Kram Synnöve.

  5. Oh, what a lovely post! Your gardens are so beautiful too! I agree with everyone else - those glasses are beautiful!
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Your garden looks so pretty and so inviting. I would love to be there and have a picnic with you. Such a beautiful tablescape also. I love the bike as garden decor. How did the dancing go? I can't wait to hear all about it. Yes, I sure think we need to have a giveaway, and yes, you should have it and I will advertise it. That would drive a lot of traffic to your blog. You are such a sweet lady. Talk to you soon. Hugs, Marty

  7. The winter is too long, summer too short, especially where you live. So, how about enjoying the sun while it is almost overhead?

    The details of your modest (as you say) day outside are outstanding. What we have is a place in the shade (under the large umbrella or at the picnic canopy or directly in the sun. Choices are always wonderful. And the table setting, fine crystal to serve lemonade is special. Your homestead is beautiful!

  8. Good photos with very nice compositions.


  9. Hello my friend...

    Ohhh my...what a fabulous table! It's absolutely gorgeous...sooo very romantic...and simply dreamy! I would love to dine or just have a cup or glass of tea out in your beautiful garden! My favorite...your beautiful peony china and that fabulous crystal candelabra! Ohhh my...I just swooned when I seen that! I just love how you decorated everything, my friend...thank you for sharing your beautiful table and gardens with us!

    I just wanted to stop by to say hello and thank you for the sweet note that you left for me over at my place today! I sooo enjoyed your visit!

    Warmest summery wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  10. Gomorron
    Det är roligt och se hur du sakta dukar färdigt, och det var en häftig lila korgstol. Lila kommer bli höstens färg läste jag. Så jättevackra foton när du dukat klart och cykeln syns genom det vita tyget, du kan konsten och göra det fint.
    Ha en fin sommardag

  11. I like that bike, good idea!
    Summer has been amazing in Scandinavia. Today's cloudy weather is a good break - time to work inside again, not too hot.

  12. Your garden party for two is amazing! I love it! How lovely! What wonderful ideas!


  13. Beautiful tablescape. The dishes are beautiful as are you peonies. The whole table looks so romantic. Lovely.

  14. Beautiful pictures outside I just love moving our didhes outside to enjoy


  15. I forgot to tell you Love the little tea spoons you sent Marty on A Stoll Through Life

  16. So pretty. Love the fresh look.

    Jocelyn @

  17. Oh I am so glad you got the follow button up. I have the post about the cloches up and hopefully you will get a post up today. I will have several other post about the giveaway, so you should start getting some traffic. Hugs, Marty

  18. Beautiful way to spend some time. Love that purple chair! Hugs

  19. You have some beautiful pieces to play with! I love the color of your newly painted wicker chair. It looks so FUN & HAPPY!

    The wild piony dinner plates are absolutely beautiful, too!
    I love seeing things from other countries & I'm now your newest follower.


  20. Wow just breath taking it is just amazing how you set it all up I would have never thought of anything that elegant!


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