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Lady M Cloché Party joins D´Box chaos!!!

Can I still join?

Sorry, gorgeousness! that I am late again. Too much to doLänk at work as this month is a so called "Industrial Vacation" in Sweden. Sad to say that staffs who stayed at work since June 17 to Aug. 17 works like "...LL".

Anyhow, that's life. My turn on Thursday until Aug 8. Then I save 3 weeks for autumn & winter vacation. Agadir in Marocco is in the list, Dubai & Monte Carlo. So, it isn't bad, somehow.

While, am busy at work, GH (great hubby) is busy painting windowframes and we changed the wallpaper in our bedroom. Then, of course, LOTH (lady of the house) wanted to change the curtains & blinds. Sewing--- like am joing the "Runway" §:-)

The outcome will be shown another time, as I have to hurry to join Lady M's party.

Sorry for the mess....
WELCOME at D´Box lounge... pls don't mind the mess...
Garden rusty crown came in & join the party
Hurricane like joins eventhough, it's not her place here
Duno if we count this as cloché but I see her quality to be one
"I carried this Spanish ceramic from Costa Brava, Spain"
Showing some close ups...
One of the fave cloché at D´Box
My new revamped reading nook (not ready) as much as my plan
One of the biggest, always stand by me (in the kitchen)

I guess, this is my shots, not too appealing compares to many of you but, as promised, I will join and share the simple way of swedish living.

Don't forget to join Lady M's party & you can win what I can share & 2 more exciting prizes. Hope everybody enjoy the mid-week.

Toothpick stand behind is one of the dinning cloché
Surprise gifts...
C´mon & join us...

God Bless All


  1. Hi lovely lady. I love all your Cloches you did a Beautiful job on all of them good for you. I did not go in on the party becouse I was getting my Tablescape together for this week... Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my new Patio Dinner Party. I hope you have a Wonderful week sweet lady.
    I see I do follower you.
    XXOO Diane

  2. Chie, your cloches are wonderful. I love the beautiful jar from spain. The flowers are so pretty and I love that you have a cloche in the kitchen too. I always have at least one or two in my kitchen. I hope you get a chance to see some of the others. Some people are so creative it just amazes me. Sounds like you are working sooooooooooo hard and such long hours. However vacation sounds fantastic. I would love to visit some of those places. I think I will do a post tomorrow and let everyone know that they have until Thursday to sign up for the giveaway. Then you can do the drawing. Hugs, Marty

  3. Hi and it's great seeing all of your cloches and how you've decorated them.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Gomorron
    Då är nog du på väg till jobbet nu, skönt med semester imorgon. Och fina resplaner har du för hösten. Jag gillar ditt färgglada hem, dom mörkrosa stolarna är så fina.
    Sommarkram från Värmland

  5. Cantik! as usual, everything is pretty and artistic. Good to visit you and good to be back in blog land too :)m

  6. I love your collection! That crown is just wonderful! I absolutely love your pink chairs, too.

  7. Thanks for visiting. I love the cloches with flowers in them..and your jar is gorgeous!

  8. Oh wow I love the cloche with those beautiful roses.


  9. Hello Chie,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment. You have some very nice cloches and I really love how you have displayed roses under one of them; lovely! Love the crown cloche too. Have a beautiful week.


  10. Your home is lovely and you have so many beautiful cloches.
    I'm new follower, love your blog.
    Count me in for the cloche giveaway I don't have any so maybe I can be blessed enuff to be a winner.
    Thank you for visiting LAZYONLOBLOLLY!

  11. I really like your garden crown cloche, Chie. Also the large one that you have in the kitchen. And even if the Spanish ceramic piece isn't technically a cloche, it is beautiful!!! I would have hand carried it carefully, as well. It's truly a showpiece.
    Take it a little more easy at work and relax a little. :-)
    ~ Sue

  12. Forgot to say,"sign me up for the give-away!" You're very generous, Chie. Thanks again for coming by for a visit and reminding me to enter your give-away. :-) Sue

  13. Your home is so lovely. Filled with so much light and color.

  14. I love that crown cloche. Your reading nook looks so inviting. I'd love to sit and read in one of those chairs. laurie

  15. Thanks for sharing your pretty cloches. Also, thanks for stopping by and nice comment.

  16. Thank you so very much for the give away, pretty lady! I'm still ecstatic about it!! I remember seeing your give away and saying: "Oh, how pretty, how lucky the winner will be"! and loving the little spoons too, with tea cups on top of handle! Gorgeous! I'm very grateful, you're very generous Chie. I love all your cloches too, specially the Spanish one, it's stunning! God bless and have a great weekend, I know I will! Love, FABBY

  17. love your cloches. I do love the wire one so. I hope you get it all put back together. I can't wait to see.


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

If you want to send an email, pls send to and not on what is given by default. Thanks

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