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Fishing Finished This Year...


In a way, it's nice to be back to basic, however, I love to stay where I was. But, my piggybank is almost empty and this must be fill in again for another enjoyment to come.

Some bIts & piEceS (photos) will be upload soon but for now... I wanna play with you all...

Anyways... I am joining Susan "BNOP" after my summer break. Hope you guys, still remember me after my weeks of silence.

MOTH (man of the house) mowed to gave me a cozy TS area
I found the right spot where my table will be place
I started my centerpiece, an 44 yr old sewing machine...
I prepared paisley shawls in case, it will chill later on...
Little blings? Vintage crocheted coaster... autumn colours
More additional whatevah, blings... dried twigs & Friis keychain
My centerpiece, tomatoes from my garden...
Burlap tablecloth, perfect & fits to my autumn theme...
Soup bowls & plates is a bday gifts, perfect for my atumn set
Both wine glass & drinking glass are crystal from Orrefors
Sallad bowl from Crete Island & sallad servers, 23 yr old
Hurricanes & candleholders from GH (great hubby)
Fresh apples on a rustic cakestand
Harvest time at D´Box garden... leather bag from Greece
Red beans as my candleholders...
Gigantus zucchinis from my garden with my autumn gears...
Still hot & sunny today, in Stockholm. Sweden

Getting cooler, see the glasses?
Guess, infrareds are needed outhere §:-)
Tea jar is chilling to...
Glimpse of D´Box...
Am going artistique, huh? Just trying if I pass!
Hope you're enjoying your visit in Stockholm...Welcome back!

Do you think, I am a bit talkative? Or is it obvious that I missed blogging? Ha! seems it. Hope you enjoy visiting me and experience the simple way of Swedish living, but of course with some whisk of an Asian modern style. That makes D´Box pretty cool. Mixing things and our lives, makes more exciting.

Happy TS Everybody!!! I am BACK---


  1. Hello lovely Chie. I too have not been bloggy visiting for a while. It is so good to catch up on your beautiful life up there. You live with such enthusiasm and gratitude. I wish I was your neighbor. You would be so good for me. We'd have fun too. You make me laugh! A-M and little A-Ms xx

  2. Welcome back! Love the sewing machine centerpiece mixed with your gorgeous Orrefors crystal. The burlap cloth is wonderful. Thank you for sharing the process of your delightful design. Cherry Kay

  3. Oh my word Chie, this is just so unreal. I love it all. That sewing machine is fabulous. What a treasure. Your tablescape and the setting are perfect. I would love to be there. So pretty. It is so wonderful to hear from you. I so hope the Fairy Hobmother visits you. Hugs, Marty

  4. Dear Chie, how wonderful to hear from you! I'm so glad you had an incredible vacation, that sure is awesome! I love your new post and I'm happy you're back blogging sweet girl. I love the sewing machine and the Orreford Crystal. The dishes are beautiful and of course, your entire tablescape! Don't worry about the giveaway, it'll come, thank you so much in advance and don't fret your sweet self about it, you're kind enough! Welcome back and lots of hugs to you and your beautiful family! FABBY

  5. Beautiful settings as usual, but I must say that I am attracted to that sewing machine. I started sewing about a year ago and have a very old sewing machine inherited from mom too. Though I dont use it, but still kept it as its vintage and unique. Enjoy the weekend.

  6. Wow! The classic sewing machine...

    I'd dieing to have one!!

    What a great work chie...


  7. Hej Chie
    Alltid lika roligt när dina dukningar dyker upp, den här höstdukningen är bedårande vacker. Att ha med symaskinen var en fin idé, det är en jättefin gammal maskin. Och så vacker paisleymönstard pläd, allt blev så rofyllt och mysigt.
    Sol här också, och jag är ledig idag, jippie.
    Varm kram

  8. Guten Morgen!
    thanks for stopping by my blog today! Nope-no rain--lucky us!

    Your backyard looks so inviting and the grass so green!

    Have a wonderful day!

  9. This is just too cool! I would never have thought of using an old sewing machine as part of a centerpiece, but I will now. The whole presentation is a delight.

  10. Okay, everyone is commenting on your beautiful table and it is totally beautiful, but I have to comment on the names you give your husband! I am so gonna call Mr. B, MOTH sometime soon! I love love love it :) Thanks for stopping by and leaving the sweet comment. Hope to see you again soon!

  11. What a fun table. I love the antique sewing machine as part of your centerpiece!! So creative!

  12. I love that sewing machine!!! How cool!!!!!!!! I was just telling someone else that it's important to look at every element in your home as a potential centerpiece. You have proven that it works!!!! Very creative! Welcome back!!!!!

  13. I loved visiting with you! That is such a clever and inventive centerpiece. Loved the way you mixed so many elements... the burlap with the fine crystal, the veggies with the sewing machine. The setting was lovely, too.

    Happy Tablescape Thursday!



  14. I hope you can come and visit my post, I want you to catch a plane to Ecuador for a tour of Quito, you won't be dissapointed my friend, I promis! Lots of hugs sweet Chie. FABBY


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

If you want to send an email, pls send to and not on what is given by default. Thanks

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