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EU Father's Day on SSS...TTT & TS of course join the Funtime

EU's FB is today...
Yes... whilst USA, Asia, Australia and other countries celebrated FD earlier.

D´Nics itinerary 13/11-11. We attended Holy Mass
Sta. Eugenia Catholic Church, located at Kings Garden St., heart of the city

Then after, we went for a quick shopping b4 lunch courtesy from our darling daughter, Lizah. We had fun and enjoyed every minute of our bonding time.

COME & FOLLOW US... on Shadow Chasing...
I know, SSS players know what your looking for. Chase if you like in here!
GH & Lil Liz on the way to bus station
GH Christmas window shopping
Oh! if you know what's inside in this Danish shop
It happen that, Illum is my fave shop, follow me, inside...

Christmas TS met us, shadows everywhere...
George Jensen wonderful treasures
Teacandle holders, cuties...on TTT
Chasing for shadows here...

I grabbed somethings I think, I needed, but someone was just shaking his head, without any whinges. Anyhow, lil Liz just going grumpy with my shadow chasing, so we decided to stepped out and this is the end of the SSS. However, GH found a designer's lamp, perfect fit in our kitchen. Ordered§:-)---Me like---♥♥♥


AFTER LUNCH, D´NICS went home...

Another week-end for my preparation on FD at home. It was a lil bit stressy but doing the things I love? nothing can stop me . Luckily enough, GH & lil Liz enjoyed my passion and helped me sort out the things I want to lay on our TABLE this Sunday evening.

GH (great hubby) worth celebrating his day...
We'll start the pitcher. Italian ceramic & purchased in Sorrento, Italy
Welcome drink, Martini/glasses Kosta Boda crystals
I prepared the battery-powered S&P shakers, for MAN sake §:-)
Flatwares is Carlström silver, purchased with my first salary 23 yrs. ago
Centerpiece is from India, zink bird's cage, fabergé eggs inside
An upper shot...
Dinner set are Höganäs, Swedish ceramic, table napkins s cotton from NK

Yummy... GH really appreciated the preparation for his day. He so love the dinner. I prepared a very simple recipe but he mentioned many times that it's a "sumptous" dinner. It's a pork noisette (compositioned) by my own way. I made a sauce of dijon mustard & basilica with a lil whisk of bacon. I prepared tagliatelle pasta for a change and at D´Box, green sallad is always a MUST in our table. Still Höganäs set here as you can see.

Smudge toffee cake (own recipe) Kosta Boda crystals. Can you see the cloché? I used my Kosta Boda crystal flower vase as a cloché rester, just to make sure that I don't make a mess on my tablecloth. Dajeerling tea purchased in Fortum & Mason, honey purchased in Greece a month ago. Tea mugs are also from Höganäs. I have a set of 16 from the smallest to the largest piece.
GH is cutting his cake with his great grandmother's silver cake slicer

He really is worth celebrating his day & hope he enjoyed it.
Hope you all enjoy the Swedish way...

Don't 4get the Christmas give-away. It will end next Sunday, 20th November. So if you want to join? Just leave a comment, be a follower & link my blogsite to yours. Simple, right? And you can own the Swedish Christmas spirit.

BE WELL... & God Bless Us All...
Visit Tracy, to view all her players, worldwide...

This post will be link to TTT & TS later this week...


  1. Det var roligt med en rundtur på stan, är ju så fint skyltat i alla fönster nu. Och så fint ni firade far i huset, god mat och tårta passar bra idag.
    Ha en fin vecka
    Varm kram

  2. Har ni fått in bord och stolar i vardagsrummet igen?

    Vad fint du fixar och piffar hela tiden...Lasse har tur som har dig som gör det så fint i huset;-)

    Hälsa familjen.
    Kram Birgitta

  3. Thank you so much for your visit. I have enjoyed looking at your blog. I loved seeing how you honor Fathers in your country. Looks like you had a wonderful day celebrating. II enjoyed the shopping trip especially enjoyed seeing the work of GJ.
    Your giveaway is beautiful. I am entering your contest. I am a new follower and I will place your button on my sidebar.
    Please follow me as well

  4. Thank you so much for your visit. I have enjoyed looking at your blog. I loved seeing how you honor Fathers in your country. Looks like you had a wonderful day celebrating. I enjoyed the shopping trip especially enjoyed seeing the work of GJ.
    Your giveaway is beautiful. I am entering your contest. I am a new follower and I will place your button on my sidebar.
    Please follow me as well

  5. Chie, sounds like such a fun day and all the wonderful shopping too. Your tablescape is so pretty and such a wonderful occassion. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  6. What a beautiful table and celebration! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for the lovely comment!

  7. Hi lovely lady.
    I love coming over and seeing your lovely county. You did a lovely tablescape for your dinner party with the dark blue and white dishes and the food looks yummy, Is the cake Chocolate YUMMY !! I would like to thank you so much for your sweet comments on my new Tablescape, hope you have a great week with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  8. Beautiful!


  9. Love your giveaway, (have been a follower!) Chie and I love your tablescape! The food looks really good, I agree with your GH!..Christine

  10. I would die for the ribbon on that tablecloth!!! Oh I am so sorry, I didn't know I wasn't following before.. but now I am.. Your father's day is priceless. I love that you showed the pretty shops.. I knew that was a shop for pretty thing for the house. and the tables there were spectacular.. As is your blue and white.. I think I could do that for new Year's day.. it's so sparkly and shiny.. Your food looks delicious.. xo marlis

  11. Hello! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments.

    Wow! I enjoyed your tour ~ thank you for taking us along. It was fun to see how Father's Day is celebrated in another part of the world.

    Your table is beautiful ~ so many lovely pieces and great photos ~ I especially enjoyed the evening shots.
    Very, very nice! Blessings to you and your family. ~ m.

  12. Beautiful blue and white table, Chie! The food looks delicious, too.
    It looks like your husband was enjoying his special day.

  13. Hello my friend...

    I never thought that Father's Day would be celebrated at different times of the year in different places...that's awesome, my friend! A happy Father's Day to your husband! He looked like he really enjoyed his special day! Your table looked gorgeous and the food...Mmmm...scrumptious indeed! I love the zinc birdcage that you used for the's beautiful!!! Love, love, LOVE the beautiful cobalt blue dishes too! Thank you for sharing your beautiful table and special celebration with us!

    Ohhh...and I have to tell you that I am sooo wanting to do a Swedish Christmas in my dining room this year! The beautiful red and white linens would be sooo perfect! Thank you for doing such a sweet giveaway for us!

    Warmest wishes,

    PS...I also wanted to thank you for coming by my place! I have sooo enjoyed your visits and sweet notes, dear lady!

  14. Hello...

    I have just added your delightful blog to my list of blog follows, sweet lady! Thank you again for hosting such a nice gift giveaway for us!

    Warmest wishes,

  15. What a wonderful celebration for your husband! It was fun to go shopping with you. My favorite was the black bird! Your table is beautiful. I love the birdcage, especially with the candles lit. And the cake looks yummy!

    Thank you for visiting me! I would love to enter your giveaway! I believe I'm already a follower!


  16. Sounds like you all had a fun, fully packed Father's Day. Love the shadow chasing! Cherry Kay

  17. Battery-powered salt & pepper shakers???!?!?! Cool!!!! I have never seen that before! My husband would LOVE those!!! Your husband, by the way, is very handsome. Way to go, girl!!! So glad you guys had such a wonderful day out. Nice way to spend the day together followed by a warm, cozy, loving meal. I hope you're having a good weekend. Take care!

  18. What a wonderful time you had at hubby's Father's Day, besides the stunning table you created my dearest friend! I love the cage from India as a center piece, stunning! Well, you know I've always been you fan and follower, sweet Chie. So nice you spent some quality time with your pretty daughter too. I will place your button on my side bar forever!! Lots of love and thanks for the giveaway chance! FABBY

  19. Oh, forgot...I have the same ceramic rooster pitcher from Italy...I'll have to look for it! I wanted to place your button on my side bar, but didn't find I didn't find my blog in your side bar...snif, snif, snif...uaaa!!!
    I love you anyway! FABBY

  20. Lovely photos and that dinner looked divine! And the cake has me drooling! Happy Father's Day to all the Swedish dads!

  21. We had FD last Sunday.
    I don't understand how you have energy to do all this beauty - table and food. Looks amazing!
    Have you thought to start a business - to help other people who are too busy to make this kind of beauty?!

    Greetings from -3 Helsinki - the first day when it's this cold but sunny!
    Have a good week ahead!


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

If you want to send an email, pls send to and not on what is given by default. Thanks

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