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What 's New in New Year? B4 & After

Hope Everyone had a great & peaceful New Year...
New Year, New SSS with a SUBTLE ones at D´Box

As I see... all you ladies, had a blast, goodbying 2010. My & your family gatherings, bondings sharing and giving, makes me so happy. I am so blessed to have my cousins & extended family in Sweden. I created my life with my family and friends, here coz I am away from home & dear family. I shared what I have and what I got. I am blessed, I found the blogging thingy, too. This makes my life easier. I can share my likes, my life and my world with you, my cyber friends. Thank you so much for all the inspirational words, the comments and the never ending visits. I do appreciate it. Thank you once again for being a friend.

In D´Box, I don't know what to start. I been into tablescaping and table top, the last half year of 2011 and or on & off. I missed SSS every week-end. It's too much to hang on. The projects at home grows fast too. And of course, I am a full-time career woman, a full-time housewife, a full-time mum and don't forget I have all my daily activities. I dance 5x a week and have my gym & classes at work too. Arrrgghhh... can I cope up all this? A matter of fact, I do, however, the question is, shall I manage, for how long? I do murmured "Hopefully, I do" The word I have in my mind is "PRIORITISE" and I do prioritise the things it need my priority. So, here was the busy life at home....

Remember, our house is absolutely, "petité"? It was a bit of a hard to do a DIY. I am not an interior designer and having one was not an answer either, or maybe my wallet was the problem, §:-) Anyhow, both me and GH gave a try, if it goes well, "fair enough", if it goes bad, though luck". So, then we started!!!

Well, simply said and we done the revamping:
Press the photo for a better & a closer look
This was the old bedroom we had, the ugly wall was hidden w/ lace curtains §;-)
GH started ripping off the plinths
OMG! it's not charming. I don't like dark stuffs
This house built in 1947 & old owner lived here for 25 yrs
Now, it looks like GH done a good job, don't you think?
Well, in progress?
Then, here was the wallpaper we both choose, for the backwall
And the headboard... TURQOUISE, so calm
I don't really feel at ease at first...
Or, maybe curtain misses? Rugs was changed too...
The standing cabinet was my first project "painted" whited

Well, as you can see, the photos are not the best. How I wish, I could share you for real. It's a kind of a cutie, though? Or at least, if you ask me §:-) The efforts GH had and me, who sewed the curtains, blinds and the pillow cases (not the white ones) was a satisfying outcome. Helping together sorting out the looks of our home, make our understanding and the bonding as man and wife get more stronger. We sat and talked about the plans. I plan, decide and he is the doer, uhumm... of course, I am the assistant. Keeping him accompanied.

To those who don't know me, GH is minimalist and I am more in to "que sera sera", what I like, I put it there, thing? And I am loving it. So, we both comprimes... 50-50 and we both gave a HI-5!

This is our on-going project the entrance, but that's another story!

HoPe YOU are in the best of everything dear bloggie friends.
See You All and God Bless in a Blessed W/end.
New SSS button... pls do visit the SS chaser's---


  1. Hello Chie, thanks for stopping by my blog! I like your bedroom redo, the back wall looks great!

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog ad entering my giveaway. I absolutely love your bedroom. The wallpaper is amazing. i am a new follower and can't wait to see your new posts.


  3. Hej Chie
    Vilken skillnad, det kan man kalla renovering! Så fint det blev med sänggaveln och fondtapeten, ett helt nytt och vackert sovrum. Ska bli roligt och se vad ni hittar på men entren, perfekt att den är under tak. Där kan du hitta på mycket, bra men en händig man också. Ha nu en fortsatt skön helg.
    Kramar till dig vännen

  4. Kul att du tittade in hos mig! Tack för de snälla orden.
    Jag gillar verkligen ditt nya sovrum. Men det gamla var också fint på något sätt. Särskilt med spetsen så fint arrangerad på väggen.
    Lycka till med altanprojektet!

  5. Chie! My sweet darling, lovely to hear from you again, hope to see you in 2012, your bedroom is very romantic and

  6. Hej
    Vad kul att du hittade mig så jag hittade hit. Lägger mig som följare så jag inte tappar bort dig.
    KRAM Agneta

  7. Oh my dear, how terrific you're rodoing your bedroom, this is what we have to do this year too! Can't wait to see how it turns out! I have a giveaway and I'd love you to visit and comment on it, that's all you have to do.

  8. What do you mean by ; this is not the way to join the fun? What fun do you mean, is it about my giveaway?

  9. Your room is looking wonderful! I think the wallpaper is very pretty.

  10. Hej Chie! Tusen tack för titten inne hos mig. Blev jätteglad för dina rara ord :)
    Oj vilken vacker blogg du har!! Älskar alla fina bilder. Så vackert hem du har! Jag kan titta på dina bilder hur länge som helst.
    Ser att du håller på att renovera. Sovrummet blev fantastikt snyggt! Gillar sänggaveln och tapeten. Så tjusigt och vackert.
    Jag själv lever i en renovering, men vi är snart färdiga. Visst är det skönt när allt börjat ta sin form!? :)

    Sköt om dig, så hoppas jag att vi ses igen! :)
    Kram /Åsa

  11. It is hard to imagine whether an idea will work in a big project like this! You have done so well and the light colour scheme keeps the room looking as large as possible! A great effort!

  12. Hi you busy lady!
    Good work you've done...
    All the best for the end of the year! :)

  13. Good luck--and stamina--to you as the renovations continue!


    If I had a shadow the size of the sun,
    I’m not sure how fast I’d be able to run,
    Or if I could flee from its ravenous jaws,
    While keeping away from its razor-sharp claws!

    © 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadows here and there

  14. en härligt skillnad....
    kul att du tittade in hos mig....
    ha en mysig söndag

  15. Oh CHIE I WANT YOUR BEDROOM! How beautiful it is and we need to revamp ours desperatelly too! Ok, honey, sorry I got what you mean! Yeah, I know all the fun giveaways are for sure, lol!
    Mil Besos amiguita!

  16. Hi Chie,
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving such kind words. Love the wallpaper and the new look! I am sure it looks fabulous in person. Enjoy!

  17. You've captured some nice shadows in the midst of your redecoration. I like how your bedroom turned out - very pretty!!

  18. Wow sistah, you've been busy eh? I love the transformation of the bedroom!

  19. U always thought your home was very attractive before the updates. A place of style and family love...the new year is starting off quite well, Patti is through her cancer treatments, and her hair is growing back-yay! I was advised a long time ago, your home is where your children grow up. So no matter where life takes us, that is where home is. Happy New Year!

  20. I love your pretty wallpaper! Happy New Year and thanks for visiting me.

  21. I love your bedroom. Great job!

  22. Hej igen Chie!
    Tack för dina rara ord :)
    Jag länkar dig också, så att jag har dig och inte tappar dig :)
    Trevlig dag!
    Kramen / Åsa.


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

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