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Can I Inspire You this time? Can you Inspire me?

Guess if I can?

I might be an unlucky lady this 2013, as I speak, although there are times that I am so happy. Maybe everyone knows that last winter, Mindanao, Philippines experienced a natural calamity typhoon Pablo that almost demolished the whole city and at the same time, Mum passed away.  Many of my nearest relatives lost their families and loveones. Unbelivable...

November 9, 2013, the most powerful typhoon ever in the history in the whole world with a signal No. 5  struck once again and it struck in Central Visayas. Tacloban City where my eldest sister and her family live was the city the hit the most and decimated in its wake... OMG! I couldn't believe how the city became a ghost town. The real ghost town. 3 days, I never heard from anyone of them. 3 hrs ago, Swedish time, my niece who flew to Manila waiting for the C130 cargo plane rung and said "Auntie!!! Mama, your sis is ALIVE! although in bad condition". We still looking for our cousin, Angelie (who is pregnant)". I couldn't kept my tears and so happy to heard her voice.

Today/tonight another strong typhoon Zoraida is coming or already devastating what is left standing. My dear countrymen, still standing, struggling the pain. What can we do for them? Heartbreaking!!!

My post is the most delicate I created for them..
My new winter curtains, match for the soon motives around...
Glasses or crystals are so delicate. My Fleur de Lis plates from Paris
Etched vintage salad plates are on top...
Mixed the new Dollar Store coffee etched coffee set, perfect!
As well as the wine glasses but the drinking glasses are vintage from Greece...
The hurricane jars are one of the most beautiful blings I have...
Butterdish, a wedding gift from my classmate and crystal cake slicer also a gift
Both are a 24 yrs old. Can we call them a vintag-y? LoL*
How about this dome cakestand? Do you like it? A new member of my table...
Pls don't mind my stairs ( I just changed my curtains).
Flatwares are not old but with an old touch in a way...
A V&B teapot was my first purchased in 1990. I know, I love kitchen...
I elevated the pot of an azalea. Candle lit for all the victims in The Philippines...
Dear son, work as chef cook at one of the best hotel/restaurant in Stockholm.
Bern's Hotel/Asian kitchen, thank you for the compliments for Father's Day.
Pls pray for my dear countrymen. No harm will cross their paths again.

Thank You for dropping at my home and hope you share a prayer to All who are in vain. 80% of the area was demolished, as in DEMOLISHED! God, bless Us All.

Linking with you again, Marty? 
And of course, to you Susan...
Thanks Nici for hosting. Fist time for me to join...


  1. My prayers go to your people and now that the typhoon has lost its intensity we pray that everybody can be rescued to a safe place! I admire all of your beautiful china, but especially the delicate window curtains have stolen my heart!

  2. Hi lovely lady.
    I have been looking at the TV about the family's and the people missing!! I know this mush be to heartbreaking for you Iam sending you lots of Prayers so sad for you. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my Tablescapes I hope you will come back and let me know how your family is doing.
    Lot's of xxoo

  3. the pictures coming out of the storm zone are horrifying. My prayers are with those trying to survive this massive disaster.

  4. Oh wow, Chie, this is so beautiful. First, I love the drapes, and then the tablescape is stunning. Love, love, love that cloche of course. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  5. My prayers and peaceful thoughts go to all who were affected by the storm. You've put together a beautiful table and I love all the bling!!

  6. I thought of you immediately when I heard about this storm. I hope you have now found all your family and that they will be well again. God Bless.

  7. Oh my goodness sweet friend, I am so concern with the tragedy your dear country is enduring these days. My prayers are going to all the people that are suffering. I always watch the news to find out the latest. I am so sorry and been thinking of you, Vel and Christine. I know Chris is on a trip to Germany, so I wrote her with concern. Just pray my friend. I hope your family is safe; please let me know. I love your table and the beautiful dishes and accessories. You always have such gorgeous things, sweet friend. I also love your lovely drapes. Thank you for coming over to visit.
    Hugs and blessings.

  8. My prayers are going to all those people from your lovely country. Hope your family is safe.
    Your table is so elegant! Love those beautiful whites here.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  9. I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. You and your countrymen are in our prayer.
    I pray that no more harm comes to them.

  10. I am hoping your family are safe. This was just such a terrible tragedy....keep strong.

  11. Oh no! News from the Philipines has been quite awful, but it's made even worse when we hear of it touching someone's family. I hope yours is as well as can be.

  12. Fruktansvärt det som hänt ditt hemland, hoppas
    innerligt att alla dina släktingar hittas. Jag bodde
    på Esplanade hotell och tittade inte på bloggen förrän
    jag satt på Centralen och väntade på tåget. Så synd
    att vi inte hann träffas, men jag är nog snart där igen.
    Tänker på dig, och hoppas hoppas du får goda nyheter
    från dina släktingar.
    Varm kram

  13. Hi again Chie! I got the answer here to my question in the comment I posted for your latest blog. :)

    I hope you didn't mind that I asked... Typhoon Yolanda was really devastating. I have no relatives, family, or friends affected by the typhoon but still, my heart is breaking for our countrymen who are still suffering until now because of it.

    We continue to pray for them... And yes, you are inspiring. This is just my second post of yours that I've read and I'm already inspired both by your write -ups and the photos. Amazing kitchenware and flower arrangements! They're so delightful to look at!


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