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Confetti Cake On 3rd Advent & D´Box joins last SSS of 2013

4 days more to go!!!

Christ is born... 2013 is almost to an end. A very quick year with lots of heartaches (in my side) both natural and feelings catastrophes. But what can I ask for more when I know my nearest loveones are so well and in the best of everything? I never regret even a second on what had happened to myself, my life, me as a whole. Everything has some reason and I accepted them whole heartedly.

That was Jesus done for me, for us and the whole World. Forgive everyone for a more peaceful World, peaceful minds and peaceful hearts.

Here is my Box on the 3rd of of Advent.
 Easiest flan in the Universe, LoL* 

 Icing and the frosting decors are my homemade (apart from the fringes) strössels 
 Served in my simple way... SORRY! couldn't find the ribbon §:-)
 Stiletto cake slicer is a gift... 
 I never get tired of my pretty sets...
 Coffee and Tea are serve in an old pewter tray
 Dessert plates lay beside. Might additional guests come...
 Just sharing D´Box is warm and cozy inspite of it's petiteness...
 Another pair of Mum and Daughter Bambi ... 
 I still feel so blessed when a Mum roe deer gave birth in our backyard... 
 Dark, warm and cozy in here... 
 A symbol for a love of a Mother to her daughter or daughters... 
When it is dark outside, I bring the light inside, lighting up my Life with you...

Hope everyone have had a great weekend a a blessed week to come...
Linking with you Miss K on Monday (tomorror)
Marty's party on Tuesday.
And to Susan's TS party... a never ending party Susan... I will be there.
Joining the 3's Marias...

Yeah it's been awhile not joining the oldest meme I have joined.
Just look around in every corner at D´Box and you find them there...
Happy SSS to all players...

Hope to see you all...even we only in the media/blogs there are many of us who are closing their doors, to visit their co-bloggers. Be nice Be a true bloggers to everyone...



  1. Det är nog inte ofta någon får se när ett rådjurskid föds,
    det är nog en på miljonen att det blir i en trädgård.
    Så vacker kaka, och säkert jättegod. Du gör alltid
    så fina dukningar.
    Ha en bra decembervecka
    Stor kram

  2. Oh, your table looks so warm and inviting and the cake looks delicious! Wishing for you a lovely Christmas!

  3. Everything looks perfect and ready for the big day!

  4. Å, vad du fixat och bakat, Chie. Det ser jättegott ut! Spara en bit åt mig :) Ha en riktigt trevlig jul!! Christmas hugs from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  5. Oh wow Chie, you have created such a gorgeous setting and what a fabulous tablescape. I love it. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  6. Hi, Chie!!!!!!!! I'm not sure why, but I no longer get an email in my box when you do a post. I think it has something to do with that stupid Bloglovin thing. Ugh! I hate it! Why couldn't they just keep things the way they were?!?!?!? It was SO much easier!!!

    Your table is beautiful! It has a very serene quality with all the icy silver and snowy white. The stiletto cake cutter is a hoot! I have one that I have never used. You have inspired me to create a table around it! :-)

    I hope you are enjoying all of this wonderful time leading up to Christmas! Take care!!! Talk to you soon!

  7. Who would ever get tired of those beautiful dishes, Chie. Your flan looks delicious, i want some. Lovely doe and fawn set!.Merry Christmas to you all!..Christine

  8. What a beautiful cake! I just adore the colors you chose. Everything looks so pretty on the table and I love the candlelight too. It just makes you feel special doesn't it? Have a wonderful Christmas!

  9. Such a beautiful Advent celebration. Soft colors, beautiful lighting, lovely china and crystal....a gorgeous tribute to the meaning of Advent...waiting with full anticipation for the birth of our dear Jesus Christ. I feel welcome at your table. Thanks for inviting us for a peek. Cherry Kay

  10. Loved your advent cake, it is so beautiful. What a delightful advent celebration, everything looks beautiful.....we too, are waiting for the Wonderful day to celebrate Jesus's Birthday............He has done so much for us too, and we feel so blessed to know Him and can't
    imagine what our lives would be like without Him...........not very good I would expect!
    Hope you have a Very Merry Christmas Hon,
    Blessings Abundant to you and yours,

  11. What a glorious celebration of Advent. Have a blessed Christmas!

  12. The cake is marvelous, layer by layer and detail by detail - the heart is a favorite. The perfect Christmas gift was given by God to us, and that is the savior Jesus. Your advent candles over the fireplace are beautiful, the fourth one to be lit on Wednesday, the celebration of a wonderful day with your family...Merry Christmas!

  13. You have created a beautiful Christmas presentation and I know it will be more beautiful when the food and cakes are served. Lovely.

  14. Wow! I'm always excited to see what you've done for each occasion I love what you've done here for the 3rd Advent. So very nice! So very welcoming (as we wait to welcome our Lord) and so very cozy. That cake looks amazing. and so is the way you decorated. I love your Advent candles too-what a neat idea!
    Most especially, I love your words-thank you for such a wonderful gift!
    "Forgive everyone for a more peaceful World, peaceful minds and peaceful hearts."

  15. Your table setting is magical. So love the candle glow round the cake which is so beautifully decorated. You are very creative.

    Happiest Christmas to you.

  16. Simply gorgeous and yes, why not, like the above person says: MAGICAL! Your gray dinnerware is amazing, I'm in love with it and your gifted stiletto cake spatula, it's to die for! I'm also crazy about your tall cake plate and of course, the cake, yummy! A very beautiful C'mas table my 'linda señorita!' Wishing you, your hubby and your pretty children a very blessed C'mas 2013.

  17. Happy holidays,
    all the best in 2014 my Scandinavian friend! :)

  18. Parang ang sarap tumira dyan sa bahay mo sis, laging full of yummies hehehe.

    Merry Christmas from my Family to Yours!

  19. No need for ribbon; the table is beautiful! Thank you for sharing, and for visiting my blog


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

If you want to send an email, pls send to and not on what is given by default. Thanks

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