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Trending And Projects... for my Future...

To ease my worries...

It was the most uneasy time at work when I had my self-appraisal for 2014. How come, other people couldn't see what and how their staffs work to death for the good of both parts? Well, it is not just a dance with roses, nowadays, in the market. It is tough and oneself must be though too, whatever happens. You have a job or you will be a jobless.

Anyways, that was the reason I was a bit quiet this past week. I don't have the lust of doing anything. I keep myself busy with my activities and thanks Lord, GH is a wonderful and understanding partner and a best friend. He really work hard to make me feel taken care of. So we were having a good time although my heart wanted to jump out coz I am so worried. I don't know what will be the next issue.

Keep your fingers X for me and to other who are in the same boat.

Making myself busy...
 we went to visit a castle 
had a great time with people we love...
this was my day 16th February... 
baked some cookies
and putting some trend
on our lounge.
TY GH for the VD gift
pillows from ELCE Stockholm
and candle...
Had a chillaxing time. Project Done...
i started to rolled baby's breath last night 
as well as the roses... 
When I am stress and a bit depress, this is my relaxation.
Looking myself busy to forget what bugging me.
Sometimes, I did a good job but most of the time, outcome is just good enough.

Well, have a great day, p.m. or evening to All.
God Bless Us All...
TY Ladies for hosting...
Sally, keep your fingers X for me...LoL* 
Susan... I missed so many times to join you...
Marty, I wass absent few times... now you know...
Susan... I am always late but too busy with work.
At least, I cope up with you. ENjoy pretty lady...
I am enjoying with you Ladies...
Keep up the good work!!! 


  1. Oh no. Don't worry. You're not alone. Too many people work their asses off because of the situation.
    Here in Finland, in Spain I've heard stories about people who are dead tired of their work but they're afraid to complain - a million younger, energetic, cheaper etc.are waiting behind the door....
    This is the time when good company bosses will be stars!!!

  2. It has been a while since I have visited, life has been busy - I want to say your pillows are wonderful, and that cake - oh, my, so beautiful! When my Mr. and I were dating, we always ended our phone conversations with 'I - 4- 3' = code for I love you. When I saw your cake I had sweet memories.
    It is difficult these days for everyone with companies downsizing and putting so much pressure on their employees to do the job of 10! You have a lovely way to keep your mind off your troubles...I promise I will visit more often to your beautiful blog. xo Karen

  3. You have such beautiful decorations in your home. We all find different ways to relax, don't we?

    Thanks for stopping by for Shadow Shot Sunday! Have a good week.

  4. I'm sorry I haven't been a fast visitor, but here I am and I am certainly sending some prayers for you sweet friend and I think you're gonna be safe. You are certainly keeping your mind busy with what you chose to do Chie. I felt there was something bothering you and look, wow! That cake is wonderful, soo pretty and the love numeral is my fav...4-3 and I love your cookies too. I love the pillows and all your lovely things. The world is having problems all over, in First W. countries as much as 2nd. and 3rd. ones; we are all crossing hard times. We just need to pray.

  5. I hope everything will work out for you dear. It is a tough world out there and people sometimes can be tough and mean if they don't try to put themselves in your own shoes. I hope things get sorted out well for you . On the bright side, everything is looking beautiful in your home at least!

  6. Wonderful. You arrange things beautifully.

  7. Hi Chie,

    You are extremely talented; I love the cake with the flowers and 143. I never knew that code before today! Thanks for sharing.

    Please consider returning and leaving a comment for me.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

  8. Love those little splashes of blue throughout your house!

    Little Blue House

  9. Love all the beautiful decor throughout your home. Your touches are fabulous. Hoping and keep good thoughts things will be ok with your work. Have a great start to the week.

  10. Hoppas verkligen du får behålla jobbet, så
    nervöst och inte veta det. Men du har bra
    stöttning från familjen.
    Håller tummarna
    Stor kram/AM

  11. I am sorry to hear of your stress but I am glad that you have an outlet-a creative one at that! The cake is absolutely beautiful!! As is the new look to your home!

  12. Hope the stress has lessened! Love the view of your home! Great shadows for the week.

  13. Your home is so pretty and I love your pillows, and that cake looks amazing too. I will keep you in prayer. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  14. Here I am to find out what's new at your end sweet Chie. I hope you got some news by now, positive ones, that is! I have you in my prayers lovely chiquita!

  15. What a gorgeous cake you made! Very divine.

  16. Oh Chie you are a darling.Thank you for your loving comment for my new venture.I am working on many things right now and i would love to send those linens across to you.This is a cutest post by you and i love those cushion covers and the cake a lot.Everything is going to be alright for you and not to worry.God is great.Take care.Happy week end to you.Love and hugs sujatha..:):):)

  17. I hope things are better for you this week. Just remember God is always beside you, just take a look at Daniel. He will comfort you needs and never place more on you than you can handle.
    LUV your home and that cake OH MY!
    Cathy's Cupboard Calamity<;)

  18. Wow, Chie...I didn't know you had the skill to make sugarpaste flowers!!! What a wonderful talent to have! Your cake look fantastic!

    I love the pillows on your couch! They're really eclectic and cheerful!


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