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Rehab at D´BoX

A week have passed!

If you read my post last week, you know the reason. The surgery went well but the thing I suffer the whole week is that, I feel my bones/muscles (haunch) were dismantled.  I don't know if the surgeon did an extra forced but to be honest, I am limping now. In fact, docs advice: "You can work the following day". §:-( "Doc! I don't think so)...  Anyways, as I said, I am in the rehab at home and we'll see what happen next. That's another story to relate.

What have I done the whole week then? When I hardly can do the chores and go out for a walk?

 This was the ambiance I left  work Friday 13th of June. Blue, Shadows and Sunny
Went I went out from the hospital, this lil creature met me...
D´Nics did a good job entertaining the sickie Momma of the HOUSE...
Lil Missy told me, she toke this pix...
She is so funny. She said "it took forever for you to go down the stairs", LoL*
This is our Powder/CR and Lil Missy saw things that I love. Can YOU guess them?
Inspite of everything, I could not resist baking. In fact, it was the Midsummer last Friday...
Good Morning!!!  We had a great time after all...

Hope Everyone have had a wonderful time.
Summer is here. It's windy, sunny, rainy and cold... what can we ask for more? §:-)

ENJOY TO THE FULLEST! It is a matter of how we take it... GOD Bless Us All.

I am joining once again with the memes I am playing:
Blue Monday

Drop by to the hostessess... and enjoy the party.


  1. Vilken fantastisk midsommarkaka, så många
    läckra frukter och bär. Och tårtan är så vacker, är
    säker på att dom smakade gott också. Hoppas du blir
    bättre och bättre, en veckas vila behövde du.
    Var rädd om dig och kramar/AM

  2. Shadows, shadows everywhere---and some delicious ones too! ;)

  3. what great photographs! Especially the office shot on June 13th! Hope you are feeling better!

  4. Oh you're a superwoman! :)
    What a yummy post again...Take care!
    ps. it's cold, windy and rainy in Helsinki too....

  5. Sorry to hear that you are not doing good after surgery.

  6. Hold on! I'll be right over! Everything looks soooooo wonderful! Here's to a speedy recovery for you.

  7. Vilka vackra bilder, och med mycket blått i...snyggt!

  8. Hello Chie,

    Some doctors are JERKS! Surgery is painful, but thank goodness it's OVER. Now, I pray that each day you improve.

    Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  9. Hi! I hope you are better form the surgery. Each individual person heals differently and I don't think anyone should return to work one day after ANY surgery. I am no doctor but I work for a surgeon. I don't think he has ever told anyone to go back to work the next day! Yikes!
    On a happy note I do love your shares. Your baked goods look wonderfully delicious. Hope you continue to feel better soon and please take care.
    Hugs, Anne


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