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Absolutely been so long...

I still remember, I said, I will be hanging with you, all my blogger friends. However, there are so many things that Changes our lives. They said: "if you are enjoying, time flies too fast", right? And well, it is true.

I left the financial world, became Certified in Hotel Management, then I travel around the globe as if there is no plane the next day, bought 2 more houses in the Philippines, sold our house in Sweden, bought a studio style condo and soon I am Certified Homestylist and Dipl. Interior Designer. Isn't it Amazing? After 17 and a half years stocked in an unexeptional work compare now and I found a real life? 

So now, I am ready to see and meet the real "World of real life" that I been longing for ages and I am also ready to follow my dreams and of course, blogging.

Here are some of the highlights in my days of Absence...
This is the foyér of DaBox last summer
Remember, our BR with Water lackage? This is how it look now...
 The BR in the lower ground looks like this b4 we left DaBox---
Sun/lounge was quiet cozy during summer. 
The BR of DaBox...


Today, I proudly welcome you at our ADA@6th
This is our new dining set and who don't love that awesome lamp?
Spent our first Christmas with my Villeroy & Boch Collections---
Our new lounge. Is it trendy? A YaY or a NaY?
Some details... VELVET is the Word---

More details... 
 Detail in our BR
This is our BR now. A trendy in my eyes...

That's IT!!! A new chapter of our happy lives, starts here and now.
And to begin... I am joining my fave meme at Marty
 "A Stroll Thru Life" on her 408th Inspire Me Tuesday. Marty, I missed almost a year not joining your parties.


  1. Beautiful home, Chie! Goid luck in your new endeavor. Sounds
    like a lot of fun!...Christine

  2. OMG ..You’ve really decorated up a beautiful storm...You place is amazing... I love the bathroom. Of course your Villeroy & Boch collection is one of my favourites... It makes a lovely Christmas Tablescape....Good for you ... re-creating a dream life for yourself .. now ENJOY and keep sharing the happiness’s contagious... Hugs


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

If you want to send an email, pls send to and not on what is given by default. Thanks

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