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Ny Års/New Year Inspirational DECORS!!! cheers to ALL...

JO, NU ÄR 2008 SLUT!!!

Året gick så fort och så åldern med §:-)

2008 var ett spännande och utmanade år inte bara för mig utan hela världen. Mitt 2008 var upp och ner men ändå jag kan inte klaga för det! Hyfsat år även om dem 3 sista månaderna var tuffa båda min hälsa och finansvärlden.
Men, vi MÅSTE skåla och välkomnar det nya året med ett stort BANG...


This year came so quick likewise my & others ages §:-)

2008 was an exciting & very provocative year to many of us. This year, for me was a lil up & down, in a way, I never whine. It's a well-mannered year for me & my family although these 3 last months was a tough months due to my health and the financial crisis.

BUT, that's passé now, we MUST give a TOAST for a more happy & blissful 2009...

Below are my inspirational New Year's Party Decors. Our's isn't that flashy but almost in the same level though...*LOL
This is the champagne table in silver & white motif...
Still in white & silver the colour of the year, if you ask me?
In the main table, a pineapple cook & glazed ham welcomes the family...
The family or asian tradition is that we have to gather 12 kinds of fruits, for a more fruitful year!
A pink champagne or red wine, will do in this new year to come...

I just want to thank you to all of you who are very kind and bare me and my whinings these past 5 months. AM so blessed and so happy to make so many friends that without you, my bloglandia, won't exist! Thank you all for sharing YOUR little corners of the world with me over the past months! You have inspired and encouraged me more than you know.

Before signing out for this year, I would like to share to you all that I got 3 awards( it's in uploaded in the left corner) this month of December... this is amazing. I never thought that so many ladies, out there we're following me & MY DREAMS, that one day, this may COME TRUE...



  1. Wow! Vilken härlig bakgrund du har och vilken mat, en fin avslutning på året.
    Gott Nytt År
    Kram Lily

  2. What a beautiful post... you are so clever with your flashy things... I am just coping with loading up plain photos at this stage, even after 9 months of blogging. Happy New Year Chie. I hope your health is good and you have success and happiness, in 2009. A-M xx

  3. I love your special blog!!

    Happy New Year!!

  4. Käraste Chie.
    Jag är glad jag funnit dig i bloggvärlden. Du har berikat mitt liv ska du veta.
    Har en nyårsönskan faktiskt, att vi kan ses nästa gång vi är i Stockholm.
    Önskar dig den bästa av nyårsaftnar nu.
    Hälsa familjen och ha det gott.
    Kramen Synne og gubben :D

  5. g'day & thankyou for dropping in... :) will be following your dreams and inpirations in the new year of 2009. Thankyou for reading about my crochet and outings...more then welcome to.

    Have a wonderful joyfull and peacefull new year celebrations. :) :)


  6. Hello do you say, hello in Phillipina?
    Your previous posts are beautiful and I still cant believe you are mom to such grown children. come on, spill the beans and tell your secret..we Asians have to share secrets you to be young always hehe :D

    Happy New Year and I wish you and your beautiful family lots of joy and happiness for year 2009. I do wish we could meet one day...maybe when you do a stopover in KL before heading to Manila :D

    Big hugs always!!

  7. Vilken härlig bakgrund och undera bilder Du bjuder oss idag!

    Tack för att jag hittat Dej i bloggvärlden!

    Gott Nytt År vill jag önska Dej och Din familj!

    Kramelikram //annette

  8. Vackra bilder som vanligt:)

    GOTT NYTT ÅR till dig o din familj.
    Hoppas du får ett underbart år vännen...!

    Kram lotta

  9. Wishing you and your family all the best in 2009..So happy you are doing better and sorry for the other upset.
    Always in my prayers..May we all have a wonderful New Year..Take care my dear friend..xoxoRosebud.
    Your blog was beautiful..

  10. I want to thank "you", because you`re a wonderful person!!
    I wish you THE BEST for next year..a lot of health, happiness, work! You`re very special for me and you know it!!
    Hugs and kisses!!!

  11. Thanks for stopping by. Happy New Year, to you and yours.

  12. A very happy New year to you Richie. I hope 2009 is filled with many wonderful things for you. Lots of good health & lots of fun!!!

  13. Önskar dig ett riktigt gott nytt år! Härliga bilder!



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