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Was on Week-End Retreat on my SSS #35

Sist men inte minst/Last but NOT the least?

Just det... här är min helg på bild... Hoppas Ni hade en skön och lugn helg som jag hade.

Checking front & back b4 I left. Platter gave me wink & said "ENJOY"
New washed pillows asked me to bring ém in...
On my way to bus station & the cubby house porch said "bye 4 now"
My underground station & my bag...
People runs to catch the train & my coach bag awaits me...
After 10 mins, in the Central Station. Circus for kids
We have a Stockholm Culture Festival &08 youth festival

From there, here's the Bern's lounge, very trendy
In the left of the lounge, the famous "Berns Salonger"
They welcome US with a wrong spelling of our surname, he he...
Lil Liz wanna show U our church, taken in our hotel porch

U see here, the Jewish church at left, green roof is our head office & catholic church
The room lounge
On the way for Stockholm sightseeing, I met the swedish aliens
At Berzilli Park infront of the hotel & a stag party (sven sexa)
Palace in the background...
Famous Strandvägen where all the rich swedes live...
I once worked here too at the Radisson Strand Hotel, Nybrokajen
Breakfast Time Folks & after am OUTHA here §;-)
In the reception to check Out...having fun
Train Station on the way home...
Inside the train, today on the way home...
Home Now... I wonder what he's asking?
Enjoyed at the retreat but home "HERE I COME"


My fam & I enjoyed our week-end retreat in the city of Stockholm just a 20 mins drive from home. Anyhow, it's a wonderful feeling not mending all the "MUST" at home as long as the week-end comes. We are all in the good mood enjoying and relaxing to the fullest to gain more energy to strive for the upcoming week... Lil Liz starts her school on Tuesday. The retreat was perfect for her to enjoy the last days on her summer vacation.

Don't forget to visit the Mother meme...
while pressing her name here...

Relax & Enjoy, GOOD PEPS!


  1. What a great post Chie - I really enjoyed that trip to Stockholm - would be nice to do it in person one day.

  2. Vilka härliga foton från Stockholm, ser att ni har haft det bra. Kul att du är med och tävlar. Ha en bra vecka
    Kramis AnnaMaria

  3. What a fun trip that was, but there's no place like home, better late than never...have a great week and lil' Liz, have a great first day of school!

  4. Looks like a fun trip to us... filled with sweedish aliens and everything! Glad you had a fun time!
    Karla & Karrie

  5. Wonderful shadows and nifty shots of your travels. Love the Swedish aliens ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  6. so many shadow shots in such a short space of that first plate shot the best...and yes it is nice to be back..thanks!!

  7. What a fun bunch of photos you shared! Super post and some lovely shadows there. I'm still giggling at the sight of those funny Swedish aliens...hehe. So crazy cool!

  8. lovely photographic tour, lots of good shadows too

  9. Looks like you all had a wonderful weekend away...good for you:D As always, so many lovely shadow shots. I love the last one of you in the road best!! Happy week:)

  10. A lot of interesting shadows here. I likethe first one best, very unusual with the cutouts in the dish.

  11. What a delightful Shadow Tour, thank you so much. So nice to meet you and I loved your beautiful photos. Stockholm looks like a "Must See".
    Greetings from Los Angeles and Thank you for your visit to my blog.

  12. I'm glad you had a lovely weekend away! Even better that you didn't have to tick everything off your To Do list before you went. I hope your Lil Liz enjoys going back to school. {And thank you so much for your sweet comment!}

  13. Thanks to the little trip around stockholm, lots of sun there too ;)

  14. Hallå Snuppa.
    Så där borde man göra oftare anser jag. Vaför ska man åka så långt hemifrån egentligen. När man kanske bara behöver komma undan hemmet och vardagen egentligen?

    Härliga bilder från Stockholm, världens vackraste huvudstad.

    Jo, vi har ett sjöodjur här. Det ser du väl på vattenytan. Men det är ett snällt odjur så du kan vara helt lugn.

    Nu får du bli frisk alltså. Du har haft tillräckligt med sjukdom hos dig.
    Krya på dig vännen.
    Kramen Synne.

  15. Dear Chie, we enjoyed every minute of your retreat...thank you for sharing it with us!...It looks like a fantastic place that same day we'd love to visit!

  16. Glad you had a good weather in Stockholm - it gets cold there :) I like you bag - stylish! Wish I can travel now - but do it only on-line :) Thank you for the wonderful tour in Stockholm - I really enjoyed seeing it through your eyes!

  17. Go kväll
    Ja visst ha vi de mysigt =)
    Nu börja de bli mindre mygg så det äär ju faktiskt ganska skönt att slippa dom när man går ut, men de regnar ju sååå himla mycket så man tar sig knappt ut nu mera =( hoppas på en fin och lång härlig höst nu=) kram

  18. Thanks for this nice tour in Stockholm, I've enjoyed a lot all the beautiful pictures!
    Have a great week! :-)

  19. Glad you had a happy retreat. School has started already? School here in Ontario, Canada starts on September 8.

  20. This looks like such a great weekend! It is always good to get home too! My favourite photo from your lovely selection is you with the Swedish Aliens!

  21. Thanks for sharing all those terrific photos!

    - Square Peg Guy

  22. Great shadows everywhere, if you put your bag here on the floor for a photo shoot, it may be there later :P

    Tks for all the good vibes, kids are getting better...its so good to have buddies like you.


  23. You make a great tour guide and your shadows were lovely.

    I enjoyed tagging along on your retreat to the city.

    Thanks for visiting my little silo.


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