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Family On New Year 2015

2015 is the Year of the Green Sheep...

According to the Chinese Fortune Calendar, well, it always have SOME reasons.

Anyway or anyhow, our family gathered as usual and we celebrated and Welcome the New Year in a very simple way.

We always started at Home...
Philippine tradition is to gather 13 diff round fruits, to have a lucky year...
However, opened the Russian Champagne for curiosity taste/sake... ha ha ha
I gathered some of the effects that I call it "Party"
A light lunch... a ceviché salad, hummer soup with a sesam breadstick...
We started the year to be healthy (but not that long) LoL*
 Ended with dark choco-Baileys mousse
CHEERS! Greetings from D´Nics
I used kiddos Christmas gift (Champagne glass). I received 18pcs set of 6 pax

Here was the traditional Fam Gathering...
At Fam. Hjelmqvist

 My Big & Lil Missies... 
 My family is growing...
 My Big Kiddo created his own... Granddaughter's first NY with us...
 We always gathered as ONE...& getting older (The Oldsters)
 My 1st & 2nd generation... Heart them so... if they just know they are my life...
This was Big Kiddo's 2nd NY celebration with us... he was always with friends, then
We caught the perfect blast with our fireworks... year 2015
To my SSS2 family, you can search and find what we are good at during my NY's celebration,  can You?
If Not, then here is one of todays' crispy stuff we Love to see...
Njoy hunting friends.. hope to play with you along 2015.


Joining the first party of the year 2015 at Susan's BNOP
Thank You Susan for a great 2014, though I have had hard to hang with you...
First time ever, to join this party...
Sally... if you are a Blue-blooded you will find the thing we love to see in every corner of our home, LoL*
Thank You Lady Marty for featuring my blog to the BlogSphere, in you 250th Party.
Honor to be part of our funtime.
I am late coz I was in bed after the New Year having colds...
GB You & your dear ones.

Be safe, my Friends and always keep your hearts in place.



  1. Jag har skrivit det förut men du har en stor
    härlig familj, ni ser ut och ha så roligt jämt.
    Du är otrolig på och ordna fina fester, måste
    vara en upplevelse och fira nyår med dig.
    Gott Nytt År och tack för att du är en fin bloggvän.
    Varm kram

  2. Wow Pretty setting . Hope you had a wonderful bash. Happy new year to you to your family and to your cute GD. Love and Hugs Sujatha:):)

  3. This looks like such a fun party! I loved your beautiful crystal flutes and all the pictures of your family. And I would have been in heaven with your menu, particularly the chocolate.

    You have a beautiful family! :-)

    I am wishing you many blessings for 2015. Happy, Happy New Year!


    Sheila :-)

  4. O what a post. Adore the traition of 13 round fruits. The musical notes on the crockery and cloth are a great idea for enhancing the party atmosphere. And the candles in the last photo are lovely. Happiest New Year.

  5. Simple celebrations are often the most memorable. Happy 2015!

    Shadowy Blue Window

  6. Such a festive photo journal. cheers!

  7. Oh! What a feast for the eyes and tummy! Everything looks so beautiful and delicious-my mouth was watering just looking (and then I felt hungry)!
    I did not know about the 13 round fruits tradition-my grandmother never did that. I wonder why.

  8. Wonderful post, dear one. I loved seeing your beautiful family.
    Also love the 13 fruits for good, we eat black-eyed peas for good luck all year long. :)

  9. Happy New Year! Looks like a wonderful celebration! So nice to have a good word from you on my blog!

  10. Hi CC,

    As usual, Your home is beautiful. Isn’t it fun finding blues to share? Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  11. I love your New Years traditions. Your table set for the NY party is wonderful, I especially loved the musical notes on the plates. Everything looks so festive. Most of all I loved seeing your beautiful family together to celebrate bringing the New Year in.

  12. What a wonderful celebration! Everyone looks wonderful and I am sure they enjoyed your fabulous food!
    I bought the master bedroom bedspread from Anthropologie. I don't know if they still carry that one, but you might find one online. The throw is from IKEA. Good luck!

  13. Wonderful post! Your food looks yummie. The table is dressed. But most of all your precious family is all around you! Hoping you and yours have a joyous New Year!
    Blessings My Friend,

  14. Festive! Blessings to U & the beautiful family!


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