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Advent giveaways & Award's Nite...

Som jag lovade att natten till söndagen ska mina och kära välja deras favo kommentarer. Och jag oxå ska ge bort 2 awarder till alla som kom och tittade alltid hos mig. Ingen krångel regler utan när Ni lämnade kommentar i mitt inlägg, så är det bara hämta awarden och upp till Er vem som är värdiga att få dem.

As I promised that midnight on Saturday, I want to tell the lucky winners of my giveaways who had a comment that my family & I like best...

I also share awards to all you ladies, who left comments on my post. No complicated rules to get this. Just feel free and it's up to you to share in your return.

Älskade sonen valde en tjej som bor i Göterborg och flyttade ett par år och kom tillbaka med hennes livskärlek: "Irene" Tillbaka till Göteborg "ska få denna:
Lykta och en mikrofibre städduk

The one who I appreciate everytime she's come for a visit is from "Downunder Mille"
TY a bunch Lady Mille... daughter choose Yah!
This ain't not much but came from the bottom of my heart

The same with this giveaway, she's cool mum and always came for a peep in here & check what I been UP to: Amanda, your awesome & Thanks girl! Me & daughter did like ur comment
We choose you to have this Yuletide calendar coz we know you have tods at home...

The next giveaway is for a lady who's here since I started and give me more courage to write in swedish although I can't really relate as I thought I can
TACK, goa SYNNE...
A Victorian design Ceasar candle glass

The family choice to have the below item goes to a Lady who came just to check how I feel & we feel that she really cares... TY "Rosebud"
Salt/Peppar glas & Lingon Berries goodies for you

HOpe all the lucky one's enjoy the giveaways and send your adressess so I can mail the items. Thanks once again, Ladies...
From Me to YOU who are worth having this awards
It's Sunday again ladies? So join me to enjoy the SSS hosted by our very "hey harriet"
This is my best/poor shot this Sunday

This was taken today at my backyard! I was fascinated w/ these hundred of birds eating the berries of my trees...
This is Moi, trying to take a blurry shadow b4 I change this stuffs w/my Santa §:-))
Me again, in the summer house w/ the red roses, unaware again with the shadows...

My scenic shot for today isn't that what you think a scenic one. But i guess, this shot is unusual scenic one, anyway. HUH? Now, am going complicated again. Am I? Well, you can tell me if you agree good Folks!
This one of an unusual scen in our post these days, I pressume. It's me w/ my nephews from the...
On the way to Samal Islan pier...
Now, I guess I said all the important things that you ladies may know...


  1. Hej goa Chie vännen!

    Ohhhhh, vad glad jag blir att få den vackra ljuslyktan, tack så jättemycket :)))

    Bara en liten sak när jag tryckte på länken för att komma in till min sida så kom jag in till "Hey Harriet" jo du jag är oxå med där på hennes Shadow Shout Sunday.

    Min adress är

    Och jättegoa du, tack än en gång.

    En skön första advent önskar jag dej och de dina.

    Kramar on mas från Irene

  2. Grattis till alla!

    Kramen //annette

  3. Hej snälla rara goa Chie.
    Om du visste hur glad du gör mig.
    Du är en så varm och god människa som man bara inte kan låta bli att tycka om.

    Ska hälsa från maken och säga att praoplatsen är din.
    När kommer ni?

    Här kommer min mailadress, om du inte redan har den.

    Nu säger jag godnatt.
    Önskar dig detsamma.
    Sänder dig en hoper kramar från nabolandet.
    Kramen Synne.

  4. So many goodies here and you are very generous. I dont know most of them but I am so glad our beautiful friend, Rosebud got one from you, she's a gem!

    wonderful shadow shots everywhere.
    Hope you have a great week, and tks for zeeee award :D

  5. Hooray!!! This will be a wonderful addition to our Christmas decorations!

    Email me:
    & I will send you my address.

    Thank you very much!
    Amanda x

  6. Grattis till alla vinnarna och till dina awards. Skoj!

    Kram och god fortsättning på första advent.

  7. You all are so sweet and can't thank you enough..All the pictures are beautiful..sorry I have been away so long..couldn't get near the computer..had three grandsons sleeping in this room..Just enjoy your blog and seeing you..Much love to all of you,

  8. Oh va fina saker du ska ge bort.
    Såg rökelserna och jag tänder rökelser varje dag. Gillar doften som sprids.

    Vilken fin personlighet du är Chie:)
    Grattis till er som snart får paket från goa Chie.

    Kramis från mig

  9. Fina grejor du ska ge bort!Tack för awardsen ,ha nu fina veckor innan jul! Kramis! =)

  10. Just read your note on my blog....a burglary? Do tell...

  11. Great shadow shots!

    I must apologise for not including any of your shadow shots in the collages for the SSS post that I'll be publishing this Sunday. I created the collages on Tuesday & your link wasn't in Mr Linky then, so I didn't realise you had participated. I think you added your link on Thursday. As the collages take me a long time to do, I don't have time to re-do them. And it is often earlier in the week I create them, so if people add links to Mr Linky after Tuesday it's likely they'll not be collaged. Sorry about that, but thanks heaps for playing anyways!


Skicka en kommentar

Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

If you want to send an email, pls send to and not on what is given by default. Thanks

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