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My cozy w/end, Father's Day & Shadow Shot Sunday

You don't maybe know how my heart beats for U! Just want you to know 143 always!
The man who's always there to catch me everytime I fall
For your day! Hope you enjoy your day!

Veckan tog slut så snabb och helgen likaså! Jag hade inte gjort speciellt mycket denna helg utan jag bara flytter på. Skönt va? Jo, just det! jag kom just hem från en konsert eller rättare sagt "Pinoy Entertainment" med Piolo Pascual, Sam Milby och Pokwang... Dem är ABS-CBN filippinska "stars". Det var kul och mycket mat och mycket folk i Aula Magna på Stockholm universitet.

Men men... vad jag göra nu? Klockan är bara halv 12 på kvällen? Gubben min viskade, "din laptop är på och väntade på ett inlägg" *wink... Snäll man har jag i varje fall.

Har inte så mycket att tilläga men har lite av allting hemma hos mig och folk jag älskar mest!
Paps & Dotts (love of my life)
Me & Glyn, my loving cousin
Glyn, Me & Elma, the ladies stand by me
Di, Me, Glyn & Malou (sitting) are closest fam in SwedenThe Wrangler's 4evah, the ladies I met and became the BF''s of life
Liz my daughter & Georgina, Elma's daughter
Girl's that have something in common...

Well, the week flies so quickly as well as the week-end! I didn't do much today. Am just like floating & hanging on where the air blows. Chill Out, baby!!! so relaxing. Yeah, I just arrived home from a concert or shall I call it Entertainment? They are the ABS-CBN stars. Of course, famous in the Philippines. But, as am not living and active from where I came from, so am not too keen who they are & excited. It's fun though w/ lots of food and mingling.

I don't have much to share tonight/today. So, I decided to share bits & pieces at home & people I care most, as my hubby whispered in my ears when I was murmuring, "your laptop is on & waiting for your w/end post" wink... what a nice hubby I have, huh?

So bear w/ me ladies & welcome to my Poor man's House!!!
As always, every sunday, I joined the "hey harriet" SSS..
I do enjoy this theme as, am keep hunting the shadow shots although it isn't perfect. You know well, that Sweden have a poor sunlight nowadays... But here's my shots ladies?
If you want to peep our shadow shots sunday, pls visit our very own host
"hey harriet"!
Harvesting rice, done this before when I was young
At Lake Sebu, typical scene in the country side
5 fingers leaves at mum's entrance


  1. Beautiful family you have. Love your shadow shots, too.


  2. Very interesting shadows. I really love the worker in the first one.

  3. I second the shot with the worker harvesting rice. Cool photo and something so foreign to me that it has me curious about the process. Interesting.

  4. What a happy family!! Thanks for sharing all of your pictures! Very sweet!
    Love your shadow shots - especially the harvester!

  5. Wonderful shadows! Love the rice harvesting shot..but looks like very hard work! and the plant casts a lovely shadow! Happy Sunday to your and your family :D

  6. I very much like the rice harvesting pic too! Great shadow shots. The '5 fingers leaves' one is pretty! I also enjoyed all your family & friends photos. Happy Sunday to you :)

  7. Lovely family shots and I particularly like the 5 fingers leaves.

  8. What stunning pictures, I love the one on the river, so peaceful, so full of shadow.

    Have a wonderful weekend...

  9. the leaves shadow is like a drawing!! wow!

  10. Oh va fina kort på dina nära o kära:)
    Du låter så nöjd. Blir så varm inombords när jag läser ditt inlägg.
    Hoppas ni får en fin dag

    Kram Lotta

  11. Så fint inlägg mitt i natten, Du verkar hha det så fint med Dina nära och kära, ta vara på varandra!

    Ha en skön söndag!

    Kramen / annette

  12. Enjoyed every picture and the Shadow shots were wonderful.Enjoyed all the friends/family..just beautiful.Have a happy Sunday my dear friend..

  13. Those are three great SSs. I love photos that are exotic to my eye!

    What wonderful photos of your friends and family! Thanks for sharing them:)

  14. thanks for leaving footprints at my place. :) i've been looking at all of your wonderful do a wonderful job with the shadow shots. i really liked the 5 leaves and beach shots.

  15. thank you for dropping by my journal. beautiful family you have here~karen aka kbear

  16. Så mysigt du har haft det.
    Visst är kärleken härlig? =)
    Lycka till hos mig.

  17. Such a lovely tribute to your lovely hubby Chie! Your daughter is so beautiful - & I'm sure she has a big & kind heart just like her Mum!
    Millie ^_^

  18. wow..I get to see the other very good looking half, LUCKY you. Love all your other pictures. Now, that shadow on the rice harvesting is really something..I've been wanting to do one, but guess you beat me to it, but then its not easy to find one here too, unless I go to the village :D Hope you have a great week ahead..and that daughter of yours is just beautiful..just like mom ;p

  19. You have a beautiful family, thank you for sharing your pictures. Happy week! Amanda x

  20. Förstår du vill ta hand om din familj. De ser så goa ut allihopa.
    Jag saknar lite av den familjesammanhållningen här.
    Ta vara på varandra.
    Sköt om dig nu goa du.
    kramen Synne.

  21. Hello, thank you for visiting and your nice comment, so it's my first time at tour place and I discover a lovely one, I like your SSS very much, especially the first one, I don't know your home country yet, but I often go to Malaysia, you have such wonderful family and friends.

  22. Hello Richie!! You have a wonderful family (your daughter is beautiful like the mom!!)
    It was father´s day in your country?? Here in Argentina we have father´s day in june...
    I hope you enjoyed a lot my friend!
    Hugs and have a nice week♥♥

  23. Million thanks to all of you, Ladies for dropping by and keep coming back.

    You make me so active doing my post mostly everyday, to entertain you and hopefully I gave U smile, although am not good writer either in English nor Swedish.

    I wish I can gather U all and we'll have a wonderful time together. This wish hopefully come true.

    Once again, thank you so much and hope you always come back again!

    Take care and God Bless U All...

    Much love,

  24. I love the shot of the man harvasting rice - lovely picture!

  25. Beautiful shots, love, love, love the one with the plant:0)

  26. Annette,

    I jst want to tell you that, thanks a lot for dropping by.

    I can't go thru ur blogsite, unfortunately.

    Hope u have a wonderful day.


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