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2nd Advent, SSS #7 & Scenic SUNDAY #3!!!

Dagen går så fort. Idag är den andra advent. 17 dagar före jul? Nu blir jag stressad när jag tänker på julklappar till barnen. Gubben min hade jag fixat. Hmmmm... egentligen vi firar jul bara med mina barn, punkt-slut, ändå känner jag stressad. My simple homemade Advent Candles...

IAF, idag tände vi andra adventljuset med mina kollegor från Riga. Medan vi åt lunch/advent fika. Kul att dela med mig den svenska traditionen åt Letter och jag är stolt över det!

Här är mina enkla pysel hemma...
Sta. stands in my hall waiting & welcoming YOU all
This is also a simple Christmas decor, unusual maybe?
My wreath, hanging on the front door now. Simple w/ some ginger cookies forms...

It's amazing that days goes so quickly. I didn't realized that it's only 17 days b4 Christmas? I feel stressy, just thinking all the Christmas present to the kids. Although, I celebrate Christmas Eve only w/ the kids & my hubby but the feeling "stress" is on the air. Is this just because, we see people stressing themselves? I promised my loving family not be as stressed as I had been.

As you can see above, those are some simple decors I made myself earlier but I didn't posted them, as I haven't been so active lately due to the reason beyond my control.

It's sunday again, dear Ladies. In my world of blog, this means SSS, of course. It's funny joining this simple thoughts of shadow shots hosted by our very own "Aussie Lady-hey harriet".
Girl, No worries at all if my shots won't be up in your collage. I have a cool time, anyway. I guess Mr. Linky was the problem, these past few days.
Aha! tropheés and books? Dramatic shadow on a shiny floor §:-)
Young daughter posed & I suddenly catch the shadows...perfect
My lemon plant standing infront of our veranda
I also join the Scenic Sunday hosted w/ my co-Philly Girl "Aisha". Joining this scenic thoughts is also a cool thing as I can just travel around the world (in my thoughts) looking at the beautiful spots.
The Bridal Fall in Yosimite, California
I just can't believe that I been here, a very nice place


  1. I love your wreath!! I'll try to make one myself!!

  2. Hallo der.
    Ett härligt inlägg måste jag säga.
    Allt bra hoppas jag.
    Snart är datan ok, så då kommer det mera bilder.
    Ville bara säga att jag tänker på dig och din familj.
    Stor kram Synne.

  3. Such great photos, I can't pick a favorite.

    Your daughter is beautiful!

  4. Wow I would love to go Yosemite some day too. What beautiful shots you have.

    And I too love your wreath!! everything is just wonderful.

    Thanks for sharing.

    I hope you have a great week also!!:-)

  5. wow! what a beautiful scenic pictures you have, awesome place, love to be there. I put mine at travel and photography site. thanks for coming..

  6. As always, fab shadow shots Richie!

    Hope you have a great week ahead :)

  7. Oh I went to comment on your sweet festive photos but didn't realise until now it was the same post as the shadow shots. I'm still half asleep!

    I like all of your Christmas images :)

  8. Your house is so pretty! Love the shot of your dining room all ready for a big feast and your pretty daughter.

    Happy Holidays

  9. Nice pictures, I love water falls...thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day!

  10. Richie..beautiful daughter..must have got her look from mom for sure really are good at decorating :D

  11. I love the golden decor, very warm and lovelt

    and the shadows from the window are fantastic!

  12. hello chie,

    Bisaya sad diay ka parehas ta I'm from Davao, naa baya ko bestfriend na pinay sad akong classmate sa pinas before naa na siya sa Sweden karon, nakalimot ko asa siya nga city sa Sweden.

  13. What a beautiful little daughter you have, as is her shadow.

  14. Nice picks, Richie.
    Love your advent candles.
    Have a great week.

  15. So much to comment on! Beautiful decorations...daughter...shadows and Yosemite...all just beautiful!!!

  16. Your decorations are lovely..I have to admit, I have not put anything up..just the tree and two of our girls did that..I am slow this year..
    Your shadow shots are great..daughter is beautiful..Everything looks beautiful..The other pictures are great too..Hope all is well there, I know it has been hard..keeping you in my thoughts..Hugs,Rosebud/Carolyn

  17. Hej!

    Utlottningen av julstrumpan är avslutad, och tyvärr vann du inte denna gång. Bättre lycka nästa gång!


  18. Hej Chie vännen!

    Härligt inlägg, vilket fint julpynt du visar.

    Vad trevligt att visa, hur du firar advent med människor från andra nationaliteter.

    Vad skönt att du inte är rädd längre, hur är det med din dotter?

    En underbart skön fortsatt vecka önskar jag dej och de dina.

    En goekram från Irene

  19. These shots are so beautiful! Very, very beautiful!

  20. oh what a gorgeous daughter you have! and that table wow! certainly makes for a beautiful shadow shot. Happy SSS!

  21. Thanks for reminding me how near we are to Christmas. I am going home for the Holidays, so yippee it's getting closer!

    Beautiful decorations and shadows.

  22. Ja man får snart panik att inte hionna med allt...fina derkorationer du gjort !! =)

  23. Tjoho.
    Önskar dig en bra tisdag.
    Kramen Synne.

  24. I ♥ all your christmas decoration! It´s beautiful Richie.. I wish you a nice week, hugs!!

  25. I love your advent candles, wreath and Christmas decorations.

    Lovely shadow shots, too!


  26. You have some beautiful decorations, scenic views and shadows. What more could anybody ask for? Thank you so much for visiting my blog, I really appreciate it.

  27. Så fint inlägg Du gjort, förstår inte att jag missat det, kul att Ni firar med andra nationaliteter.
    Skönt att oron börjar släppa!

    Ha det så skönt!



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