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A quite Christmas, New Years Preparation & Year's last SSS

Yes! the best Christmas ever. My closest family were gathered together at my cousin's house. Me & her nearest kin, i.e. our husbands, my 2 kids and her 2 kids. Isn't that quite? This was the season for family gatherings, if you ask me. No stress ever, no flashy preparations. Hallelujah...
Moi in a giant Christmas tree
My kiddos (Kj & Lizah)
I wish the New Year will just as quite as our Christmas Eve. This time the whole family in my side are going to gather at Di's place and will sleep over so our hubbies can enjoy the champagne too!
Our fireworks last 2008
My duaghter Liz w/ cos Di & Nicole
Me enjoying the snowflakes at NY's eve
It's Sunday again! Soon bye 2008... well, here at home is busy renovating as we have a long Christmas & NY vacation.

Sunday, means to me a cool day, with our SSS hosted by our very own "hey harriet"
Take a look for a moment for my last Shadow Shot Sunday 2008...
My niece's daughter at the beach
Taken at the People's Park, Dvo
The medical protest at Sergel Torg, Stockholm last summer
This is in Samal Island where my 3rd wedding was held.
C´mon with the same guy, mind U §:-))

Now, stay tune to
for more fun shadow photos! ENJOY UR READING...


  1. What fun shadows everywhere.

    I hope you have a wonderful New Year and a fun vacation, hope you're going somewhere warm.

  2. Great that you enjoyed your favourite kind of Christmas!

    Lovely mix of shadows and happy shots!

    Happy holidays!

  3. hope you had a good Christmas and I wish you all the best for the new year I am sure you will enjoy new years eve as you look pretty happy on the pictures of last year
    All the best for you and you beautiful children!

  4. What a nice collection of Shadow shots. I really like the one of your niece's daughter.

  5. Thanks for dropping by my blog!!
    Happy holidays!

  6. Beautiful and fun shadows, what a lovely collection! Thank you for sharing and greetings from Seattle, Washington! Happy New Year!

  7. G'day and thank you for the acknowledgment and postup of the Marie Antoinette Award.

    Great photos of xmas, sounds lots of fun and good time you had with family.

    Many great, wonderful, peacefull and joyfull days for the comming of the new year 2009, for you and your family.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR MonikaRose :)

  8. All very nice. the girl on the beach is absolutely delightful.

  9. What a great variety of shadow shots. All wonderful! Third wedding with the same very sweet!

    Hope you are able to enjoy the quiet new year's eve that you're wishing for. Wishing you the very best for 2009! Happy New Year :)

  10. Great beach shot! Makes me long for time in the water.

    Happy New Year to you and your family! See you in 2009! - Alissa

  11. Lovely shadows this week....we really love the warm sandy picture of your niece's daughter!
    Enjoy your festivities for the New Year!!
    Karla & Karrie

  12. so wonderful that your family has so much fun together over the holidays!!

    great assortment of shadows - I love the little girl at the beach

  13. Hej o förlåt min bortvaro.

    Tvn är bara 32 tum LCD och HD ready men vi är sååå nöjda för vi hade en tjock tv innan.

    Tack söta du för Julkortet och säger som du att jag är så glad att jag träffade dig och hoppas ni flyttar till västkusten snart:)

    Ha en fin dag

  14. Wonderful pictures..wonderful family shots..just beautiful. Shadow shots are great..Have a wonderful New Year and wishing you and your family all the best..xoxoRosebud.

  15. All cool SSs. Love seeing all the family shots. I'm glad you had a good Christmas. Have a wonderful New Year!

  16. Wonderful shadow pictures. Glad you had a great Christmas

  17. Ni ser ut att ha haft en underbar helg med nära och kära, precis som julen skall vara!

    Jobbar Du mellandagarnaa+

    Ha en bra fortsättning och ett Gott Nytt År!

    Kramen från Annette

  18. What a wonderful assortment of shadows. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. Best wishes for a Happy New Year too.

  19. Hejsan min kära vän!

    Det ser ut som du har haft en skön jul och att du skall ha en underbar nyår.

    Om du tittar in till mej så kan du läsa min nyårshälsning till dej och alla andra mina bloggvänner.

    Ha en underbar nyårshelg.

    Kramar on mas från Irene

  20. Hi!
    Great Shadow Shots! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great New Year!


  21. Gorgeous shadows on sunny days! Lucky you! :)

  22. Hej igen!

    Tack för din fina kommentar i min fotoblogg.

    Jag är mycket glad att jag fått lära känna dej, du godhjärtade kvinna :))

    Om du vill läsa min nyårshälsning kan du gå in på min andra blogg

    Jag och min älskling önskar dej Chie och din familj, ett riktigt Gott Nytt År!

    Gokramar från Irene

  23. Lots of happy season shadows there. Hope you have a very happy New Year!

  24. what a beautiful and sunny day! Happy New Year.

  25. I like looking at your warm shadow shots.

  26. Hoho....
    Sprang in lite fort enbart för att önska dig en fin dag.
    Hoppas det är bra med er allihopa.
    Här är det sjukt. Maken har öroninflammation och jag influensa....
    Typiskt hehe....

    Önskar dig och familjen ett riktigt gott nytt år.
    Kramen från mig i nabolandet.
    Synne og maken.

  27. Vad roligt att ni haft en skön jul! Hoppas det nya året blir lika fint!

    Gott nytt år!



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